[Fic] Ain't Love Strange - Chapter 1b

Dec 05, 2008 04:06

Prologue | Chapter 1a | Chapter Ib


Johnny-san quickly cleaned up the dining table after his young master finished his lunch. As a loyal butler, he would always be there for Ryo even though the young man told him that he could do everything by himself. Actually, he was grateful by the young man’s kindness to let him stayed and worked in the family house for so many years.

Before coming to the Nishikido’s residence, his life was so miserable and always got fired from his works due to his old age. Therefore, he had always be a burden to someone else through his jobs. But then, Ryo found him nearby the children park, sitting alone with a sad mellow face. To his surprise, the young man intentionally approached him and asked if he would like to work with him.

He remembered the young man’s smile at that time when he was struggling to answer it at first and unexpectedly he agreed with the offer without a long thinking. Seeing such a pure honest smile as the Young Master put him at rest and calm. Somehow he felt reality had been cruel to him in the past but now a miracle from a stranger he barely knew gave him the light to move on. From that on, he swore to offer his best service to the Young Master until the day he died.

Ahh~ How many years have it been? Those days never been better compare to now I am.

The clock rang the bell which it showed that it was already half past twelve. Johnny-san made his move towards the hallway and passed by the reading room. A man with his usual t-shirt and trouser suited his fine figure suddenly entered the room from another direction. Johnny-san knew it was the Young Master favourite past time when he has nothing to do but reading. Leaving the young man alone, he walked towards the living room when he heard the phone rang.

Ryo aimlessly snatched a book from the bookshelf and found his usual best place to read. With his two legs crossed, he comfortably sat on the chair nearby the window while browsing the content of the book. Once in a while his eyes kept on glancing over the glass window to have a peace of mind. It seemed something has distracted him from focusing on reading the book.

It was unusual for him to concern about a trivial matter because of his cold ignorance personality. But his mind right now was occupied with the incident that took place few days ago. It was twice counted already that his mind kept wandering in circles. After a few minutes, he closed the book and put it aside.

He sighed.

His lungs suddenly became so hard to breath in and out. It was like a mountain of bricks falling upon him. He wondered why the strange wanting feelings won’t go away. By thinking of it, his anger rose up. The feelings won’t leave him alone though he held in and ignored it.

Why I feel like I want to meet that fellow again? We’re totally strangers and we don’t really care and… do I care?
Care about him? Nah, it’s impossible right? It’s...

“Baka~. It won’t work, stupid!” He scolded himself and laughing hard when the silly thoughts came up.

Biting his lips nervously, his eyes stared at the corner of the room. There was something happened to his heart and now it grew bigger and snatched his heart like mad. It made him so restlessly. When he thought about it for a while, it sounded more like doki doki.

Doki doki? Ehhh? Ddd-doki doki?

“That’s ridiculous! Why would it be ‘doki doki’? I have nothing to do with him. That’s really ridiculous right? Yup, ridiculous!” Ryo assured himself, gritting his teeth.

It was a terrible mistake he did for having a sex with a stranger. If calculating the worst of the case, the incident showed his lowest attitude when he found out it was a man with him that night. He wondered if anyone knew about it, but so far it was none. The paparazzi still blamed him for the level of alcohols taken and scheming on drugs but none of them were true.

It was a stressful night when he found he was dumped by someone he loved for so long. She was always supported him and took care of him and so because of that, he let go his nerves and with high hopes and confidences he decided to propose an engagement with her. Before he could ever say the words, he was rejected. After being through with her for a long time, he couldn’t understand why a such refined wealthy man like him always be left alone when he treated the person with care and love. But it still hasn’t enough for her. Calculated from the previous relationships, it was never will. If time counted, it’s only last for two years as long as he experienced and nothing would last forever.

Heartbreak was a scary thing to happen. The impact was such a great capacity to hold in. His damaged heart turned cold when anywhere he saw sweet couples enjoying their time together. It was not jealousy but more like hating the scene. Love always portrayed a wonderful feelings shared as one in the surface but deep in one’s heart, it could be a twist you would never know and won’t ever believe that the love was no longer there for you.

“Young Master, it’s a call from the president.” His expression switched to a serious look when Johnny-san came over and handed him the phone.

“I’m here, dad. What do you want?” The young master’s voice seemed rough when speaking but Johnny-san knew it always like that every time Nishikido-sama called to this house.

Standing aside at the corner, his ears heard pretty well of the dad-son conversation. Most of all the topics were about the office works, but then since the bad news of Young Master was reported in the media, Nishikido-sama pretty concerned about the publicity made.

“I’ll visit the office this evening. Don’t you worry about it. I’ll manage the agreement schedule somehow.” Ryo confidently assured his father.

He understood the office jobs have piled up due to his two days absent from work and he should not make the staffs worried. After a serious talk about the works, they continued to discuss about his bad public news about his image. Without arguing, he heard his father warning for not saying too much on the media to save the company’s image. All his pride worked out so much for the company’s image and he hated it so.

Freedom was never a dictionary in his life. Though he understood and aware of the responsibility he had upon his hands, but he hated it so much because all of the things his father cared were only the company’s reputation and good status. He knew he was the only heir to be throned but he hated the fact that his father only raised him into high quality living style but not for his little step brother. They already argued once in the past and the argue won’t stop until finally Ryo decided to raise his brother alone with the wealthy he had. That was the deepest secret they hid from others and only him, his father and his butler knew about it. People said a secret could kill someone’s reputation. Therefore, his father made sure this secret won’t travel far to the media and did his best to stay out from troubles.

The phone was hung in a few seconds and immediately the Young Master walked out from the room to get his clothes changed. Johnny-san didn’t say a word and followed the young man to the upstairs.

Busy scheduling his mind about the works, he suddenly noticed Johnny-san at the back and stopped at the middle. “Johhny-san, can you get me my brief case and the agreement on my desk? No need to prepare my clothes, I’ll get change myself,” he told the butler.

Without fail, the old man appointed to the request and walked towards the other room. Meanwhile, Ryo quickly dressed up his usual office suits though his mind was full of business agenda. Johnny-san knew it was a normal thing to see a workaholic person such Young Master whose life was devoted to family business since he was born.

"Here is your brief case and the documents you needed. Please take care, Young Master." Johnny-san bowed politely and bid farewell as the young man got into the car and drove with speed out of the residence.


“Tell me your name…” He whispered softly.

“Its..itss.. uhh… Kazuya, ahh!”

Damn! His every sexy moves. His hard breathing. His husky groans.

Kame swallowed his saliva dry when the memory of that night flashing suddenly. It was a surprise for him to find himself feeling miserable and being so uncomfortable though he decided not to respond of what had happened. What was past was past. Nothing to talk about because the other party didn’t claim anything regarding the situation.

But why am I so sickening? I am the victim here! Well, though it was never be mentioned on the news report, but..

“Arghhh… I’m so hopeless.” He plopped his body lazily on the bed after turning off the television. It was an embarrassment to remember such memories. Though the sex part was so damn good but putting that aside, Kame still felt uncomfortable of how the things started and ended.

He already watched the official news yesterday but he felt glad that the other party hadn’t remembered about the incident or mentioned about him. That would make the public suspicious and his life would be chased by the crazy paparazzi for his official statement. Who would have thought that the man was an outstanding person who wasn’t just rich heir but also a hot celebrity on the news. Kame thought probably people would go seeking information about the man because of his successful empire in business industry.

From the kitchen, Yuichi can hear the young man kept on mumbling at himself for some reasons for the past few days. He could feel a different aura coming from the young man whenever he watched him acting weird once he watching the television or surfing the internet by himself. At first, Yuichi didn’t dare to ask because it was something he shouldn’t worry about. Perhaps he thought Kame was just worried over his exam’s result because Kame was just had his semester breaks but he wasn’t sure anymore. Deep within, there was something bugged the young man so much and he knew it was the time to seek the truth.

"Hey, Kame. Do you want to talk about what's bugging you so much?"  Yuichi risked the question, but Kame didn't know if Yuichi was ready for the answer.

“Eh? Nothing.” Kame sat straight when the older man entered his room. For a reason, he decided to keep the secret by himself or else he had just to lie about it. No one should know the incident at the moment because he was tired of getting troubles unhanded.

“Come ‘on tell me. You always seek for me when you got problems before. I’m your best friend. What is more, your kind and handsome cousin?” Yuichi said it proudly. Kame laughed, unbelievable of what he just heard and threw a pillow to his bragging cousin. But Yuichi made a serious face and from the look of it, Kame just had to say something or his cousin wouldn’t let him go easily.

“No, it’s just I’m worried over my love life. No girls want to be my girlfriend. They thought I’m not cool enough to be their boyfriend, why is that? Am I that weak?” Kame sighed. Deep within, he was afraid if Yuichi would not believe the typical topic he just started. Since their teenage years, he would always complaint about the girls were not interested in him as a lover because he was so cute to be one. Also, people thought he was a weird person because he was always a lone ranger.

No matter what he did or said, the girls still had an expression of him for being a friend only. Due to his beautiful appearance plus quiet personality he had, no one dare to approach him honestly. Those days back in school, people would treat him nicely at the surface but talked bad behind his backs. That was why Yuichi always concerned and cared about him. Not only they were cousin, but Yuichi was always supported him no matter what others said. A true friend indeed.

"Kame, it kind of just happened. People talk. Don’t get yourself involved too deep. Or do you want me to set a match-making for you?"  Yuichi answered, leaning against the doorframe.  His expression was somehow sheepish and smug at the same time.

Ehh? match-making.. “Huh? Am I that desperate? I don’t care about it.” Kame pouted and folded his arms. Seeing the young man acted that way, Yuichi burst into a small laugh and shook his head.

“Well, your expression says so. Wait! Are you desperate?” Yuichi leaned against and looked Kame on the eye blinkingly.

Feeling embarrass by his cousin’s statement, he quickly pull over which made the other man fell on the floor. “Baka, I’m not! Ugh, go away, too close!”

Yuichi laughed when he got to tease his cousin by bringing the match-making topic. It’s because he had done it in the past and it ended in an unexpected way. The girl whom he tried to match with, didn’t come at the expected date because the girl who just broke with his boyfriend hooked up again for second time. He remembered Kame was so mad about it that he didn’t check the girl’s details thoroughly. Therefore, it leave an embarrassment to the young man’s pride for being rejected early without any love initiation just yet.

“Well, you ask for it silly cousin! Take this!”

“Ah Yuichi-nii nomore! Hahaha… no more!” The two of them acted like an idiot and rumbled on the floor until they were tired and laughing at each other.

But as for Kame, he was relieved that Yuichi-nii hadn’t seen through his lies. He would keep the secret only to himself. At the moment, there was something inside bugging him. His feelings of wanting to know about the man. For some reasons, he wanted to know what happened to the stranger he barely knew and just met for a few minutes.

He wished that person was alright because after feeling shocking that the man collapsed on the floor just like that. He prayed that the person would be okay. Sincerely he prayed that the man would be happy too. Furthermore, he didn't regret about the night because no one needed him with such a possesive force like the man did though it was not love to begin with. He felt so wrong it was a man whom he had sex with but now... his heart told otherwise.


fic: ryokame, ain't love strange, #multichapter

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