we want that kibou.. then Let's Yell for it!!!

Jun 21, 2011 22:18

ahhhh how long i'm not in LJ and twitter... around three months? yabai na~

lot's things happen right? yeah, i know.. it's kind depressed rumor actually but let's think positive.. that damn newspaper just want make our life full of hatred only.. they make that story just want too catch our eyes... but don't worry.. please believe on NEWS leader ok! he will never betray his members and his fans. Be strong, all NEWS fans!!

Yeah! for SHIGE
  at first his variety show, then come butai show, then got offer in drama... then he got regular radio again [SORASHIGE BOOK]... so happy for him!!

last 2 weeks, i dream about i been prank by NEWS!!! ahhaks they have their own tv show called [NEWS dokkiri]. they prank me alot. i know its just a dream.. but i don't know why i felt is like real for me... hehehe
its show how desperate i'm right... want NEWS so much

at previous daelite post, i make decision to send all comments...

of course, first i sent to Kchan NEWS, i send last week when i heard for the first time about the rumor..

お願い、お願い、お願い NEWSに守って下さい~たなむ。。
この気持ちが思って、私だけじゃないよ。。いっぱいほかの 大ファンたちがそう思っていますよ。。だからお願い、お願い、お願いします。。。


rough translation:

about the rumor, is it true?
i don't want if NEWS are finish. please! please! please! please protect NEWS!
until now i don't get my dream yet, my dreams are meet 6 of you,NEWS!
i want meet you guys when you guys at the same place.. looking at me smiling to me.. i still don't get that dream yet..
that's why please help me, make my dreams come true.
this hope from malaysia i sent it to you..
this hope, is just not me. this hope have been hold all NEWS bigfan outside there.. that's why please please please..
we missing you, we missing you..

from shazana

if you want sent email to kchan--> news@joqr.net

i also send to SMAPXSMAP
hehehe i want have collaboration SMAPXNEWS. its must be awesome right? 
before this i watch SMAPXKATTUN, so i really want NEWS have that experience too

plus... shige got new radio right? right now you can sent email to him to this email ---> ssb@fmyokohama.co.jp

last night i sent it to him...


がありますよ。。雑誌で^__^ もし時間あれば行ってね、、ここにいっぱい面白い場所ありますよ。。まあ、今たぶんメチャメチャ忙しいと思うよね ^-^。。仕事頑張って下さいね~
と、ドラ マの方もすごくお楽しみ待ってますからね。。





rough translation:

shige, congratz for new radio!!

i'm shazana from Malaysia!
i'm really happy. at last, shige have another radio. so happy. i really want to know about shige more.
what movie you like to watch? want song that u like?
shige, you said you want to go Malaysia right? you want go for fishing right? once, i read about it on magazine ^_^ if you time, please come. here, got many interesting place to go for fishing..
maybe right now.. you busy right~ do your best on working!!

i'm really sorry, i can't go to shige's butai. sorry ><
i want to go but i can't make it~
but i really waiting for your new drama~

shige, please do your best!! i will support you.. from my heart!!
from variety show, radio, drama and butai!
yatta ne! so happy!

i have one request. i want 6 members NEWS have work together..
if 6 members together, we really so happy about it.
we really want to see 6 of you.. we miss NEWS

i'll support NEWS forever, shige and also all the members..

from shazana

btw... shige's hanawake homepage already update!!! you can give some message to him at that homepage!!!

the homepage ---> www.tbs.co.jp/hanawake/
to the message column ---> www.tbs.co.jp/hanawake/bbs/write.html

タイトル: ( your tittle)

メッセージ:(your message)

WEB ネーム: (your Web Name/ nickname)

性 別 : please choose 男性 (for guy)  女性 (for women)

年 齢: (your age)

for Malaysian fans, before this i have post something project on msian_newsfans , please read it!! thanks to sailorocean about awesome ideas.. Let's make this happen!!!


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