[Fic] The One Prophecy - Prologue

Feb 26, 2009 00:28

Title: The One Prophecy
Pairing: Akame, Ryoda
Additional Characters: Nakamaru Yuichi
Genre: Romance, Drama, Humor, Horror
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Ueda Tatsuya and Nakamaru Yuichi was college best friend. One day, Tatsuya followed Nakamaru on a holiday to France. Before going, Nakamaru persuaded Tatsuya to have a tarot reading at a carnival fair, asking if any chance they will meet the right guy happened to cross their fate.  Haunted by mysterious prophecy, Tatsuya regretted coming at first place… sometimes love can be a pain in the neck!

Author’s Note: I know this so random fic I wrote. Not going to promise you anything. Assume they’re gay, not interested in woman. Assume vampire exist and let’s enjoy reading blood sucking world.

Disclaimer: This fiction is made for hanny2luv  and allboutp for their birthday present.


A gentle breeze swept through the small tent, Tatsuya cracked his left eyebrow, rubbing his arms massively and gazing at the person in front of him mumbling certain indistinguishable words with her hand was circling on top of the crystal ball with eyes closed and his thought already made a warning to walk out from the creepy place at once. But he was hesitated and his body stiffened as if he was enchanted by wicked spell not to run away. After all his best friend who was eagerly pushed them to visit the Tarot Reading booth at the first place and after thousands of arguing, his feet already stepped inside the tent before he realized.

He was supposed to be making his mind open and responsive and spent a few moments following the old woman doing a spot of breathing and humming but he stopped as she screamed in sudden with her hand waving into the air and lowered her voice to humming once again. Tatsuya clenched his shirt, palming his chest to hear his rapid heartbeat. Perhaps he wasn’t expected that Tarot Reading could be this creepy and yet so weird to experience. The old woman made a deep cough, signalling Tatsuya to focus on the humming and he quickly did so. He cracked an eye to his right, wondering if Nakamaru felt the same way too. But his best friend was more like a person who secluded himself for religious reasons or acquiring magical power.

Tatsuya sent a worried glance to Nakamaru, then leaned close to the latter and whispered, “Love at first sight has been replaced by trick-taking French trump cards. Don’t you think she might read a lie to get some money to support her life? Let’s escape from this creepy place!”

Nakamaru cracked his eyes open as he realized his friend was making his way out and turned his glare up a notch while whispering a warning, “Don’t you dare! I want to hear the reading…  Just be quiet and stay still! It could finish in any minutes.”

But Tatsuya didn’t give a damn to Tarot Reading as he wasn’t believed to any of these enchanting words. He claimed that anybody could do any reading as long as they get to pay an amount of cash and they would satisfy their customer with a perfect lie.

“Ouch!” Tatsuya shrieked a soft moan as his friend pinched his right arm when he was about to stand up.

“Shhh! You’re going to blow your chance to know your fated lover if you leave now.” Nakamaru batted his eyelashes and directed a smug smile. Tatsuya cornered him a narrow glare.

“You will regret someday, I know!” he went on before sat up straight again to concentrate on the final stage of reading the tarot card that has been put on the table at both sides. One side was for Nakamaru and the other side was for him.

The old woman’s hum took on a stridently tone when she noticed he wasn’t concentrate at the moment.  He blew a deep sigh and got back to his seat. Sometimes he didn’t know why he always following this tall, short haired guy who kept creating a scene when everything was running smooth and peace. Tatsuya shot a terrifying look when she called to the Goddess and swaying slightly from side to side as her hands rose higher to the air and spelling some magical words. Soon after, she bummed her palms on the table and finished her words with her scary eyes staring at him. He stunned aback and blinked tremendously, feeling so confused either to stop humming or proceeding to another step before the reading began.

Nakamaru formed an eager grin and winked at Tatsuya. “I told you it isn’t that long. You just need to have patience and faith a little bit,” he firmly said but Tatsuya threw a cold look at him.

The wind blew softly inside the tent creating a calm atmosphere but the old woman remained unspoken. Both of them looked guilty at one another when she stared in silence.

“So, does this work to find The One which so-called our fated lover. I bet we pay you fairly for reading it to us.” Tatsuya spoke out his mind abruptly.

Nakamaru widened his eyes and nudged his friend’s leg for flapping such a big mouth to say. “Don’t get him wrong. He isn’t just that patient type of person. I’m sorry for his rotten behaviour,” he guiltily reasoned.

“I do not!” Tatsuya snapped, his expression was no longer demure. “I wasn’t- Okay. Can you read it to us, please? We need to go back early because our flight tomorrow will be in early morning. Do you mind?” persuaded the young guy who seemed restless on his seat.

“Please… We need this reading for our safety before we board the plane tomorrow!” Nakamaru pleaded, pouting his mouth innocently.

“Safety?” Tatsuya roared and looking unbelievable at his best friend. “Why are you so worried about? Let’s not hope for plane crashing, otherwise I’m not going!” he anxiously told while folding his arms upon his chest.

Nakamaru flashed his friend a warning stare. “What? I’m just kidding!” The red haired guy exclaimed. Something in the air between them thickened. Tatsuya immediately shut his mouth from saying too far.

“Some people,” the old woman suddenly spoke without taking her gaze off both young men, “believe them to be a guide to their fate. It depends on the person who wants to change the environment using some other ways they believe,” and starting to pick the cards and began the reading.

“I do!” Came a soft spontaneous response. Tatsuya stared at his friend of twenty-six years old. “I do but he does not!” His friend muttered loudly, but this time with confidence. He rolled his eyes in annoyance but didn’t mutter any words.

“Very well. Since you’re asking for fated lover and future happening, let’s focus on the reading, shall we?” The old woman grew a sheepish smile and arranged the cards into 5 picks, one was The Fool or so-called Joker and the other four were divided into four suits, the Spade, the Heart, the Diamond and the Club.

“Alright… Nakamaru Yuichi.” She called and laying the cards one by one on the table.

“Yes,” The short haired guy replied, waiting patiently for his reading.

“You have a bright future but up to one par, you’ll slope down a bit. Your career will start to raise up after experiment the tough path of your life. You’ll not find your loved one during the vacation-”

“I’m not?” Nakamaru cut her short and frowned. Tatsuya shook his head and chuckled when his friend seemed to gloom into a heart broken face.

“You will but after the vacation. Trust your intuition to help you find the best way to approach The One. The person may welcome your help, or they may just want to be left alone for awhile. Both of you are fated to be together, just… you need to be confident with your own feelings first!” She warned. Nakamaru just nodded and smiled happily after hearing it.

The old woman shifted her seat to her right and faced the other guy who was sitting quiet and listening from the beginning. “Do you really want to hear yours?” she asked to confirm again.

Tatsuya averted his eyes from the old woman and bit his lips nervously, rubbing his hand at the back of his neck while deciding whether to hear some goddamn prophecy he was about to hear and might believe it!

Thinking he should continue so that they could go home early, he faced her with a weak nod and replied, “Just read it.”

But this time, the old woman didn’t react like the way she did with his friend. She didn’t smile but also didn’t form a scary face. Her face was still and cold but yet so calm. Tatsuya wondered if he shouldn’t hear the reading and now his feeling was fifty-fifty.

“Don’t worry. It’s not bad as it sounds.” She firmly said. He furrowed, trying to understand what she meant.

A few seconds after, she craved a bright smile on her lips and began the reading. “The One will send shivers down to your spine with a dark cloak of intrigue wrapped around him. You’ll be captivated under his possession, making you fascinated and restless, folded into the air of mystery and adventure. Your blood thirst the desire he craved for you on the twisted paths, but The One won’t except anyone for his heart is yours.” She ended her reading and collected all the cards and put into the glass box. He was stilled.

“Ooohhh…” Nakamaru breathed. “That was ugh… deep! So deep!” He pointed out and turned to his left to meet his friend on the eye. His friend was seemed to shake by the reading. So he pinched hard to wake up the frozen body.

“Ouch! That’s hurt!” Tatsuya rubbed his arms and attacked his friend with a hard nudge on the arms.

“I thought you’re sent to Heaven and come back alive!” Nakamaru joked.

“That was it? How about my career? Or- or future life? You only talk about The One. Or perhaps you miss my other reading!” Tatsuya accused.

The old woman shook her head and said, “Yours seem more unexpected.”

Both of them looked at one another in confused. “What do you mean “unexpected”?” he shrugged.

“That person whom you about to bound with, he is not human. He has the power of the darkness.”

“You mean he’s an evil person?” Nakamaru interrupted as he tried to guess the perfect answer to the forecast reading.

“I’m not sure of his intention but be careful. You must not be blinded by his unholy attraction. His soul is in despair. A child of darkness will cross your path but you must not be tempted to save his soul. Oh, wait! Another thing, his life is depend on you but not yours. Whatever decision you made, think it wisely and just be careful.” The old woman warned him.

Well, that didn’t sound good. What on earth is child of darkness? Tatsuya wondered in his little confusing thoughts.

Nakamaru swallowed hard as the image of something of its existence wasn’t live in the real world but more in the creepy ghost novel. His saliva squeaked deep in his throat. He then turned to his best friend who was looking more confused and stiffened.

“Tat-chan. I think she was talking about V-A-M-P-I-R-E!” He pronounced the words one by one but never said it.

“What the- as far as I believe, that thing is never exist! Furthermore, I look forward into more real things than any fiction made. Don’t tell me, we’re going to be sucked on the neck and then there is a love at first sight? Ha! You must be joking!” He stormed, leaping up and left the tent by himself.

Nakamaru blinked at his friend leave and decided to follow. “I’m sorry. He just had a bad day.” He explained, humbly bowing towards the old woman before taking the leave.

She looked at the young men with a cold stare and pulled another card from the box. She gazed at the diamond shape of the Queen cards and reading it softly, “You will be in danger but not danger, protected but not protected, but The One shall hold you firmly for he had given his heart to you but you might not fated as his Queen.” And then, she kept the card back to its place and watching the strong wind blew to the dry surface.

Next : Chapter 1

fic: ryoda, fic: akame, the one prophecy

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