Gift fic for sparklynoodles

Sep 03, 2012 22:29

Gift fic for: sparklynoodles
From: newsficcon

Title: This Could Be the Start of Something...
Rating: PG13
Pairing: (or main character/s if a pairing does not apply) Koyama/OC (female), mild Koyama/Shige BFFery.
Warnings: (if applicable.) Het, although nothing more exciting that some kissing. No girl parts for the phobic!
Summary: Koyama doesn't believe in Love at First Sight. Until it happens to him.
Notes: For sparklynoodles I tried something new here so I hope you like it. My original plan was for them to hook up, but it turns out that Koyama is far too gentlemanly for that! So I apologise for the lack of porn.

Koyama has always been a romantic at heart. He believes in true love, angels playing harps and soul mates. It’s no big secret, everyone knows it. However, Koyama has always been sceptical of the concept of Love at First Sight. Liking someone, sure. But love? How can you truly love someone that you don’t even know yet? Koyama doesn’t think it’s possible. He firmly believes that those who claim to have felt it are just mistaking love for attraction. That is, until it happens to him.

He meets her by accident. He’s out with the other members and Shige spots some of his old class mates across the room as they’re leaving so they detour so that he can say hello. Shige introduces them and as they’re saying hello Koyama makes eye contact with a girl sat in the far corner and feels like he’s been hit with a lightning bolt. Luckily no one else seems to notice that Koyama is now stood in the middle of a restaurant with his eyes bulging and his mouth hanging open; and they leave soon afterwards so Koyama’s dignity remains intact.

He assumes that it was just a momentary thing, and tries to forget all about it, but when he can’t stop thinking about her two weeks later he knows that he’s got it bad. He just doesn’t know how to go about finding her and asking her out (assuming of course that she’s single and interested in him) without making a fool out of himself. He considers frequenting the restaurant more often, and just generally hanging out in the neighbourhood, but quickly vetoes this idea. There’s no guarantee that she lives round there and he’ll probably get a reputation as a creeper. The last thing NEWS needs right now is a scandal.

In the end he bites the bullet and asks Shige for her number. Shige laughs for about 10 minutes solid, and refuses to tell Koyama why. In the end though he confesses that he doesn’t have her number, and Koyama is left feeling disappointed and humiliated. He knows that Shige isn’t really mocking him though so he’s not too upset.

He decides that there’s nothing he can do and resides himself to just get on with his life. He doesn’t think he’s doing too badly on that score. That is, until Massu comes up before practise one day and offers to buy him dinner so that he’s not “too lonely”. When Tegoshi pipes up that Koyama won’t want dinner as its well known that people in love don’t eat, Koyama realises the futility of trying to keep anything secret from his group.

Two days later, Koyama gets out of the shower and finds an e-mail on his phone from Shige that just reads “you’re welcome” and another one from an address that he doesn’t recognise. Confused by Shige’s message he opens his unread mail to find it’s from her. Koyama is over the moon and immediately messages back and they manage to set a date for the following Wednesday night, which is the earliest evening he has off of work.

Wednesday afternoon has Koyama staring at his wardrobe, feeling like a massive girl as he tries to find the perfect outfit to wear. He still doesn’t know where he’s taking her so can’t match his clothes to the restaurant. He’s looked up a couple of places and he’ll choose one depending on what kind of mood she’s in. He secretly hopes she likes Vietnamese food, as he found one that looked amazing and he really wants to try it. But first he needs to put some clothes on. He’s pretty sure that he’ll ruin all of his chances if he turns up naked.

Just as he starts to wonder if there’s still time to go shopping before he has to meet her, he hears the front door open and close and Shige call out a greeting to him. Shige waltzes straight into his bedroom, not even bothering to knock first and stops short at the sight of Koyama stood in front of his closet, wearing only his boxer shorts and a panicked expression on his face. “You’re so hopeless!” Shige says while laughing yet again. He gently pushes Koyama out of the way and starts rummaging around in his wardrobe. Koyama moves out of the way, more than happy to let someone else make this decision for him.

Shige straightens up and throws some clothes at Koyama’s head, then promptly returns to the closet. A pair of baggy jeans that hang from his hips, a tight white T-shirt and a smart black jacket to complete the outfit. Koyama start to pull on the clothes, thanking his lucky stars that he has a gay best friend to help dress him when he can’t rely on stylists. Just as he’s pulling on the jacket Shige straightens up again with two shoes in his hand. One is a Converse sneaker, and one is a military style boot. “Errr, I think I’ll look better with matching shoes” Koyama says and Shige just rolls his eyes and motions for Koyama to put them both on. He does and Shige stands there staring at him for a moment, making Koyama feel uncomfortable. He’s about to say something when Shige opens his mouth. “Converse. Definitely.”

Koyama feels a lot better now that he has an outfit sorted. Shige is as guilty as the rest of them at sometimes looking like he dressed in the dark. In a hurricane. But when it matters he always seems to get it right. His outfit will work in any of the places he’s got picked out for tonight, from casual to classy. He pulls his shoes and jacket off and places them by his front door ready for when he leaves later that evening.

Walking into his kitchen to join Shige as he’s riffling through Koyama’s fridge, he asks “not that I’m not appreciative, but why exactly are you here?” Shige hands Koyama one of his own beers, grabs one for himself and heads into Koyama’s living room to make himself comfortable on the couch. Koyama rolls his eyes, but is long used to Shige by now and just follows.

“Well, I figured that you’d need my help” Shige said. Koyama is about to thank Shige for the sartorial advice when Shige continues. “Mei-chan knows some stuff about you, but you don’t know anything about her. So I thought you’d like a crash course.”

Shige goes on to explain that when they were still study buddies she had watched a NEWS performance to be supportive and had developed a bit of a crush on Koyama. Hence why he found it hilarious when years later Koyama fell in love with her after seeing her for a whole 30 seconds. And why he’d spent nearly an hour ringing round old school friends trying to find her number since she had changed it since they had graduated. Shige makes a big point of the fact that she’s not a fangirl though. She’d never heard of NEWS before she met Shige, and mainly listened to jazz music. Shige goes on to explain that since she knows who he is she’s probably Googled him by now, seeing as how she admitted to doing that with a previous boyfriend.

Koyama is impressed with Shige’s logic and so willingly sits still for a 20 minute lecture on what kind of girl Mei-chan is when he’d much rather find out in person. By the end of it the only thing that Koyama has learned of interest is that she loves Vietnamese food, which has Koyama internally giving himself a high-five. Shige also mentions that her favourite flowers are orchids and Koyama makes a mental note to stop at the florist on the way.

Shige leaves soon after and Koyama has some time to kill before he has to go pick her up, so he rings and makes reservations for the Vietnamese restaurant, brushes his teeth again, then paces nervously back and forth for 10 minutes before he can’t stand it anymore. He throws on his jacket and shoes and double checks that he’s removed the condom from his wallet before heading out to his car. He doesn’t want her to accidently see it and then get the wrong idea about him.

He gets to her apartment block around 15 minutes early. And that’s with the terrible traffic and the long queue in the florists. He checks his hair in his mirror and makes sure he hasn’t got spinach in his teeth, despite not having eaten spinach in months. This wastes approximately 45 more seconds, and Koyama decides he can’t wait any longer and hopes she forgives him for being early.

She certainly seems to when she gives a hundred-watt grin as she answers the door. Koyama is once again so struck by her that he just stares for a moment, before his manners kicks in and he offers her the little plant pot with the pink orchid in it. “For you, Yamasaki-san” he says. She takes it with a smile. “My favourite!” she exclaims and puts it on the table in her genkan before picking up her handbag and coat.

They walk down to the car and she giggles when Koyama holds open the passenger door for her. When he slides into the driver’s seat he tells her the name of the restaurant he’s booked, asking if it’s ok, and is delighted when she states that she’s wanted to go to that particular restaurant for a while now and never quite managed to get around to it. Koyama’s inner romantic starts babbling about fate and he grins to himself as he pulls out into traffic.

The restaurant is absolutely wonderful. They have a table at the back that overlooks a courtyard filled with flowers and a tiny pond that has a few fish in it. The lighting is romantic, but not too dark and while it’s busy enough that they don’t feel conspicuously noticeable, the tables are far enough apart to give them their privacy. Koyama finishes up a story he’d started in the car about when he’d first tried Vietnamese food and they grin to each other while they peruse their menus.

The food when it comes is amazing. The meat is tender and juicy, and the vegetables are crisp and tasty. Koyama thinks this might be his new second-favourite restaurant. And this is definitely the best date that Koyama has ever been on. There are absolutely no awkward pauses or moments and after Mei insists he call her by her first name, he does the same. They start with their common ground, namely Shige, and sharing embarrassing stories about him. Koyama learns a few things about his best friend that he cannot wait to use as blackmail material, and Mei laughs at stories of backstage antics. This easily segues into both of them talking about their work and other aspects of their lives.

The more Koyama learns about her the deeper in love he falls. She is just perfect. She’s so beautiful and smart and funny and is very committed to her career. Koyama knows this could be the start of something beautiful and he hopes very much that she feels the same way. When dinner is over Mei suggests they take a walk and he readily agrees, not wanting the evening to be over yet. The weather is warm enough with their jackets on, but with a slight chill in the air that sets in at the beginning of autumn. There aren’t many people around, and they walk for a bit in companionable silence. She links her arm through his and he can feel his heart start to race like a lovesick puppy.

“I don’t know why but it feels like I’ve known you for years” she tells him. He grins and responds, “I know what you mean”. They slowly make their way back to the car, neither of them wanting the night to end, but both having work early in the morning. Koyama drives her back home and walks her to her door. They stop when they reach her door and he smiles, debating on whether or not to kiss her. He wants to. A lot. But he also doesn’t want to rush things and scare her off. She’s a nice girl and he doesn’t want her to think he’s only after one thing. It’s while he’s having this internal battle with himself that she surprises him, by leaning in and rising onto her tiptoes to kiss him.

She tastes like home and honey and that’s all his mind registers before it’s lost. She wraps her arms around his neck and he plasters himself to her, flattening her against her front door in the process. Her lips are soft and her tongue is so warm wrapped around his. He feels himself begin to harden and a dim corner of his mind starts to lament losing the condom earlier, when he hears a door further along the hallway open.

They spring apart guiltily, as though they were doing something wrong, when a neighbour ambles past with a bag of rubbish in hand. Koyama feels himself flush with embarrassment and is about to apologise for his inappropriate behaviour when he notices her bright red face and realises she’s as embarrassed as him. They stand there for a few moments with sheepish grins on their faces and Koyama doesn’t know what to do now. The neighbour returns, slowly shuffling back to his apartment and suddenly Mei grins and sticks out her hand. “Thank you for a lovely evening Koyama-san. I hope we can do it again sometime” she says. Koyama matches her grin and accepts her handshake. “I would like that very much, Yamasaki-san” he says.

She turns and opens her door and skips into her apartment and gives him a quick wave and winks at him before shutting the door. He practically floats back down to the car and drives home feeling on cloud nine. He can’t believe that he makes it home in one piece, daydreaming as he is about the whole evening. He cannot wait until their second date.

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