Gift fic for carmine_pink

Sep 02, 2012 11:40

Gift fic for: carmine_pink
From: newsficcon

Title: With All Haste
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Shige/Massu bffery. Appearances from a lot of others in the agency.
Warnings: none.
Summary: In a move unprecedented (at least in Japan), Johnny reinstates the dorms and moves everyone in. Shige is really not pleased.
Notes: for carmine_pink! A hearty thanks goes to my betas, and another ( Read more... )

r: pg13, p: massu/shige

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sanjihan September 10 2012, 15:19:46 UTC
Omg. The letter. OMG I'M LAUGHING SO HARD I hope my neighbor isn't trying to sleep D:

Shige falls asleep to haunting dreams of misery and, worse yet, semi-public humiliation.
Like being a junior. All. Over. Again.

In fact, Koyama has so much fun with the new arrangement that he declares himself an honorary roommate.

Of everyone.
I hate that it's 11:30 and I'm trying to be quiet because bahahahahahaha

"We wouldn't mind," a voice that is distinctively Toma calls out. "Really."

"They still have Toma in there?" Tegoshi asks, half incredulous, half choking on his gurgled laughter.
*snorts with laughter*

At first it's a little like taking care of a sibling, but as the days drag on, Koyama -- Koyama of all people -- starts calling them 'mom' and 'dad'. Shige burns his eggs out of spite.
Ahahahahahahahaha Koyama you jerkface. <3 I love jerkface Koyama.

not that Shige doesn't like Fujigaya, but they don't need more sass. Tegoshi could out-sass all of Harajuku.
Damn straight.

how Hina was making him feel all sorts of inferior in their dorm because he was all chiseled and hanging out everywhere and how awful his manhood was being affected because of it
I understand, Yoko. XD

"What if I was a clone?"

Massu thinks on this for a moment. "Then I'd find the other one, but keep you too. Double the Shige isn't so bad."
I wouldn't mind double the Shige!

He didn't even get to whisper conspiratorially into Massu's ear.

HEEEEEEEEE so much cute. I loved all of this. EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT. I don't know who you are, but you rule.


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