Gift fic for: liliths_child

Sep 05, 2012 20:10

Gift fic for: liliths_child
From: newsficcon

Title: Space Pants
Pairing: Shige/Ryo (yup you read that right),a bit of gen bffery and ridiculousness
Warnings: Light bondage, teasing, lotsa sex, very very slight dub-con(turns to totally consensual when sex begins)
Summary: Ryo has a staring problem. Shige likes to push his buttons. In all ways.
Note: For liliths_child, I hope you enjoy this. I read your request and "Shige topping" and "first times" and "orgasm denial" popped out at me and this was born:D. There is not much logic here, so suspend your disbelief. Thank you to my beta .

Shige notices his eyes on him. Staring and burning a hole through his back during practice, every move of his punctuated with the other's gaze.

At first he thinks he's done something to piss Ryo off, because it wouldn't be the first time. Ryo's not as easily set off as people would think he is, but he does have a quick temper-Tegoshi theorizes that he has a short fuse which Koyama thinks is hilarious due to his height.

Koyama's easily amused.

But Shige knows Ryo's angry face and the contemplative stirrings present on Ryo's face as he watches Shige (Ryo doesn't know Shige can see him in the mirror).

Shige's not quite sure how to feel about Ryo's staring problem. It doesn't really bother him one way or another, because Koyama does it too sometimes, although Shige is pretty sure it's for different reasons than Ryo does.

Frustratingly enough, Shige can't figure out what Ryo's reason is.


It's a game, Shige feels, of visual cat-and-mouse, as Shige looks up to catch Ryo's eyes staring at him. Ryo looks away right off the bat, a guilty look spreading across his face. He would never in a million years admit that he was staring at Shige.

Shige finds it fun to stare at Ryo, visibly making him uncomfortable by turning the tables in a way that Ryo seems to not like at all. After Shige smirks at him, Ryo avoids all eye contact for the rest of the practice session.

It doesn't help that this latest single has them doing some particularly complicated dance moves that require a lot of precision, watching each other in the mirror for corrections and just attention spent mostly on the movements of the body.

Maybe Ryo is trying to find something to critique, Shige thinks. It wouldn't be out of character for Ryo to store up all of his mistakes to launch a critical attack on Shige at the next meeting.

So Shige screws up a move on purpose, watching Ryo out of the corner of his eye. Ryo doesn't even blink because he's too busy trying to figure out the step himself.

So Shige makes an even bigger mistake, trying to catch Ryo's attention.

But Ryo maintains focus on his own movements, frustration written across his dark eyes as he grunts, eyebrows knitted together in frustration.

Shige's face is equally set in frustration.


Now Shige is running out of options. His only lead was that Ryo was trying to mock him in some way or that Ryo was angry. Really, Ryo seems to only have those emotions towards Shige (although Shige is sure some of the mockery and teasing is good-natured).

Shige is utterly puzzled. He would bring the dilemma up with other group members, but he could imagine how bizarre the conversation would be and what their reactions would be:

Tegoshi: "Why is Ryo-chan not looking at me?"
Koyama: "Shige is just stressed, let's go get ramen together!"
Pi: "Beer."

Massu would probably just shrug his shoulders and offer a logical way to puzzle out why Ryo wasn't actually staring at Shige. Massu was good at those sorts of things, finding the logic in absurd situations.

But Shige was one hundred percent sure that Ryo looking at him. And not just glancing, but practically boring a hole and burning his skin every time they are in the room together.

Shige isn't alone with Ryo much, they constantly have activities together and when they don't, Ryo is off catching up with other things like drama filming. It's unfortunate that Shige doesn't have time to experiment much, because that is generally how he would go about things.

Shige is very scientific about everything, even small little everyday annoyances like Ryo.

This would just have to lend itself to special research methods. Alternative ways of solving the problem. Change one variable and notice reactions- this was a common method of experimenting, right?

If it worked for lab rats and monkeys, it'd work for Ryo.


Shige begins to change little things about his appearance and his behavior during the rehearsals, from wearing a pair of glasses to bending over unnecessarily and blocking Ryo's view at every opportunity. There are many small changes that Shige can make, so he begins slowly, with things like wearing pants that would be more appropriate for a color-blind clown.

Massu compliments him on his awesome pants, and Shige is sure that Ryo will say something snarky. But he remains silent and intent on something else instead of shooting barbed insults at Shige.

Shige is shocked. He practically handed Ryo free ammunition to take a shot at him and he didn't. This is an unprecedented event and Shige nearly stops his experiment right then and there in near fear that there is something seriously wrong with Ryo.

But he doesn't look sick or even tired like he usually is.

Ryo is the glowing picture of health.

Shige doesn't get it.


After a week of trying not to get caught staring at Ryo staring at him, Shige is ready to give up. He's tried everything and the only thing that he noticed is that Ryo always looks away whenever Shige makes eye contact.

And when Shige wore glasses he stared a lot more. But that could have been because Shige was blinking a lot (the only glasses he could fins last minute weren't exactly perfect for his eyesight). Shige was at a loss as far as what to do. But he never gives up.

But this is hardly enough information to make a conclusion, so Shige decides to analyze the notes he has written down to try to figure out a possible variable that he could change, form a hypothesis. And the hypothesis he forms is strange.

From the note that he seems to find that Ryo's stare is similar to the way Tegoshi looks at himself in the mirror to the realization that Ryo isn't looking above his waist (Shige drew diagrams)…

Nishikido Ryo has been staring at Shige's ass for the past week.

Well, what Ryo wants, Ryo will get, right? Shige reasons.

The ensuing plan will require enlisting Tegoshi. But Tegoshi owes him anyway for taking the fall when Tegoshi ate all of Koyama's cookies that his sister had baked. Koyama had been near tears until Shige confessed, and Koyama shrugged and said it was okay because "best friends share everything".

Writing out a strategy, Shige grins widely.


Ryo isn't sure how he ends up in the position he is in, but he isn't very happy. Playing hide-and-go-seek with Tegoshi never ends well, but this takes it to a new level. Tegoshi had snuck up behind Ryo and thrown a blindfold over his eyes, for what reason Ryo had no idea.

But now he has a pretty good idea, because Shige is standing in front of him

"I think you have a staring problem, Ryo," Shige purrs, drawing out Ryo's names to three syllables. Ryo harrumphs and strains against the scarf binding his hands behind his back to the foundation pole in the center of the practice room.

"What the fuck, Kato?" Ryo snarls, looking like a little Tasmanian devil writhing against his bonds. But a light is in his eyes, and Shige sees a smirk starting to grow across his face. Going slack, Ryo lets his body lean against the pillar, a challenge in his expression.

"What are you going to do to me that's so terrible Shige? I can bet you that every stupid fucking prank you want to try Tegoshi or Uchi has already pulled on me, and they are one hundred times sneakier than you," Ryo sneers, laughing as Shige stands there watching him.

Shige moves so close that Ryo can feel the tingle from his minty breath. Ryo resists the urge to stick his tongue out and taste Shige's breath on the air.

"The truth is, Ryo, you are a dirty pervert," Shige says, grinning smugly from ear to ear as Ryo sits shell-shocked, staring at Shige like he's grown a third head.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ryo stutters in protest, avoiding Shige's direct unarming gaze. Shige's laugh echoes around the practice room like a tennis ball bouncing around a court.

"Gimme a break Ryo, your eyes have been on my ass with more gusto than Tegoshi's on his own reflection," Shige snorts, flicking Ryo's nose with a fingertip. Ryo tries to bite him but fails, growling at Shige's teasing.

"I wasn't looking at your ass, Kato," Ryo says far too quickly and brusquely. This is when Shige's suspicions are confirmed completely. Ryo wouldn't protest so much if there wasn't at least some truth to Shige's accusations, he'd laugh it off and call Shige names.

"Oh really? I could draw a line from your eyes straight to my butt, Ryo. I have DATA TO BACK IT UP," Shige says, pointing towards a notebook on the floor that Shige had filled with notes on the reactions Ryo had to each thing he did like wearing glasses or going without underwear.

Ryo looks at him with distaste. "Don't worry, I think it's kind of cute," Shige says and Ryo glares, nostrils flaring at the use of the c-word.

"There is nothing fucking cute about me, Shige," Ryo tries to stand up to get revenge on Shige for invoking the ultimate insult but can't quite manage to, instead falling backwards against the pillar in a heap.

"Aw, see, like a little helpless puppy," Shige teases, laughing as Ryo swears a blue streak, his arms muscles bulging as he pulls and tugs at the knot work bringing his wrists together.

Shige laughs and moves close enough, turning around so that his ass in Ryo's face. Ryo goes to bite him, ending up with a mouthful of cotton.

"Shige," Ryo grunts and Shige responds by merely flipping on the Ipod parked in the dock on the cabinets of the practice room. A slow R&B song comes on and Ryo has to groan, but that groan catches in his throat when Shige starts to roll his hips in languid circles and figure eights.

Ryo's mouth is dry as Shige executes maneuvers that he has only seen Koyama pull off, slutty and accentuated with the way that his jeans are sliding down his hips quickly, exposing the top of his boxers, a sensible navy pair.

"I know what you want," Shige says in a deep timbre that makes Ryo shiver. Continuing to gyrate and move silkily, Shige moves closer and closer to Ryo, but never close enough so that Ryo can make contact. Teasing seems to be the only point of this practice and Ryo pulls against the pillar, wishing concrete would evaporate to nothing so he could tackle Shige and show him who was in charge of this situation.

Shige didn't expect this much of a reaction from Ryo, and he basks in the grunts, groans and paper-thin moans that escape Ryo's pursed lips. Savoring each little sound, he leans over and scrapes his teeth along Ryo's neck, breath forming a tingly trail down to his shoulder. Coming closer, he pins Ryo against the pillar and begins to grind against him.

His pelvis mounts Ryo to the concrete like a butterfly pinned to cardboard, the growls and grunts from Ryo turning to begging mewls as his reserve of self-control seems to run thin.

Over and over, his hips twirl against Ryo, enflaming his insides but offering absolutely no relief as the friction from the layers of fabric between them rubbing back and forth with every wicked movement.

Stupid hips, Ryo thinks. They're almost as much trouble as his ass.

"Fine I was staring at your ass, so fucking what?" Ryo barely sputters out as Shige dances on him with as much vigor as Kame with a chair. Shige laughs deeply.

"Well thank you for being honest Ryo-chan, now I can reward you," Shige says, a wicked glint lighting up his eyes as Ryo sighs in relief with Shige stepping back and letting him gather his breath.

That breath is gone when Shige sinks to his knees and unceremoniously pulls Ryo's pants and boxers down quickly, palming his turgid cock quickly and giving it a few tentative strokes. At this point, Ryo abandons speech, his hands nearly numb from how hard he is clenching them.

Shige lathes the head slowly, taking his time to gaze up at Ryo as he does so, a deep chuckle resounding from deep within his throat. Ryo feels the vibrations on his cock and whimpers. All he wants is to let go, to just come. But Shige has different plans and seems to take his time with Ryo, from his balls to his perineum, exploring with fingers and tongue.

Ryo groans as Shige takes his cock deep into his mouth, lips glistening with saliva and eyes glittering in anticipation. Ryo likes seeing Shige on his knees, even though Ryo is the one tied up at the moment.

Groaning deeply, Ryo can barely control himself as Shige's tongue works over the knob of his cock, hot breath bringing him close to the edge over and over. Ryo's hands fist and strain against the bonds that at that point are the only thing holding him upright.

When Shige engulfs him in his throat, the head of Ryo's cock hitting the back, Ryo can barely take it, his hands grasping behind the pillar at thin air in desperation. Shige moves quickly, no longer measured and pacing, instead flicking his tongue in a staccato rhythm that leaves Ryo in a tizzy.

"Fuck Shige fuck fuck," Ryo babbles, his words thin and high, the syllables pounding out like bullets, each fast and sharp. Shige decides to be nice and squeezes his hand around the base of Ryo's cock. Ryo comes hard, his hips jerking forward to meet Shige's mouth.

Swallowing his release, Shige stands and smirks. "Everything comes up at a price, Ryo-chan, so now it's your turn to get me off," he says. Ryo shrugs, lost in an orgasm-induced haze.

Shige begins again, first jerking him off with a vengeance, then alternating that with his mouth. He quickly brings Ryo back to a state of half-stiffness, aroused and slightly confused. But Ryo understands exactly what Ryo had meant when Shige runs a flat hand over Ryo's ass.

"Ah what the hell, fine Shige, but don't you think this is ever happening again you cocky fucker," Ryo says, and Shige unties Ryo's hands and motions to the couch. Gleaning Shige's gesture, Ryo braces himself against the couch, his cock beginning to awaken again as he sees Shige's cock stiff against his stomach when Shige drops his pants.

"I'm going to fuck you," Shige says in a somewhat gleeful manner. Ryo rolls his eyes but gasps in surprise as Shige slaps his ass hard, the nails scratching his skin gently. Shige growls deeply and moves quickly, grabbing what appears to be a condom and a bottle of lube. Ryo doesn't even want to know why Shige has that at the ready.

Cocky fucker, he thinks again and laughs.

Ryo groans as Shige gets on top of him. The weight pushes him into the soft leather of the couch, and Ryo can feel Shige's erection on his back, heavy with need. Rolling his hips, Ryo gets Shige to let out a very deep and very needy grunt punctuated with teeth on his shoulder.

Shige rips the foil package with his teeth, sliding the condom on quickly as Ryo pants underneath him. Ryo is glad for the sturdiness of the couch because he thinks his body is going to explode into a million pieces if he isn't fulfilled somehow, coils of tension wound up tight in his stomach.

Slicking a finger, Shige gently rocks a finger back and forth into Ryo, each gasping breath making Shige harder. Ryo moves back against him insistently and Shige adds a finger, scissoring the two apart to stretch Ryo out.

Ryo nearly vaults off the couch, arching his back and letting out a low hiss.

"Shige," Ryo says, and Shige adds yet another finger, fucking Shige with his hand until Ryo appears to be a cat in heat, clawing the couch with a flush heating his cheeks.

Shige lines himself up behind Ryo and thrusts slowly in, slowly working himself into Ryo, not wanting to overwhelm him at first; even though he's pretty sure he's far from Ryo's first. But Ryo feels so tight and so hot and Shige loses any thoughts that were floating inside his head at the moment, instead dissolving to a pile of nothing but lust and primal drive.

Slowly at first, Shige increases his pace as Ryo becomes more comfortable, his hips rolling and teasing Ryo just as they did in the beginning. And the reaction is similar, with Ryo's dirty sounds echoing throughout the practice room, bouncing off the walls, amplified by the empty spaces.

Shige grabs Ryo's hair, guiding him backwards with every pull. The cry of pure pleasure brought from Ryo's lips makes Shige go faster and faster.

Ryo moves savagely backwards suddenly, meeting all of Shige's thrusts with enthusiasm. Shige gasps and grabs Ryo's hips, pistoning hard to push Ryo into the couch. Shige can't see anything and the room grows blurry for a second as he spills over the edge, coming hard.

Shige takes a second to collect himself, but then grabs Ryo's cock and begins to stroke hard, pulling Ryo to a semi-standing position and holding him fast.

"No more, Shige, I can't," Ryo protests, but his tiny growls and whimpers speak otherwise, with his cock growing stiffer in Shige's hand.

"Are you sure?" Shige laughs, and Ryo acquiesces, sharp ribbons of pure feral instinct slicing any coherent thoughts to pieces.

"I want to come," Ryo breathes and Shige smiles. Ryo can feel it against his back.

Shige moves quickly, biting and kissing Ryo's neck as he brings him to the peak. Ryo lets go and releases all over Shige's hand.

They both slump to the couch.


"You know next time I'm fucking you," Ryo says, slumped against the couch in a pile of loose muscles and lost energy.

"No fucking way," Shige says and shakes his head.

"We will see about it, Shige, Tegoshi likes me better, so let's see how long it is before you're strung up," Ryo smiles and giggles, shaking his head at Shige's naïveté

Shige shivers.

Maybe this plan wasn't such a good idea after all...

The end…?

r: nc17, p: ryo/shige

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