James sent this to me via email. So I'll fill it out, post it here, and send it back to him too. I'm procrastinating this essay nastiness and trying to forget a couple of MSN convos.
First job: Depends on whether you count web design - because then it would be Georgio's web designer at Bedford Road. Otherwise, camp counselor at a Robotics camp.
First screen name: tmtmusic for email, supergloofy for most everything else, now it's entirely or newsong for everything. I prefer newsong.
First kiss: Not yet. It pains me that without some sort of crazy intervention I'll be turning 21 before it. And the way my life is going, I'll die before it. :p
First self purchased CD: I don't know, but I remember all the tracks on my first burned CD. If you're curious, ask. (POD, Lifehouse, TFK, etc.)
First funeral: Some old guy from church. I had a morbid fascination with the dead body and stared at it for some time. Most recent funeral was of someone I had known well and I had a real experience of the hurt for the first time.
First piercing/tattoo: Ears. If I get a tattoo, it will be a small black dot, and it will be an artistic statement of my individuality. I have a whole philosophy behind this if anyone's interested.
First credit card: Mastercard. Shortly thereafter, Visa. As soon as possible? None, or a full one.
First love: Wow, no idea. Wait... Berkley Staite. Oooh, memories.
First big trip: Montana and N/S Dakotas at around 6. First big trip by myself was to Toronto in first year University.
First concert: I have no idea. I've been to so many. Possibly The Kingsmen Quartet?
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Keith Green. Zillions of others, our house was always filled with music and still is. I wonder where I got it from :)
Last big car ride: Edmonton with my girlfriends
Last kiss: My dog? *sigh*
Last library book checked out: Normal library or University? First three books of the Shannara series that I've never read yet, and according to the official receipt from the University Library, Mattise's Notes of a Painter which I am currently using.
Last movie seen: Hitch. I haven't seen a movie in theatres for months :(
Last beverage drank: Water. But I had tea a little earlier.
Last food consumed: Lime Tostitos. Oh man, great snack food.
Last phone call: Some guy trying to get ahold of Campus Crusade. I don't have their info, sorry. Plus I don't know how he got my cell number.
Last CD played: Full CD? Um... I'm going to go with Bond - Born. I've just been listening to dance music.
Last annoyance: Finding out my paper is due tomorrow. Booooo.
Last soda drank: Hmmmm. Probably 7up? Weird, I almost never drink 7up.
Last ice cream eaten: Vanilla.
Last time scolded: I don't know, about an hour ago? Joy of living at home :)
Last shirt worn: My red blouse to dancing last night
Last website visited: www.matisse-picasso.com I wonder why! Could be my essay.
I am... feeling a lot more emo lately than I should like.
I want... enough money that I'm not always struggling to keep up my lifestyle (cell phone bill, concert tickets, dances)
I have... a cause worth dying for.
I wish... I could be content with the great life I have now instead of always wanting something more conventional.
I hate... people who always take stuff personally instead of trying to help fix a problem.
I fear... losing friendships for my honesty, never getting my room clean, and not having enough money to eat all month
I hear... My family talking, myself typing, the buzz of my laptop and the occasional crunching of the household mouse infestation. Stupid fall with no screen door. I really have to get all my stuff off the floor but I have no time! Which makes me want to quote LOTR. "Three hundred lives of men have I walked this earth and now, I have no time!"
I search... for a man who will prove to me once and for all that I am worth something for who I am.
I wonder... if I will ever find him.
I regret... almost nothing. Regret is a useless thing. Besides, I am confident that all the decisions I have ever made in my right mind (without anger or intent to hurt) were made well. And there's no point in regretting the others, only fixing the things that made them happen is helpful.
I love... poetic words, artistic thought, men's voices, the wagging tail of my dog, the peacefulness of the riverbank in fall, conversations with friends that end in saying something beautiful to someone just because they're your friend, dancing.
I always... feel disappointed instead of angry now. It was never that way before. Everyone seems to disappoint me, and sometimes they disappoint me by how they treat their relationships with others.
I am not... a guy. Really! I really appreciate when guys treat me like a woman. It's one of few ways you can get my respect. And one of the reasons that I now no longer have very many male friends and many more male acquaintances.
I dance... because it's the only thing in my life that makes me feel sexy. Therefore, as often as possible.
I sing... for myself. I love performing with it too, but I sing because I love the precision of it. And I sing to worship, too.
I cry... when I'm overtired, when people disappoint me with something big, when someone makes me lapse into the belief that I'm worthless, when someone sees that I'm hurting even when I hide it, when someone is so insensitive they leave me speechless.
I write... every single day, and if I miss a day I feel the lack of it. And I write well, and I know it. I'm much more talented at expressing myself with a keyboard and a blog than in a conversation. I'm the kind of person love letters were made for, but I've never yet had a chance to send one.
I win.... at life. Just kidding. Actually, I win a lot of random draws, I'm naturally lucky for things like that. I've won probably $750 or more worth of stuff between lottery tickets and prize packages in my life. That's just a rough estimate. I've won a small stereo, a bunch of art supplies, a finger puppet from the U of S bookstore, a toybox that I use for storage now... Lots more stuff.
I lose... bank cards. A lot. Like, way, way, way too often. It's horrible and makes me remember my reliance on electronically based things.
I confuse... everyone. I've had a lot of people say I'm on a different wavelength. I wonder sometimes if they're right.
I get confused by... hypocritical people who just don't get it.
I need... intelligent people around me.
DO YOU...?
Keep a diary: Yes. Have for years and I don't think I'll ever stop.
Like to cook: Yes, but never have the oppotunity. I wish I could cook for people more at their houses, it's an adventure to use other people's equipment and try things.
Have a secret you haven't shared with anyone else: You know, I'm not sure. I have specific secrets I keep from certain people. But secrets that other people have asked me to keep or that are implied as secrets are the ones I've never shared. I pride myself in being trustworthy like that.
Have a girl/boyfriend: No, but there's currently a number of candidates for the position.
Want to get married: Yes. But only to the right person at the right time, I've seen what happens otherwise.
Get motion sickness: Only when I've been on about four major fair rides in a row or am hormonal.
Think you're a health freak: I'm definitely a worse health freak than I was a year ago. I get ticked at people for eating junk food every day now, and I'm losing weight :)
Get along with your parents: Most of the time lately. Often friction is present though.
Like thunderstorms: I've always wanted to go storm chasing. But being lost in the brush by the river out of town in a thunderstorm and just as I made it to a road having lightning strike like 100 feet away, literally being nearly blinded by it for a minute, seeing the fact that it comes up from the ground and meets in the air and having ringing in my ears? Absolutely beautiful, horrible, amazing experience that will never be forgotten. It was breathtaking, literally.
Number: I think it's currently 4 and used to be 7.
Colours: Orange, purple, bright!
Day: any day I get to sleep in
Month: September, because I meet so many people, Fall begins, and I get my routine back.
Song: Probably "Hanging By A Moment" by Lifehouse: Desperate for changing, starving for truth
Right now? As of this moment it's All American Rejects - Move Along, and Linkin Park - WTH>You. There's many more this week. I'm in a hard driving mood though. Don't Wait by Dashboard Confessional is also on the charts.
Season: Fall I think. But I love all of them.
Drink: Currently, Fresca. Also, Welch's grape juice, 5 Alive tropical, and Crystal Light Lime.
Alcoholic Drink: Rum related ones, Orange Breezers topping the charts. Or a Showgirl from Moxies.
Cuddle or make out: Either one, they'd both be a new experience for me.
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate: Neither, chocolate is disgusting. Hot honey milk, though.
Milk, dark or white chocolate: White chocolate is okay, but not in large quantities.
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla, but not cheap stuff.
Cried? Nope.
Helped someone? Yes
Bought something? Yes
Gone to the movies? No, and I wish!
Gone out to eat? Yes
Said 'i love you'? To my girlfriends as a parting wish, sure. To my dog? Yes. To a guy? Yes, but not so he could hear. Not that it matters anyway.
Written a love letter: Not in the last 24 hours no. I often write them and don't send them though.
Talked to an ex? Not in 24 hours.
Missed an ex? No.
Exercised? Yes.
Had a serious talk? Yes. Two actually. Ugh.
Missed someone? Yes
Hugged someone? My doggie!
Fought with your parents? Not badly.
Fought with a friend? No actually, which is nice.
1. Eat a bug? Yes, actually I think I already have had a white chocolate covered ant once. And no, nobody paid me.
2. Bungee jump? Totally, but not at this weight.
3. Kill someone? Probably in self defense or righteous rage.
4. Kiss someone of the same sex? No.
5. Have sex with someone of the same sex? No way!
6. Parachute from a plane? Totally yes.
7. Walk on hot coals? If someone taught me how to do it properly.
8. Go out with someone for their looks? Not just for their looks. I'm picky about personality and intellect and for good reason.
9. Be a vegetarian? Sure, I don't think I'd miss meat too terribly. I already don't eat meat that often anymore.
10. Wear plaid with stripes? Sure for the right occasion.
11. IM a stranger? I have before.
12. Sing Karaoke? Sure, but I have a good voice. I have before, too.
13. Get drunk off your Ass? Nope, I have more fun on sleep deprivation and there's less hangover.
14. Shoplift? No. Not even if I was poor.
15. Run a red light? I'm the kind of person who abides by smart rules like these. It's stupid rules I don't follow.
16. Star in a porn video? No. But I had to think about my answer, and sources probably would tell me that makes me a bad person.
17. Dye your hair blue? For money? Maybe. Depends how many social events I had planned that required me to look more human and less smurf.
18. Be on Survivor? Not shallow enough.
19. Wear makeup in public? Not as often as perhaps I should, being female. Not since... Wow... a month or more ago.
20. Cheat on a test? Not really, nope. At least, not intentionally.
21. Make someone cry? It's definitely happened before. And will likely happen again.
22. Date someone more than 10 years older than you? Yes. Absolutely. It's maturity that counts, not numbers. Of course, if this had been 10 years younger, NO. I'm not a perv. Or an idiot for that matter - I mean, imagine dating an 11 year old boy? Geez.
23. Stay up all night? I have done it, but don't prefer it... Usually only do that for essays. Staying up for the majority of the night, on a regular basis. For many reasons.