fic for changetje

Aug 27, 2010 23:36

Gift fic for: changetje
From: vinyaromeniel

Title: The Gentlest Temptation
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: ShigePi
Summary: Shige works at an okonomiyaki place. One of the regulars is the best friend of the boss. And while Shige has a not so secret crush on this regular ever since the beginning, nothing ever happened. That is, until his boss decides to play cupid. But is clumsy Shige even able to use the chance given to him?
Notes: thanks to J for beta-ing. changetje, I dearly hope you like it.

It’s a very tiny okonomiyaki place just two minutes away from Shibuya station in a small side street.

It looks run down from the outside but it’s very comfortable and homely when sitting inside.
Sometimes Shige wonders why he even bothers working here. Even after one year does he tend to drop glasses, finished okonomiyaki or burn his hands on the hot teppan when getting up from cleaning off the mess he’d earlier made.

The owner- a tiny guy not much older than him-constantly yells at him for messing around with the expensive ingredients and a lot of customers come regularly just to see him fail.
All in all, Shige really does wonder why he still works here. But then he comes home to find all the bills he has to pay and the next evening complains about the student fees, the phone bill and don’t forget the rent, he still has to pay. Massu, the chief, gives him a sad look and offers him the house specialty and Nishikido, the owner, doesn’t object. And later, before Shige goes home, Nishikido even asks him if he can pay his bills okay or if he needs help.

And that’s when Shige remembers again why he still works here.

And, not to forget, because of the Tuesday nights.

When the clock hits seven, the door will open and Nishikido’s face will turn into a huge smile:

“Hey Pi, long time no see.”

And the guy called Pi, all dressed up neatly in his suit, will laugh and answer:

“I came here just last week and we even met on Saturday night.”

And they will launch into a conversation Shige doesn’t even listen to anymore because he’s busy calming down his nerves.

It never works out- much to Nishikido’s dismay but the customers’ joy. He will congratulate himself on serving the glass of water without spilling it all over Yamashita’s- Pi’s real name- expensive looking suit and Nishikido will always have a snide remark when Shige even manages to not trip on his way to serve the okonimyak that Yamashita will always order- Osaka style with shrimps and crab.

“Sometimes I wonder why I even let him work here. He costs me more money than his show brings in. But then again he does my accounting..” Nishikido will shrug.

And then Yamashita will smile at Shige around his food. And once he will have swallowed, will say:

“It’s good, as always.” As if Shige had been the one cooking it.

Shige will blush anyway and trip over nothing, sending Nishikido and the other customers into hysterical laughter.

It has always been like this. Ever since the first Tuesday. Sometimes, though, Yamashita would not come. And when seven passes by without the door bell chiming, Nishikido would shrug and tell him “He’s on a business trip until tomorrow.” before going back to whatever he had been doing, as if he had never spoken up.

Shige knows that Nishikido is more than aware about the crush he had for his friend. But then again it is very obvious even to an untrained eye.

Still, Shige remembers the only time they had talked about this. It had been more than half a year ago when Nishikido had suddenly told him:

“Pi is very oblivious to the world. You have to tell him straight into his face or else he won’t get it. I’m saying this only now and I won’t be repeating myself. That’s the only advice I will be giving you. If you can’t do the rest on your own, it’s your own problem.”

Shige had not been able to reply.

Shige still vividly remembers the first Tuesday. It had only been his second day and he had still been nervous and even clumsier than nowadays.

Shige was still a bit scared of Nishikido, not being able to read the older man at all, having only met him once during the short interview they had had the week prior to his first day.

Nishikido had shown him around, had told him what to do and on the first Sunday night, had let him practice serving water and the dishes and cleaning up. But even then, without customers watching him, had he been able to drop glass after glass. Nishikido had rolled his eyes but drilled him on.

And now on the second day Shige was very wary already because Nishikido tended to remark every little mistake he’d made.

And Shige almost already gave up, throwing his apron with a frustrated “Why did you even hire me when all I do are mistakes?”

But then… then the doorbell chimed and Yamashita Tomohisa entered the little shop with a tired but genuine smile on his lips and a cheery “Good evening everyone!”

Shige had looked up, thinking it was just another normal customer but his still shy “Irashaimase” got stuck in his throat when their eyes met and Shige fell hard and deep.

He had never been one to believe in love at first sight but he immediately felt deeply attracted towards that man. From Yamashita’s reaction, a smirk, Shige guessed Yamashita was sort of used to this kind of reaction when seeing him for the first time. “You must be Kato-kun, right? Ryo-chan told me you only just started working here.” Yamashita asked and Shige had to concentrate very hard to not get distracted by the way Yamashita slowly loosened his tie.

“Ryo-chan can be very scary, ne? But you don’t have to worry, he’s actually very nice.” Yamashita grinned and looked over to where Nishikido glared at him.

“Shut up, Pi. Kato, don’t stand around, he’s a customer go serve him water!” Nishikido barked and Shige almost stumbled over thin air while hurrying to fulfil the order.

He was actually very proud of himself when he managed to serve the water without spilling it.

Nishikido and Yamashita had already started a heated conversation about whether it was a wise decision or not to let Jin- a friend of them- plan a trip they wanted to take in a couple of weeks. While Nishikido kept calling Jin an idiot, Yamapi just laughed and tried reassuring Nishikido that Jin had had successfully planned earlier trips. To which Nishikido just snarled “And you know where that let us… to the middle of nowhere because this idiot forgot to bring the address with him.”

Shige was so fascinated by their little banter that he completely forgot about the other customers until Nishikido suddenly looked at him.

“Oi, Kato. You don’t get paid to dream!”

And with that Shige snapped back into reality and hurried to get the drinks but on his way he stumbled and almost fell face first into the water machine, quite to the amusement of the other customers.

Shige caught Yamapi’s eyes by accident and while the student got beat red, the business man just gave him a sympathetic smile.

Shige thinks that this might have been the moment he fell in love.

“Tomorrow’s closed.” Nishikido tells Shige one evening when they clean up the restaurant.

Shige blinks at him. Nods. He knew that before.

“Erm. Yeah.” Shige still answers because Nishikido gives him a look as if he’s expecting a reply.

“Good. We will go out for dinner.”

Shige immediately calculates his balance. Nishikido rolls his eyes.

“Pi will be paying. Don’t worry.”

Shige’s eyes widen in shock.

“Ya- Yamashita…?”

Nishikido gives him a look and rolls his eyes again.

“Hachiko, 8pm. It’s an order. See it as a business dinner.”

“O-Okay.” Shige stutters.

Nishikido looks slightly amused before turning back to place the chairs on the table. They don’t talk for the rest of the night.

Shige arrives one hour too early. He fumbles around on his clothes and awkwardly stands next to the dog statue for fifteen minutes. It’s getting more crowded by the minute and Shige wonders if now would be a good time to start smoking. Just to calm down his rapidly beating heart.

He considers grabbing a cup of coffee from the Starbucks on the other side of the crossing but then decides against it. It’s too expensive and coffee wouldn’t calm him down anyway.
It’s early July, the middle of rainy season and while it doesn’t rain at the moment, it’s terribly humid. Checking his watch he decides to cool down in Tokyo Hands right next to the station.

He strolls around for a while, wonders if someday he can afford buying the expensive imports from the Food Show department. The fish smells delicious and a smiling clerk hands him a peace of grilled Kobe cow to try. He almost feels obligated to buy something but his purse is almost empty and he still has to endure another two and a half weeks.
When he comes back out five minutes to eight, the humidity is immediately wrapping him in its tight embrace. It feels hard to breathe. But maybe it’s because he can see Yamashita and Nishikido outside already next to the smoking area beside the Hachiko statue.

Yamashita catches his eyes, smiles and waves and Shige feels even hotter. Yamashita is still wearing his business suit. The sleeves of his white button-down shirt rolled up to his elbows, the first button open and when Shige draws closer he can see just that tiny little glimpse of chest.

Shige gulps before bowing.

“Sorry.” Shige apologizes but Yamashita just smiles brightly at him.

“No problem. Shall we go? It’s way too hot standing around outside.”

Nishikido gives Shige a look the student isn’t able to interpret.

Yamashita turns and leads the way, gracefully avoiding bumping into people on his way towards the crossing. Shige stumbles behind them, more often than not colliding with people and apologizing.

They walk for a while, pass the 109, Yamashita and Nishikido talking casually, Shige awkwardly strolling behind. When they leave the crowd and enter the apartment part of Shibuya, Yamashita slows down and Shige is finally able to catch with them.

“I’m sorry, I forget to ask but is Italian fine? There is this restaurant just right around the next corner. The pasta is delicious and so is the wine.”

Shige just shrugs. He doesn’t quite trust his voice.

And truthfully, when they turn the next corner Shige can already see a small side street with a couple of restaurants and bars lined up.

On their way down the stairs to enter the Italian restaurant, Shige is able to skim over the drink card. A glass of wine. 3000Yen. Shige gulps. He dearly hopes he won’t have to pay the bill.

Yamashita seems to catch his worried glance and smiles at him.

“Tonight’s on me, you can order whatever you want.”

Yamashita turns back, opens the door and it’s as if they instantly leave Japan and enter the Toscana- or any other place in Italy, Shige had never been there but the atmosphere seems perfect enough.

The restaurant isn’t big, the walls made of rough sand stone bricks, wooden pillars lining up the walls and the ceiling, neatly dividing the room into little booths with dim light and small tables.

The tables are decorated with the typical red and white chequered pattern. Vine tendrils are put here and there to complete the picture, it smells like wine and pasta and pizza and Italian music is playing in the background.

The not so Italian- but rather Japanese - waiter leads them to the reserved table in a not so dim but private corner. He lights the candle and hands them the menu.

Shige gulps when he sees the prices but Yamashita catches his gaze yet again and smiles. As he is about to speak up, though, Nishikido’s cell phone suddenly starts ringing.
Nishikido looks only a little smug as he quickly answers it without even leaving the table.
The neighbours give him a weird look but Shige knows, Nishikido had never really cared about what other people think.

“I hope it’s important!” Nishikido barks into his phone not amused at all.

He listens for a moment than rolls his eyes in Yamashita’s direction.

“What do you mean you are stuck at the airport?... There are busses every fifteen minutes to Tokyo station, Bakanishi…. No, I’m not your f….” He listens some more, giving different signs and then finally rolls his eyes. “Fine Jin. Just so you stop going on my nerves. I will come and get your fat ass back home. But I’m in Shibuya, will take me a while to Narita. You owe me big time.”

And with that Nishikido snaps his mobile shut and shrugs.

“Sorry guys. Jin that little idiot forgot to tell someone to come pick him up at the airport with his 30kg luggage and looks like I’m the only one who’s even more of an idiot to go pick him up now.”

Shige’s eyes widen as Nishikido winks at him while he’s getting up.

“I didn’t even know he came back from LA today.” Yamashita says not being in the slightest irritated.

“That’s because you never listen when people talk. Anyway, if he didn’t bring me any nice souvenirs, I’m going to kick his ass right back to LA.”

Yamashita laughs and Nishikido waves Goodbye.

Once Nishikido is out the door, Yamashita gives Shige an expectant look.

“So, what wine do you want?”

It’s an unexpectedly nice evening, Shige thinks, when they share a whiskey sour in one of the standing bars in Shibuya a couple of hours later.

They had had a salad, shared a pizza and pasta and even had Tiramisu for dessert. They emptied a bottle of Italian red wine and Yamashita joked about how Shige’s cheeks became as red as the tablecloth, only making Shige’s face burn even more.

They had left the restaurant laughing, shoulders bumping and Yamashita’s scent in Shige’s nose made the student even dizzier. Or maybe it was the heat and the wine. But when Yamashita invited him for another round of drinks, he accepted without even thinking.
“I think it’s good that Ryo-chan finally found someone to organize his stuff a bit. He’s a really good friend and great at bossing people around, but he sucks at handling money.” Yamashita grins, clinking their glasses and Shige grins back.

“In the beginning Jin and I even helped out. That was when I was still a student and Jin was still not all too busy with his music. But Ryo only let Jin work there twice.”


“Because Jin burnt the okonomiyaki, was too flirty with the female guests and would rather sit there talking than serving the drinks.”

“The three of you seem pretty close.” Shige notes, his heart instantly warming up at the content but slightly distant smile tugging on Yamashita’s lips at the remembrance.

“We’ve been friends ever since I can think. Jin and I used to live real close to each other and in our first year of high school, Ryo moved next to our house and we became friends. He often made Jin cry and insulted him even though he was so much smaller than him. But you know Ryo. He looks hard and mean on the outside but actually he’s a little softie.”
Shige laughs at that. He agrees but would never dare say it out loud.

Yamashita finally focuses on him again, as if he has just woken up from a dream.

“Shige…” Yamashita starts and Shige gets all tingly at the sound of his name rolling off the other one’s tongue. “I’m glad you help Ryo-chan out now. He needs a couple of people to watch over him. And if he’s ever mean to you, you can always come to me and I’ll protect you from him.” Yamashita laughs and Shige joins him.

“Don’t worry, I can stand up for myself.”

Yamashita eyes him for a while, the laughter turning into a soft smile.

“I know. And Ryo knows that as well.”

They pass by a playground, lying silently in the starless night.

Yamashita grins at Shige, purposefully bumps their shoulders together. Shige loses his balance, stumbles ungracefully and Yamashita laughs.

He points towards the swings, before grabbing Shige by the wrist and pulling him with him.
“Oh my God that feels so nostalgic. I haven’t been at a playground in so long.” Yamashita sighs as he lets himself fall down on the swing.

He laughs at Shige before setting off. The swing is a bit too low for him but Yamashita gracefully bents his knees and gets higher and higher.

Shige watches him from his swing, only slightly pushing himself forward and backwards again, watching as Yamashita seems to get younger with every swing, the laughter all over his face now. Shige thinks it’s a good time to fall in love.

Yamashita comes down from his high a while later, stopping next to Shige, the grin still very visible on his face.

“I’m sorry we missed your last train, Shige.”

Shige shrugs. There’s nothing really he could do about it. He doesn’t have the money to afford a taxi back to the other side of Tokyo.

“I hope my couch is okay for you.” Yamashita continues, head now resting against the chain of the swing, a small smile playing around his lips.

Shige forgets to breathe.

“Uhm.” He makes instead unintelligently.

Yamashita giggles.

“Shige, you’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”

Shige blinks, fights down the heat creeping up his neck.

And suddenly Yamashita is near, God so near. He holds Shige’s swing by the chain just in case Shige decided to flee. He watches Shige, eyes him as if to remember every part of him.

He smiles at him, pulls the swing closer and Shige falls forward, right into Yamashita’s face. Yamashita grins triumphantly right before their lips touch.

It’s soft and warm and Shige instinctively moves to grab Yamashita’s collar so they don’t get pulled apart, his knuckles accidently brushing along the soft skin of Yamashita’s chest.

And now it’s Shige pulling Yamashita closer, his tongue already brushing along Yamashita’s lips and with a grin, Yamashita opens his mouth to deepen the kiss.

It feels like a forever and yet like nothing when they finally pull away from each other breathlessly. Yamashita’s eyes shine, his lips a bit swollen but his grip is still tight on the chain.

“Yamashita..” Shige starts but Yamashita interrupts him.

“Tomo. I want you to call me Tomo.”

Shige blinks.

“Tomo.” He says, testing the name out. “Tomo” he repeats, eyes now shining and Yamashita’s eyes light up as well.

“The truth is- I think I’ve always- well- liked you. Ever since the first day you came into the shop.” Shige finally admits.

But he feels strong now. Yamashita’s lips are still burning on his, he knows it’s more than just alcohol speaking. From both sides.

Yamashita doesn’t say anything for a while. Eyes Shige.

But then he lets go of the chain and gets to his feet. It surprises Shige and the student almost falls off the swing in the process.

The initial shock quickly dies away though when Yamashita reaches his hand out.

“I think it’s go-home-time. We have one year to catch up with after all.”

Shige laughs and gets to his feet as well, grabbing Yamashita’s hand only when he finally stands.

“What does that mean?”

Yamashita grins at him.

“It means whatever you want.”

It’s better, Shige thinks, than he’d always allowed himself to imagine.

Yamashita gives a slow pace, delicately tasting Shige, exploring every part of Shige’s mouth with his tongue, kissing him deeply, hands threaded into Shige’s hair. It slows Shige down as well, calms him down, allows him to fall as deep as he never fell before, losing himself in the kiss.

It’s a signal, a signal that says “We have all the time in the world” and there’s nothing hasty in the kiss and Shige feels like time stands still.

But it’s not enough, naturally, Shige feels and when Yamashita makes no move to go further, Shige decides to test out the waters, gets more confident now that he knows this is not one sided. He has tasted this in Yamashita’s kiss.

He moves his hands, follows down Yamashita’s arm, over his elbows, draws along the smooth line of muscles under the long sleeve on his upper arm, enjoying how they tense.
He finds Yamashita chest, presses his palms into the defined chest and slowly opens the buttons of the button up shirt.

Yamashita lets him but stops short when Shige’s fingertips come in contact with the newly exposed skin, the kiss suddenly becoming more heated when Shige moves the shirt away to fully explore the unbelievably soft skin and well defined muscles on Yamashita’s upper body.

And that’s when Yamashita lets go of Shige, locks eyes with him for a moment before getting up from the sofa and pulling Shige with him to the bedroom.

They managed to get until the door frame, before Yamashita is on Shige again, this time kissing him with much more demand, hands under Shige’s shirt before pulling it over his head and then pinning him against the door frame.

It hurts and Shige winces and Yamashita gets the hint and pulls him away, guiding him to the bedroom without as much as letting go of him. They stumble more than once and ungracefully land on the bed with a thud but Yamashita is all over him in a second, the kiss sloppy while he works on Shige’s pants.

Shige jumps when Yamashita suddenly strokes him through the boxers and accidentally bites into Yamashita’s tongue.

“Sorry.” Shige whispers but Yamashita just shakes his head.

“Shige.” Yamashita begins, voice low and right next to his ear, lips brushing against his ear shell. Shige involuntarily shudders. He doesn’t know where the change of mood suddenly came from but judging from the excited throb of his penis, Shige finds he doesn’t care.

“Shige.” Yamashita repeats, drags out the syllables and Shige could come just from that.

He has been waiting for this for so long, has been dreaming of it but this, this is better, so much better. And then Yamashita slides his boxers out of the way, wraps his hand around Shige’s already angrily throbbing cock and Shige actually yelps in surprise, digging his fingers into Yamashita broad shoulders.

Yamashita starts moving, pumping Shige painfully slowly and the student things he might fall apart right here, right now.

Yamashita smiles against Shige’s neck, kissing his softly and then moves his hand away, making Shige whine at the loss. Yamashita snickers, grabs Shige’s hand and slowly moves it down, wrapping it around Shige’s cock.

Shige gets the hint, starts moving his hand on his own accord, trying not to lose eye contact with Yamashita who now leans back on his knees. But then Shige works himself up too much, eyes falling shut.

“Don’t come yet.” Yamashita tells him and Shige opens his eyes again, getting all tingly when he sees Yamashita watching him, his own pants now off, hand lingering on his own erection.

Shige stops before he can’t hold back and Yamashita locks eyes with him again, leaning down and kissing him slowly before getting back up and retrieving lube and condom.
He kisses Shige again, slowly, softly and Shige gets lost in the feeling, his mind spinning and when Yamashita works the first finger in, Shige hardly feels the pain.

By the time Yamashita is three fingers in, Shige isn’t able to think straight anymore. All he feels is Yamashita inside of him but then not enough, his lips on his, tongues dancing with each other, soft skin under his fingertips.

And then Yamashita is gone again and Shige whines but it doesn’t last for long until Yamashita is back, his cock pressing against his entrance and Shige welcoming him.
Yamashita groans, easily slipping in and Shige’s head falls back. It feels so good, so right and Shige wishes this would never end.

Yamashita starts moving slowly, drawing patterns on Shige’s hips, but the student is too eager, buckling his hips and while nuzzling his nose into Shige’s neck, starts moving faster, working his hand on Shige’s neglected cock again.

Shige accidentally bites into Yamashita’s shoulder in an attempt not to scream when Yamashita hits that spot over and over again, his toes curling and it doesn’t take him long until he comes messily in Yamashita’s hand.

The older one doesn’t need too much longer, snapping his hips for a couple of more times before coming as well, pressing his face into Shige’s neck.

They lie like this for a moment, catching their breath until Yamashita gets up to clean up the mess and sliding back down against Shige.

“I wonder if we should thank Ryo-chan.” Yamashita yawns, snuggling his head into the crook of Shige’s neck.

“He’s still my boss and I rather not want to talk about my boss while being in this kind of position.”

Yamashita snickers.

“You’re right. We still have next Tuesday.”

Nishikido looks mildly disgusted from Yamashita to Shige and back again.

“If you keep distracting my employee, Pi, I’ll have to ban you from the shop. Kato, go serve the customer or I’ll fire you.”

Shige blushes, quickly turning around. Yamashita just laughs, taking a sip from his beer.
“In any case. Thank you.” Yamashita smiles brightly and Nishikido rolls his eyes, trying to not blush.

“Shut up. It was just a pain in the ass seeing you like that. But now that I think about it, that was better than this here.”

Yamashita laughs again and changes the topic.

Shige sometimes still wonders why he keeps up with this boss who always has a snide remark when he drops something or gets slightly distracted when Yamashita enters the restaurant as always on Tuesdays 7pm.

But at the end of each month, when Shige hands in the monthly balance, Nishikido smiles proudly at him, thanking him and inviting him out for drinks with Yamashita and Jin. And sometimes, just sometimes when Nishikido thinks no one is watching, Shige catches him smiling proudly and fondly at him and Yamashita.

Unlike Yamashita, Shige has not thanked Nishikido personally but he started working even harder, does not drop so much as before and invents a new accounting system. And from the way Nishikido treats him, Shige is sure Nishikido understands exactly.

And when Tuesday night 7pm rolls by, they both look at the opening door with anticipation, smiling widely when Yamashita walks in.

Sometimes though, Yamashita does not come and Nishikido tells Shige “He’s on a business trip.”

And Shige laughs and says “I know. He’ll be back Friday night.”

Nishikido tries to glare at him but his eyes are shining with the knowledge of a job well done.

r: nc17, p: shige/yamapi, c: yamapi, c: shige

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