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lincalc May 26 2008, 14:00:41 UTC
Ahh Ain and her Akame love LOL. Truly a die-hard Akame fan ^^


newssuki May 26 2008, 14:03:14 UTC
EH??? I havent posted to any lj comm yet! You're VERY FAST lin-chan =) *feeling so shock* 0_0


lincalc May 26 2008, 14:08:48 UTC
Hahahah I refreshed my flist and saw your entry :D

Is this going to be an Akame-thon fic writing or something? Some of the prompts sound really nice. Too bad I don't write and I'm not into Akame that much LOL


newssuki May 26 2008, 14:18:15 UTC
hahahah yeah i KNOW whose fandom ure in! well more or less look like Akame-thon fic but these focus more on diary entry. As so to speak, the writing more like from a person side of view. Its like when you're writing a diary yourself, you'll describe the event of the day right.. something like that.. and you would use ur tone of speaking in the diary, telling about the other person what u feel..


lincalc May 26 2008, 14:27:37 UTC
Well, good luck with it then :DD

On a side note: Where's mineeeeeeeeeee? I know you've finished your exams :P

Eh are you back home or still at uni then?


newssuki May 26 2008, 14:34:06 UTC
thanks lin-chan *glomps*

uhhhh, yours? hahaha still rechecking the fic.. i know u'll probably haunting me once I finished my exams.. =P miahahhaa..

Home now..can't stay longer, pff.. it's all my cousin fault! coz its hard to write when im home.. =( everyone is spying me.. gosh! *sigh*


lincalc May 26 2008, 14:43:58 UTC
Hahahah luckily for you it's my turn for exams, so I can't stalk you 24/7 :P

Just lock your door :P Then no one can spy on you

I really can't wait for next week. The album's gonna be out!

Looks like I'm spamming your lj :P


newssuki May 26 2008, 14:51:15 UTC
oh all da best *hugs* stalk me? hahaha
u maybe wont but can i really believe that? =P
cant lock coz cant stay longer in my own room..
as usual my mom will shout at me to come out.. duh~ *sigh*
yup! cant wait too for my copy!! GREAT TIMING! =D
no one will response to this, so lets spamming for a while LoL


lincalc May 26 2008, 14:56:21 UTC
You never know what I can do :P *evil laughter*

Cop, so you're on holiday now? Bestnye. Can't wait for my exams to end as well. *sigh* Still so far away ^^;;

I hope they leak more tracks. Or the full version of Taboo. I really want to hear that one in full!


newssuki May 26 2008, 15:02:41 UTC
hahah.. *sensing dangerous aura from lin* LoL
Yup, hols now..bape lama exam? baru start this week ke? oh ko xblk tahun ni?
i love Taboo..i guess we need to wait for full version in our cd copy.. probably KAT-TUN wont leak at their radio like kei-chan did in his radio right? hahaha just not yet i guess.. wait till the cd is out. but WE R JUST NOT SO PATIENT NE? XDDDD too excited. =P


lincalc May 26 2008, 15:11:39 UTC
Hahah haven't actually started yet, but revising is torturous! I can only concentrate on insurance maths for so long before my mind starts wandering LOL

Exams will be from 10-18 June *sigh* Everyone else has already finished with theirs T_____T

Haha patience is definitely not my forte! I want it right now!! D:

Now if Eito were to release a decent single, it'll be a great summer!


newssuki May 26 2008, 15:25:44 UTC
oh unlucky you =P why everyone finish before u n u dont even start it yet? anyway, dun worry. stay focus! =D hahaha like i can wait either! i want it NOW! LOL ah speaking of eito, their recent single is Wahahah rite? new album?


lincalc May 26 2008, 15:32:41 UTC
My uni is cruel just like that. Payback for giving us so much free time during the semester? Or perhaps they know the students need the extra time to study for the exam LOL

Yeah, Wahaha was the latest one. No news at all about a new album. How depressing ^^;; I want a single/album! And DVD LOL coz I want to see TORN!


lincalc May 26 2008, 18:04:44 UTC
As long as I'm spamming your LJ, another preview from QoP is out!!! :DDD At JOR as usual :D


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