Sep 22, 2014 17:18
(There has been mondo stuff going on, mostly very bad, with a hopeful note tacked onto the ongoing situation. Saving that for later. Way too much to go into now.)
I just wanted to note that it has been nine years today, since the world lost the woman best known as Kielle. (Her LJ is still up in memoriam.) Way back in the early/mid 90s, it was her website, CFAN, Comic Fanfiction Authors Network, that really sparked my interest in writing. I wonder how many other people can point to her as being an integral part of their creative journey? I took the opportunity to thank her before her sudden illness and untimely death, and she was nothing but kind and classy. I can only imagine the depth of loss felt by those who knew her better.
Kielle is the one who got me writing, and another lady is who I credit years later for keeping me from stopping ("the Ks", I call them in my mind); she also sadly passed years ago. The tribute I owe Kielle is far longer and more eloquent than what I write now, but I wanted to mark the anniversary of the Lady Scribe with a nod of affection, gratitude, and respect.
Cheers and sweet rest, Kelly, wherever you may be.