SWIMMING. Yeah. I'm supposed to write about that. *shakes cobwebs from head* I'm so tired!
Okay. Swimming. I was a certified lifeguard and teacher for awhile, so I had a lot of swimming. I love and am very good at front crawl, but breaststroke is so not my thing.
I used to sit at the top of the diving board and will myself to go off the first time, and after that it was always so much fun to dive. I had a swimsuit one time that would basically unzip at the front every time I dived, and to this day I still reach for it sometimes? It's bizarre. Yay, there's my word again.
I was a total fish. There were a couple of summers where I basically spent ALL my time at the pool. It was pretty fun actually. Lots of pool drama and Backstreet Boys.
Okay, so back to sponsor questions! In the order they came from the hat:
hipstamom: Forgiveness. Do you have it?
I believe I have it from God, and my relationship with God is a huge part of my life. Forgiveness from people I usually get, but there's the occasional one who witholds it from me, which is sad. And I am very careful to forgive others, because harboring bitterness is so deadly.
Places I never ever want to see again: The inside of a hospital, especially including an operating table. I can do without that.
Thanks for your sponsorship, I've got all your questions now =D
aurora_lamour: What childhood book or movie would you still read/see and why?
Charlotte's Web, for sure. It's just such a sweet movie. It pretty much taught me how to deal with death.
Why does Bilbo Baggins meet the criteria for an archetypal hero?
Wow. Um. Bilbo. He's such a loveable character. I think he really models an antihero, but if they say he's archetypal... The big one is courage. The little guy had the courage to go out of his comfort zone and be himself. He also defeats all the characters he's up against, even if he does it sometimes by the skin of his teeth. I guess there's a reason he's so interesting. I remember really loving the Hobbit when I first read it. My Mom even got me the boxed set. I am too tired to be too philosophical on this one.
Country Villa or New Club:
That totally depends on whether I am alone and with people and with whom, but I would hedge my bets with the villa. Especially if it's vaguely Italian. ...
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