Finaly starting SPN season 7.....

Feb 09, 2012 03:55

Yay me!

At last I've gathered together enough enthusiasm to start watching SPN season 7 and I have to say that so far, I'm not hating it!

I'm up to episode 11 so I'm not quite caught up yet (but I will be by tomorrow night )

I'm liking this season a lot more than season 6, it seems to flow a lot better and there is a lot less stoppy starty jerky feel to the whole storyline.
I really do miss Cas though (but not as much as I thought I would *bad newty*)  and now Bobby's out of the picture too I'm not as enthused as I was about the next couple of epi's.
I know that everyone has been conjecturing like mad about the beer bottle emptying being GhostBobby's work, but I'm not so sure..... maybe because I've marathoned this season, but it seemed to me to tie in with Sam's spoonbending. I do like me some wierdness though so I hope we get some more little titbits of strangeness that we can puzzle over.
I also don't mind if we see a bit more of Garth and Frank, although the two of them plus gold plating don't add up to one Bobby, so I hope  they're not there to replace anyone. I also loved seeing Rufus and Crowly ( I miss Rufus ) although, if Crowly decided to shave I wouldn't grieve for that beard!
I'm most looking forward to episode 7x17 for very obvious reasons and I'm praying that my little Cas loving heart doesn't get all stomped on!

That is all....... :-D

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