Gift fic for: mari02

Sep 06, 2012 12:06

Gift fic for: mari02
From: newsficcon

Title: Happy to Help
Rating: G
Main Characters: Ryo, Yamapi, Hyun Ah
Summary: Ryo might be a bully, but he truly cares for his friends and wants to help them in any way he can. He tries hard when his best friend, Hyun Ah, and the new kid, Yamapi, have troubles with love.
Notes: I want to give a special thanks to my friends Lily and Rina for unintentionally helping me come up with this story line. Also for Yuki, Sari, and even Kin for having your small parts in this story, even though probably none of you will get to see this. Oh, and one more special thanks to kitsune_hikaru. If it wasn’t for you, none of this would have happened! Thank you all!

He hated to see his friends hurting. He may be a bit of a jerk (ok, more than a bit), but he still cared. He hated to see one of his best friends and his newest friend hurting. And all because of each other! It was like torture when they were alone. They would pretend so much when they were all together, but everyone could see the pain when they were alone.

A few of the guys from school were going to go on a trip for a bit. It was a cover- up to get Yamapi away for a few days. Everyone was worried about him. He walked around like he was in a cloud… or more like he was UNDER a cloud, a very rainy and stormy one. This trip would be the perfect chance to get Yamapi alone to really get a chance to talk to him. It just wasn’t right.

But first, he needed to talk to Hyun Ah. As Ryo was trying to figure out a way to approach her, she walked up to him.

“Ryo, can I talk to you?”

“Of course you can.”

To Ryo’s surprise, Hyun Ah burst into tears. “I don’t know what to do anymore!” she wailed.

“About what? What is it? What’s wrong?” He had a feeling he already knew.

“It… it’s about Pi! A-a-and Jin!”

He was right.

“What about him?”

“I… I think I’m falling in love with Yamapi!”

Ryo nodded, unsurprised by the news. Everyone in school knew that Yamapi had fallen in love with Hyun Ah almost immediately after they met. The two had hit it off immediately and were already best friends.

There was only one problem, and his name was Jin. Jin and Hyun Ah had been dating for a long time. They were hopelessly in love, and already engaged to be married right after Hyun Ah graduated.

“So, what are you going to do about it?”

She hiccupped. “I-I don’t know! That’s why I came to you!”

“Well, Hyun Ah, I’m not going to tell you who to choose. You know that.”

She nodded miserably.

“So, you are falling in love with Yamapi. Do you still love Jin?”

“Of course I do! I’ve just…”

“Just what?”

She sighed. “He’s never around. He always is off working, and when he IS around, he never comes to look for me or talk to me first. I always have to be the first one. I… I almost feel like he doesn’t love me anymore. I miss the way he used to be, back when we were first started dating. The only time he comes to me is when he feels threatened by someone else. THEN he tries to spend a lot of time with me almost like he is just trying to insure that he won’t lose me. But I found that first Jin again, though. Only… not in Jin… I found it in Yamapi.” Tears overflowed from her eyes.

Ryo looked her straight in the eye and spoke to her very seriously.

“Well, Hyun Ah, you are going to have to make a choice. You can’t keep things going with both of these men.”

“But I’m afraid,” she whispered.

“I’m sure you are.”

“I’m so sick and tired of always getting hurt. It’s not fair!”

“I know. Let me ask you this, what relationship do you want more?”

Hyun Ah only blinked.

“Once you decide that, talk to them.”

Hyun Ah nodded. “Ok, I’ll try.”

Ryo reached forward and pulled her in for a hug.

“Thank you,” she whispered into his neck.

“I love you, sis, you know that, right?”

She nodded then pulled back.

“I better go see Jin before he leaves again.”


She wiped her eyes and thanked Ryo again, then walked away.

In his heart, Ryo already knew who Hyun Ah would choose. It wasn’t hard to see. He hoped Jin would learn his lesson, and that Yamapi wouldn’t be too broken-hearted. They were all getting tired of always seeing his depressed face.


The night before the trip, Hyun Ah came to Ryo again.

“Ryo, I have to tell you something.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“I made my choice.”

“Good for you!”

She nodded sadly.

“You still feel bad though, right? Hyun Ah, there was no way for you to make everyone happy in this situation. What’s important is that YOU are happy.”

She dropped her head down. “I know, but still…”

“You chose Jin, right?”

Her head suddenly shot up. “Ho-how did you… did he-”

Ryo chuckled. “No, no one told me anything. It was just a hunch.”

“Oh… well, that was it, really… I’ll let you go now. You are going with the guys to the beach tomorrow, right?”


“And knowing you, you haven’t packed yet, right?”

Ryo laughed. “You know me too well.”

She smiled. “Of course, you are my brother! Now,” she pushed him, “go to your dorm and get packed right now!” she commanded.

“Ok, ok, I’m going!”


The next day, they all arrived at the beach with their bags. Everyone immediately took advantage of the beer that was brought, since they weren’t allowed to have any at the school. Ryo noticed that Yamapi kept drinking. A lot. He wondered if he was purposely trying to get drunk. Did he know anything yet? Did Hyun Ah talk to him already?

Throughout the day, Ryo kept a close eye on Yamapi, and he was sure that behind that smile, there was pain. Deep in those seemingly cheerful eyes, was actually sadness.

That night, Yamapi sauntered away from the rest of the group who was around the campfire. After a few minutes, Ryo went to go find him. He was surprised to find him sitting alone on the beach, staring out at the setting sun.

“You’re not going to join them?” Ryo asked.

His only response was a slow nod.

“Are you thinking about her?”

A shrug then a slow nod.

“You’re not going to give up at all? Like, you’re serious?”

“I’m pretty sure she is going to choose Jin, and I can’t say I blame her… but I won’t stop loving her. I don’t think I could…”

“Wow, I’ve never met someone as thoughtful as you, Pi. You’re so loyal,” a third voice joined in.

Ryo glanced over his shoulder and saw Koyama standing there. When had he walked over? He decided to just ignore him for now.

“Heartbroken much?”

He nodded miserably.

Ryo sat next to him in the sand. “You made her happy though, during the times she needed it the most.”

Yamapi looked at Ryo surprised. “I’m not sure how I did, though. She is the one who always made me happy.”

Ryo just shrugged. “Relationships have their ups and downs.

There were a few minutes of silence before Ryo finally spoke up again.

“At one point, you actually almost got her… until the day I talked to her…”

Yamapi’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Yeah… it’s a secret though, so don’t tell anyone, but just so you know, I’m not on your side and I’m not on Jin’s side either. She is like my sister, and I just want the best for her.”

“That’s all I want too! But… do you really think that he is the best for her? I mean, I know you said you’re not taking sides, but you OBVIOUSLY pushed her toward him. I can tell by the way she’s been acting.”

“But I didn’t. She chose him on her own. That day when she talked to me, I told her to decide which relationship she wants the most, and then communicate. And she did… with Jin…”

“But why is what I don’t get. Isn’t she unhappy in that relationship? It would be so much easier to accept her choosing him if I knew she was happy. You say you just want what’s best for her, and I do too. I just can’t help but wonder if he’s really it. I don’t mean to say I’m the best for her, because I’m sure there is a guy out there that is waaaaay better, one that she truly deserves, but I just don’t think that Jin is it!”

“Well, I told you, relationships have their ups and downs. So does hers. Wait, how do you know she’s not happy with him?”

“I’m her best friend. She comes to me with her problems.”

Ryo raised an eyebrow then shrugged. “But, like I said, she talked to me, and I asked her to choose. She made the choice.”

Koyama butted in again. “Pi, here is what I think. You can listen or just forget everything I say; it’s up to you.” He took a deep breath then began. “I know it’s hard to let someone you love be with another person, but you have to face reality. We don’t want to see you being heartbroken all the time, dude. You have a limit too. Are you going to wait until you’re in your sixties? You have a bright future!”

Yamapi looked down and began to twist the end of his shirt. “I know… I know I should move on, but it’s just so difficult.” He stared out at the water with a faint smile gracing his lips. “I have never met anyone like her before. Never met anyone that made me feel the same way. Every quirky little thing she does… she just makes me so happy. Just seeing her smile can change my entire mood.” He looked back up at Koyama. “It doesn’t seem fair that I feel so many things. I feel as if I could never stop loving her.”

After a short pause, Yamapi added, “I knew from the very beginning I would get hurt…”

“I kind of understand what you are feeling right now, Pi. I’m waiting too, but I have been waiting for almost three months and it’s been driving me crazy! Do you really want to let yourself get hurt all the time? It isn’t fair to you. I’m not saying you should leave her, I just don’t want to see you depressed all the time. If you decide to go for Hyun Ah with her relationship with Jin now, and you’re happy with it, then do it, but if it makes you suffer, you should stop. You won your heart; you know how it feels, so that is your decision.”

“Everything you say makes so much sense, and it makes me think I should just get it over with and just move on, but when I’m with her, and I see how unhappy she is, it sparks something inside of me, and I just want to continue fighting and win her over and make her happy. I can’t see myself with any other girl. When I’m with her, it feels so right… and yet so wrong…”

Ryo patted Yamapi’s shoulder and sighed. “Don’t fall too hard for someone who can’t catch you.”

Yamapi chuckled a bit while shaking his head sadly. “It’s too late for that.”

“You weren’t planning on giving up since the beginning, were you?”

“I couldn’t; it felt wrong.”

“Then there is no use in me saying anything else. I trust you,” Ryo sighed then stood to leave.


Ryo stopped and turned to Yamapi.


Ryo’s pulled his eyebrows together and frowned. “For what?”

“For telling me all this, and for trying to help me.” Yamapi looked up at Ryo and smiled. “I guess you’re not such a bad guy after all.”

Koyama chuckled at this. “Bad guy… anyway, Pi, we hope the best for you, whatever it is…”

Yamapi smiled and thanked him.

“Yeah, just follow your heart. I’ll trust you to do that; just don’t kill yourself on the inside.” Ryo stood and patted Yamapi’s shoulder. “I’ll see you around dude.” Then he walked away.

His friends may have problems, but Ryo will always be there to help them through thick and thin. He may come across as a jerk sometimes, but he will never leave a friend in need. No matter what the need is, you can always count on Ryo to help. Always.

c: ryo, c: yamapi, p: none; genfic, r: g

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