Oct 09, 2007 20:01
Hufflepuff Quidditch team has been allowed to reform. When I asked Professor Umbridge this morning she took down the names of everyone on the team and told me she needed to think about it, but I went again after class and she gave us permission. I think she must have checked our records with Filch or something for good behaviour? I'm relieved of course, but I'm waiting anxiously to hear about Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. A cup between two teams seems a bit pointless. We'd only need to play one match. And that's not to mention unfair. I mean, even if they had problems with some of the players on the teams, surely they should just be looking to ban those players, not the whole house from playing. I can't help thinking how outraged Cedric would have been by all this.
It's a shame really, I had a nice weekend with Hogsmeade and everything so I'd rather be writing about that but I can't really be bothered now. We made Chris have birthday drinks and I bought some stuff and it was all good fun, basically.