So today I went into Prince Albert for a supply run. P.A. trips are always on high alert because people are stupid. I mean, I got into no less than 4 situations in a parking lot where there was a car behind me and I couldn't back up, and people would gesture and nobody who was actually in a position to resolve the situation did anything for at least ten seconds. Stupidity out, man.
NOTE: Speaking of stupid things - apparently everyone with a Gmail account should make a change in their account because Google is being cheap about server space and your emails are vulnerable. Go to the bottom of your Settings page and select "Always use https" so that your account is secure from the 1337 hax0rz!
I've decided that I want to buy a few magnets from my favourite internet fandoms. I want to buy the "Down With Conformity" magnet from Savage Chickens, and the
Fail Whale magnet because he's SO cute and he's actually a successful whale thank you very much, despite his Twitter-nickname. Somebody needs to make a Flash animation of him singing, I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the sky! It would be breath-takingly awesome, I tell you. I wish Strongbad had magnets.
Um, in other news, I have the next two days off and I'm going to do my best to make the most of them since I'm here at the lake for the last time, maybe ever. This means ixnay on the neterinay except in the evenings. Today I got an email back from an Aussie friend I made at camp, and people are talking to me online and off today, so life is good.
Ooooh. I just found out that the actor who played Jimmy James on Newsradio (my favourite sitcom ever) is booked for a story arc on Pushing Daisies, my current favourite TV show. Sweeeeet.
I think I'll watch some of Firefly tonight after I finish reading Lady Friday.