Kiritani Shuuji/ Shochikubai Miroku uhhh oneshot.. XD

Aug 27, 2008 16:04

Yes I am on hiatus still, but once a while I will post my unbetaed fic here out of the blue because I am an idiot who randomly wrote Shuuji/ Miroku character, and is craving to let this pairing experiencing in SMUT action~ CUTTT ! ! ! ! ! XDDD

Title: (suggest me title minna ^^)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kiritani Shuuji/ Shochikubai Miroku
Summary: No summary

Note: It is supposed to be Porn Without Plot (PWP) but I suck at smut! *tired from imagining* LOL

“Hmm.. Another quarrel again? How cute…” he chuckled, almost had a loud laugh after watching at the couple who kept on quarreling about silly matter on their way to school.

Shuuji grew a sheepish smile when he saw his friend tried to avoid the boyfriend from getting a warm hug. His friend was really lucky to have someone who was kind and pure. Shuuji admitted that they are a young couple full with temper but very loving towards each other. Though he always wished to love someone that way, it was only hopeless because no one would ever stand with his cold character.

Leaving the couple behind, he walked ahead but a not really rushing like he had other day. He used to walk the same path every day to school. Then he will come across an old temple which was used as a serenade place of prayers. He gazed around and narrowed his eyes at the temple’s entrance.

Everything seemed pretty usual. Seeing a man in his Japanese Yukata sweeping the leaves made him smiled even more. It was Miyake-san, the monk who lived his entire life inside the temple. Though sometimes this old man was really a mysterious person but he was kind and humble to visitors who went to the temple. Sometimes Shuuji felt there was a great aura energy surrounded Miyake-san due to his imagination that monks probably had some sort of mystic power or magic to heal people. Perhaps, it only happened inside the Chinese Kungfu movies that he used to watch at home.

"A pretty boy shouldn't be dreaming so much on early morning, should he?" A sudden voice was heard from the back of where he was standing. Shuuji glanced back to finally realized; there was a young boy who looked a bit older than him walking the same path as him. The older boy greeted him the morning call but he didn’t reply back the greeting. In his usual cold ignorant personality, Shuuji glared at the boy with sharp narrow eyes.

“What do you care anyway?” His brow twitched. He continued his walking which was faster than before, ignoring the other boy who suddenly tried to match the walking speed.

“Or else you’re going to be late to school, right?” Shuuji staggered to his left side with shock still read on his face.

It was not like they were friends and he didn’t even know his name, either. Judging from the school uniform, they were in the same school except they were not in the same grade. Else, he sure had known the other in very long time, or worst case-based, he could perhaps know only his name.

The older boy shot a naughty grin then cheerfully said, “Oh! Am I scaring you? Gomen, gomen…” Shuuji had no idea why the other boy seemed very interested into talking with him at this early morning and casually heaved an irritating sigh. Neither interested to reply nor starting the conversation, so he headed to the big road that led his way to the school. The other boy tailed behind him without asking further questions.

The situation became bizarre when there was a sharp intent eyes set on him in a close distance. Shuuji could felt the tense from the corner of his eye. Once a while, the older boy whistled and hummed few songs while glancing at him several times.

What’s wrong with this guy? Do I know him? I bet not! Argh, okay.. I am getting annoyed now…

“Could you stop that? It’s irritating,” Shuuji yelled, looking angrily at the other. But it was strange as the next thing to happen, a set of random questions popped from the older boy’s mouth that was totally out of the situation.

"Ne, tell me something. Will you ever sacrifice for someone you love though it's only one-sided love? Will you?”

What the heck?

“Do you dare to break your innocent heart to see your love one be happy with other person than you? Would you able to do it? If love only brings hurt, will you go through the pain though you feel like dying? Will you?"

Huh? Why would I do that? Just move on and cherish your life for god sake!! Don’t waste your time creeping like a dead person while you’re alive.

"In the end, if that person still won't notice your feelings, would you chase that person with all your heart all over again or would you just go away?"

Ehhhh??? Why all of his questions lead to grief. It’s not like if you’re not love by that person, it is the end of the world duh…

“Huhh.. What were you saying? Are you grieving on someone? Why would I need to answer your stupid love matter anyway? It’s none of my business and we’re strangers. Why would I… No, I don’t have time for this and---” Looking at his watch, there were 30 minutes left for him before the school started, “Oh shit man. I should keep going, damn it!”

The bell rang and the gate was closed. Shuuji managed to run to the school in time and quickly strolled to his class. He peeked around to see the other boy’s coming at the school hallway but no sight of his appearance. Probably the other was lost somewhere and getting late to school.

“Yo, Shuuji!” Each of his classmates greeted him like usual they did every day. Shuuji was one of the school popular guys because of his active in baseball team, cold appearance with pretty looking and always got highest in Math subject. Therefore, everyone would want to chat with him and he simply loved it because he was not alone though he had no best friend by his side.

Once all the students remained seated, Yamaguchi sensei stepped in and starting to teach the class but was interrupted when the headmaster called her out. There was someone standing behind the headmaster but Shuuji couldn’t see the person clearly as Yamaguchi sensei blocked the view.

Then, she walked into the class and introduced the new student who was transferred from an overseas school. As the boy stepped in front of the class, Shuuji widened his eyes as he saw the taller boy whom he met this morning introducing his name, “My name is Shochikubai Miroku. Please treat me as your classmate from now on,” and bowed politely. Yamaguchi sensei told the class Miroku was one year older than the rest of the class since he leapt one year when he was admitted to overseas school three years ago.

Ehhhh!!! Th-that guy…. he was the same class with me?? No way!

“Shuuji… If you fallen for Miroku-kun’s charming looking, then I’ll let him sit next to you. Or else, close your mouth and be seated,” said Yamaguchi teasingly. It was true that the taller boy had handsome face with sexy curved lips when he smiled but it did not mean he was falling for a guy. That would be absolutely weird and funny but the girls seemed scary when they totally cheered upon the thought since he was called for pretty faced boy.

“I-I’m not! Who said that I---” With pink blush on his cheeks, he quickly remained to his seat and looking away. His classmate made noisy sounds after seeing Shuuji in his unusual mode.

This is not happening. Why suddenly you act like an idiot, Shuuji!!

He smacked his head, looking so pissed off. And Miroku noticed the cute act just smirked by playin g with his tongue.

“Miroku-kun… You can sit on my place, I’ll move to the back seat,” exclaimed Takeru-kun who was sitting next to Shuuji. The class was wooing and cheering as Takeru stood up, allowing the new boy at his seat and headed at the back of the classroom. Shuuji couldn’t believe his friend purposely planned that to tease him again while his sensei only laughed at the hilarious moment.

“What the… Hey! Where do you think you’re going? Come back here!” Shuuji shouted at his friend but the class kept on laughing, cheering and teasing the new renowned couple in their class.

“Thank you, Takeru-kun. Nice to meet you, Shuuji-kun. Hope we can be friends too.” Miroku gave him a wink and smiled but Shuuji drew a cold act and turned his face back to the blackboard.

In your dreams.. damn it!!!

“Now minna, it’s study time!” cheered Yamaguchi sensei, smiling to the class.


+ . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . +

“I can tell you want me too

And every time I think of you

That luscious juice your lips produce

I can taste that sweet LOVEJUICE..”

Shuuji spaced out from reading his book once he heard Miroku was singing the same phrase more than tenth times. It was more like a perverted guy sang a perverted song. They were left alone in the library purposely by his friends who originally were there to work together on the study groups.

But a few minutes later, each of them made an excuse to go for toilet which Shuuji knew it was a prank on him once they never came back to the study group. He sighed at their plan to get him alone with Miroku because they knew he didn’t get along with him very well. Or correctly, he didn’t want to get along with the taller boy at all!

Once when the older boy was spacing into his own world, Shuuji pull a glimpse at the boy but returned to his reading when he was nearly caught looking by the other. The older boy smirked when he noticed the other had been staring and glancing at him for don’t know how many times but he knew the other seemed to care.

“Ne… Don’t you feel tired reading? I am bored. Can we do something else?” Miroku yawned at the table corner near the window but as usual the other would not respond to any of his saying.

So he decided to talk dirty to get the other’s attention. “You know… I love this quietness involved between us. With no one around, it makes me want to kiss you right there until you beg for more…”

Shuuji drew back his body and shot a serious glare. “Can’t you be quiet for a minute? I’m trying to focus here. If you’re bored, then play something on your own. I don’t like to be disturbed!” The young boy warned him straight to the eyes.

To Miroku, he found it amusing every time he caused the other angry for something he had done. Their relationship was hard as rock but this time Miroku took the chance to change the situation. Perhaps it was time to execute his real mission since the first time he met the pretty boy.

It was only a glimpse at the sight of happy smiling Shuuji near the hotel restaurant where the other was then turned into awfully shocked after getting played with his date that didn’t show up until very last minute. He accidentally heard the conversation Shuuji had on the phone that the girl actually played a bet to ask him out for a date. But the young boy remained calm and held back his breath not to cry. Miroku saw there was a hatred feeling mixed with half smile on the latter’s face who snapped his phone after saying ‘Thanks’ for the date invitation and left the hotel.

“Where are you going?” said the taller boy in panic voice as Shuuji finally stood up and collecting his books with him.

Shuuji snapped his head toward the other and narrowed his eyes, looking at the other boy who was busy checking on him. “Why should I tell you? It doesn’t concern you at all,” and made his way to the shelf. With the cold response he received, Miroku gritted his teeth and arched a brow.

“You know… It is not cute to be ignorant all the time. I can make you want me so bad, Shuuji!” but the shouting was never be heard as the young boy pretending that he didn’t listening.

The words “I can make you want me so bad” repetitively appeared on his head as he was busy arranging the books back to its placement on the shelf.

Arghh.. why can’t he leave me alone? Always irritates me for whatever he says or does. Arghh, damn it! I hate him for bothering me so much.. Wha-

“I can’t quit on you though you try to avoid me so bad, Shuuji” A husky voice whispered against his ear with a warm body wrapped around him from the back.

How could he…

Shock was written on his face and he stood unmoving like a dead body as he was mesmerized by the reaction. No one ever hugged him that way so daringly blown seductive whisper to make him shudder in an instant. He flinched as Miroku kept on blowing hot breath along his neckline in erotic trails.

“"Just let go, let the music take control babe

Move your body, nothing crazy

So take it slow, there’s so many things I want you to know

I ain't leaving you, cuz I'm yours tonight...

I know you want me, Shuuji..”

The image of the perverted guy who sang the perverted song making him finally snapped out from endless captivation and realized it was Miroku who embraced him shamelessly.

“You! What the hell are you doing?” The young boy yelled and struggled against him. But he was tired with the cold act displayed by the other and tightened his hold around the waist without letting the other escaped.

“The more you deny me, the more I want you. So be still and let me embrace you!” Miroku exclaimed but the other boy didn’t seem to agree with the proposed condition by struggling more.

Assuming the young boy wouldn’t stop struggling, he spun the latter’s face around to meet his side and nudged one leg between the other’s thighs.

“What? L-let me go, daammit!” Shuuji bit his lips at that, unknowingly the next action to be spotted was the older boy leaned closely with a pair of lips crushing his own to swollen in delicious force.


Shuuji’s eyes then were settled at the budge of his pants in delicate manner.

“Your thing seems to budge out. Be careful, people still can see you,” He said, finally letting go the rough kiss they shared while Shuuji panted heavily and trying to pull his breath back to normal.

But the image of perverted guy didn’t stop at the song because now it was practically experimented on his body. “Wh-what? Hey, where’re you touching dammit! Unn, ss-sstop ahhh!”

“My hands… the way I touch you, does it have the same radiance as I kiss you?” Hot husky breath tingling his skin as the other continued to spoke more.

Oh shit, his damn hands! Wait! Why would I feel like trembling every time he touches me? Oh no, I don’t feel…

“Do you feel mine~ Shuuji…” A soft whisper that was almost tickled his ears enough to make him arching back. The man’s finger trailed from cheek to his neck then attacking his shoulder line. The man tightened his grip around Shuuji’s waist. A smirk illustrated on his face when Shuuji made a soft whimper, more or less like moaning in pleasure. What a great tease…

Then the hand lowered to his waist and sneaked under Shuuji’s shirt. Shuuji whimpered as the hands teasingly roaming his chest and then landing at his nipples with playful twitched.

“Ah, d-don’t t-teas-tease me… Ahhh!”

When the young boy seemed lost at the teasing, Miroku instantly fastened the shirt and let half of the chest and back exposed. Another hand slipped onto his lower part, quickly fastened the pant and ducked into boxer. Miroku grabbed the shaft and stroke gently almost lightly touching.

“Uhnn…” To adding ultimate sensation, Miroku grinds his hips on his buttocks sexily and blew hot air to the young boy’s shoulders.

Shuuji felt his head was spinning dizzily as the pleasure kept on feeding into him. Miroku took the chance, biting his teeth on top of his shoulder and sucked hard. Shuuji moaned once again. To his joy, Miroku smiled in satisfaction because the other boy already fell into his Midas touch.

Then he grabbed his member and play around Shuuji’s buttock before sliding between the cheeks. Shuuji growled.

“I want you to sit on me…”

Both of them finally on the floor. Miroku stared Shuuji’s back and pull the young man on top of him. Shuuji widened his range and poking Miroku’s lube coated member to his hole. To his shock, Miroku push up and forcely sliding inside which caused Shuuji to hiss in pain. “Uhnn w-wait! Ah!”

“I can’t wait… ‘It’ can’t wait…” Shuuji shuddered at the older boy’s exclaim. His voice rather rough and husky which turned him on more as the other whispered some seductive words and nibbled his earlobes.

Push in. Pull out. The repetition of the action caused Shuuji to go with the rhythm. As the speed turned to slow down, Miroku caught and grabbed on his thigh, sending the young man up and down on top of his member vigorously. Both of them growled at the sensation. Shuuji glanced to the corner, seeing the boy behind him groaning in pleasure. Suddenly Miroku shot a narrow stare and licked his own lips seductively that made the young boy blushed at instant and faced to the front. Then a hand turning his face to the back, while the older boy drawing closer near to his ears.

“You like this, don’t you? I want to see your face when I’m hungrily eating you, Shuuji…” The young boy gulped. At the moment, he felt down there was throbbed fully to the hilt. He could feel the other’s filling him with such delicate force, rocking his cavern with slight push then speeding up again which sending vibration to his whole hot body. As for Miroku, he was already nearly to the edge when Shuuji’s wall clenching tight around his eager shaft which it erected in proud and tall on once being stroked inside for continuous moment. The shaft was getting swollen more and more as it hit continuously to the wall and Miroku found himself searching to eagerly push his member deep down until he heard Shuuji’s cries that beg incoherent words of “Deeper”, “Harder” and “Fuck me more” every seconds he fucked the young boy hard.

Shuuji tried to stroke his own member but was snapped by the man. Miroku kept on sliding him with a speedy rough rhythm, until both of them groaning for a release.

“Uhn… ahh… Mm-Mi-Miro--kkuu…” Shuuji moaned seductively, desperately begging for release.

“I want more of you. So much more until you’re bored with me…” With that one last sentence, Miroku thrusting his member deeper into the tightness causing the young one to scream loudly as he was hitting the spot that would send Shuuji to heaven. With more thrusts as they were already near the edge, Miroku grabbed the other and began stroking vigorously as they were enjoying to the peak of sex pleasure.

Later, they both shouted each other name as the tightening his muscles began to clutch with both of them spread thick seed of release and collapsed into each other embrace.

“Why?” he asked tiredly, resting his back on the other’s chest.

“Because I want you so much but you don’t let me… I love you, silly! …since the moment I saw you..” said the older boy, hugging him from the back.

“I.. Miroku.. you..” Shuuji sputtered at his words, totally lost what to say. His new found feeling and the older boy’s bold confession made him felt like heaven but he wasn’t too sure he was ready for it.

“I know what you’ve been through… and I’ll wait until you agree to come back to my arms heartily...”

“Who would want to be with you… you irritates me even more!”

“I don’t care as long I know you want me to…”

“Baka! It damn hurts! It was my first time you know!” He barked.

Grinning at the little one, Miroku patted on his bottom area. "Don't worry, you'll get use to it later." He teased.

Shuuji shot a death glare but Miroku was looking slightly unnoticeably at the glare. Perhaps he needed more patiences to tame the little one.


#oneshot, fic: akame

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