I Made It (remix)

Oct 26, 2010 16:51

はずかしい I didn't know to release this or not, but since I already announce on twitter that I would, here it is
This fanvid was created kind of differently. At first I wanted to create a fanvid with the remix song but when I experimented on using Uchi clips for it, it worked well. So I went and found the full length original song and used that for NEWS

Title: I Made It Diamond
Song: I Made It - Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil' Wayne & Jay Sean & Birdman. (I know, not the kind of song you expect, but it works... somehow)
Highlights: This fanvid is more about telling a story and 'I Made It' meaning how NEWS created there first concert together.
*2:18 for this part the lyrics relates to how Tegoshi seems to feel no embarrassment and just acts like a 'idol' and the part that goes 'they didn't wanna know me back then' refers to when he was the unknown kid from NEWS, now he's Tegoshi Yuya from ItteQ, NEWS, Tegomasu...
*2:46 I think the close-up on Pi fits because the lyrics 'I've known all my life' meaning how long he's been in this industry
*3:00 We all know how Ryo likes to have fun, so it's like he has a gutter mind XD
*3:02 lyrics 'lookin' like my mother' I showed Kei-chan because of a fan report saying how Koyamama and Koyama have the same voice, or speech, or something like that.
Sorry that I kept pointing to places where you should watch, I just wanted you to see what I saw when making this. I encourage you to watch first and then come back if you want to re-watch the points I talked about.

Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?vkgu31t7coq8lcd

Title: I Made It remix
Song: I Made It - DJ78 Remix
Highlights: Starring Uchi Hiroki, Kusano Hironori, and TAKA (formally Moriuchi Takahiro)

Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?dgy90anbhhabgg0

Most people can find where the Uchi and Kusano clips came from, but if anybody is interested in where TAKA's came from Go Here

news, fanvid

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