so i been thinkin lately that maybe after i finish up school i'll go to japan and learn japanese for a semester but i don't know how thats going to go cause right now i'm not even in school. i took a semester off during the summer to go to korea and vietnam and it was great. but right now i'm taking another one off cause i still havent really figured out what i wanna do about school. but now i thinki i finally know what i wanna do so i hope everything goes well in january for me and right now i'm going to work my butt off so i can save up and go to japan!!! SCHOOL AND JAPAN HERE I COME!!!!!!
on another note i'm so addicted to HAPPY BIRTHDAY right now, i have this song on replay over and over again lol man i love these boys =) they always make me happy no matter what... and yeah i know the pv isnt that great and kinda very simple and lame but i still love it, it's kawaii and lame in it's own cute way lol NEWS IS LOVE!!!!
OCTOBER 1st 2008
can't wait for the single to come out!