osashiburi desu ^^

Apr 06, 2009 22:37

 ogenki desuka? i'm hiatus almost 2 week already ne.. gomenasai ahahaks..
to many things i want to share with u all ...
1st all...on 30 March i already graduate from my university ... right now i know how KEICHAN n YAMAP felt when at graduation day...
thank u for all my friends for giving 100% support.. to my mum and my siblings who understand and support all the time...
and thank my f-list too for sharing our love towards our idol together ^^..
and last but not least... i really want thanks to NEWS for giving me a beautiful and precious time. i really appreciate it NEWS..thank you so much..

second i take all my magazine last week and take my calendar too!! NEWS's calendar PINK colour !!! uwahhh NEWS one really simple but i like it coz all member really kakoii and HOTTTTTTTT!..KAT-TUN's really kawaii.. look like jewelery box.. i like most when written "WITH U" n "omae to isshou" at the box...really kawaii.. KANJANI 8 one really sugoiiiiiii..especially at the onsen part ahahaks they all look happy and energetic ^^.. so happy that day..

KOI NO ABO will out 29 april... i can't wait uwahhhhhhh...this is my 1st time i bought for 2 LE and RE.. usually i just bought LE only.. but this time i bought RE too coz i saw got SHARE there ahahaks..i saw preview pv yesterday.... kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SHIGE really HOTTT.... ahaks gomen JADE ^^..but at that pv all of the member really kakkoii ne..they already became adult or can i said it as BAD BOYS ahahaks..but i really like it and love so much this pv look like saturday night fever for me.. it's little bit funny when head part ahahaks.. the most impact to me is when shige pull that girl hand kyaaaaaaaaaaa... that time uwahhhhhh shige shige u really bad boys ahahks... btw... my blood are O same like keichan, massu and ryochan.. seriusly i said my character really similar with this 3 guys.. i'm yasashi with my friends ^^, i little bit stubborn and i'm always having bad temper when someone surrounding me like KY person ahahks

i just watching CTKT 102 once again AKAME love love... i love when kame said.." ne, lets holding hands" jin look suprised "HA!!" both of them really kawaii na ahahaks.. i love koki's new hairstyle look cool and more handsome ^^.. when JUNNO, KAME and NAKAMARU play mario with Becky  chooo kawaii when kame n maru doing monomane mario when he fall ahahks.. i love becky too coz she love animal too much ahahaks..

last saturday i meet JADE, AYU , JYUFA and DYANA.. first i meet JADE 1st at starbucks for giving her calendar and we talk 1 hour ... we waiting for others..unfortunely JADE must go back early..its ok shige after u finish ur exam i will bring u all place ok i promise u!! then i wait for AYU and JYUFA and starbucks then when they reach, we lunch together and chatting but suddenly i meet 2 of my friends.. one friend of matriculation college then after that i meet my friend who studied same with me at high school ahahks what a small world..after we finish our lunch.. we play BOWLING this part really hilarious ahahaks we put our idol name as our name ahahks
at 1st game me=koyama, ayu=shige and jyufa=tesshi..2nd game we change the name.. but i still as keichan ^^ Ayu= ryo and jyufa= tsubasa (tackey&tsubasa) not captain tsubasa ahahaks.. Ayu got the picture of the score she will update at her lj later ahahks..


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