Well. It's official that there will be no Dementors sent to monitor the school or the environs any time soon, so those who are looking forward to Hogsmeade weekend, the upcoming Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, and other activities this month need not worry about having to master a Patronus Charm in order to enjoy themselves and keeping them at a distance.
On the other hand, the fact that TEN Death Eaters escaped without incurring any sort of resistance from the above creatures really, really doesn't bode well, does it? So on that note, people who are going to Hogsmeade and all that should probably not do anything foolish. Like, oh, sneak around or be off anywhere they're not supposed to be. Just in case that the increasingly totalitarian nature of the Umbridge regime isn't hint enough that there might be repercussions.
Private to Ravenclaws sans Cho
Why does Cho seem to be miffed at me? I'm not exactly accustomed to having Cho miffed at me. IS she miffed at me or is there something else going on? I worry about her, but it's kind of hard to do anything about it, which makes it worse, if that makes any sense, which it probably doesn't.
Is Cho all right these days, as well as can be expected? We've not really talked much or that is to say when we did she seemed naffed off at me these days and she seems a bit upset. I was wondering if she's talked to anyone else? Is Potter being nice to her and all that? I mean, we all knew he had a crush on her for ages, so you'd think that he'd only be really grateful to have his feelings requited and treat her considerately.
This all sounds insane, I realise. But it had to be asked.