RT @
tweetytglove :【拡散希望】今NEWS嬢で回ってる大切な話。9月l5日のNEWS結成日に合わせて、「星をめざして」着うた・CDランキング共に一位目指す企画。着うたわレコ直で9月lO日~9月2O日までに、ダウンロードする!CDわ9月l3日~9月l6日までに……新品購入してほしいです。奇跡おこせ!
This is project from the Japanese NEWS fans for NEWS' Anniversary on September 15. It says we're encouraged to download the ringing tone of Hoshi Wo Mezashite from September 10-20, and then CD from September 13-16 and that we should buy NEW CDs and we'll make them number 1.
So since we're all from overseas our only option will be buying the CDs, so from September 13-16 we will all order Hoshi wo Mezashite regular edition online (japan edition only) so it will be all counted on Oricon charts.
We encouraged everyone to participate and buy new copies of Hoshi Wo Mezashite and lets all make them number 1 on the Singles Charts for their Anniversary!
We will post the links on @news_je so we will order together.