It's my trademark move
To realize I should improve
And sometime soon after that
You'll see me come crawling back
So I'm going to make this as succinct as I can manage.
Today was a densely packed day, as per usual. Went for brunch with my Grandma, picked up a roll of film full of dragonflies and water boatmen. Dropped Gran off at home, did some wash. I had mail from Student Loans, who for once in my life were fast and didn't stiff me! There will be no scrounging in January this year for tuition, because they're paying it all. Thank you, working out of town, my expected contributions are lower this year! Good news indeed and it made me very pleased except I couldn't get it signed. *sigh* One wrench in the plan. I'll have to do that in mid-August when I come back.
Went for an appointment for allergy scratch testing. Discovered that, unsurprisingly, I am allergic to a whole lot of stuff. Discovered, surprisingly, that I do not appear to be severely allergic to peanuts but I do appear to be severely allergic to all the other nuts. Also, severe allergy to horses, that's news. And other things... I'll probably email myself with a more concise list tomorrow evening after work. So that was a good appointment, less in the dark about things. After that I went to the bank to deposit some change, then I went to my chiropractic appointment and then I went for coffee with Kori.
Then I came home and hung about for a bit feeling rather anticlimactic. And then we started playing with the camera my Grandma just bought and we were trying to figure out what to do with the panoramics, and folks, it came with panoramic software. This means that I can panoramic to my heart's content now. Just as an example, here's a photograph of Israel - the ruins of Herod's swimming pool at Caesarea. SO beautifully knit together by this new program. I cannot wait to feed it all my lake Panoramas! Also, there's a few other excellent ones but I'll save some for the Blogathon. So the family got a camera and I got a new lease on mine until I can afford to get a new one.
Anticlimactic mood? Shattered. You will be seeing a lot of photos from me now!