Gift fic for kaminikaku

Sep 12, 2011 22:04

Gift fic for: kaminikaku
From: newsficcon

Title: Happy Birthday
Rating: PG (Omake - NC-17)
Pairing: KoyaShige
Warnings: none
Summary: It's Shige's birthday and he's feeling a little confused.
Notes: For kaminikaku - I know your main preference is for a lower rated stories, and even though you said you were OK with it going to NC-17, this fic is presented in a way that you can stop if you don't want to read that far. But I hope you do. Inspired partly by Shige's jwebs from around his birthday last year. Thank you to my wonderful beta. Your assistance and encouragement was invaluable. Also, I'd like to acknowledge Adam Lambert's 'For Your Entertainment' for helping set the mood for part of this fic.

Shige cursed silently as he glanced towards the door as someone else entered the restaurant. He knew Koyama wasn't coming but he still couldn't help himself and he felt a little more pathetic with every glance.

It was his birthday, or it would be in an hour or so, and he was surrounded by friends gathered to celebrate the fact he was another year older, more grown up and maybe more mature. There had already been much backslapping, drinking and toasting to the birthday boy which had inevitably loosened them all up. Now the conversation had inevitably turned dirty, or 'manly' as some would call it. Somehow though, making lewd comments about the waitress or debating the shortlist of the idols with the most “stimulating” photos didn't really engage him, at least not tonight.

Tonight, although he was trying to appear interested, he really wasn't. He was too distracted as he looked around the table because the one face he wanted to see was missing. He knew work had to come first and he understood and appreciated how hard Koyama was working to establish a career as a newscaster but that didn't lessen his frustration. Or his distraction.

It was complicated though. Complicated by the fact that it had only been a couple of weeks since he and Koyama finally admitted that they felt more for each other than just best friends and moved their relationship to the next level. It wasn't exactly a secret, they just hadn't told anyone.

But then, had they really moved to the next level? Was there really anything to tell at this stage? Sure, work was keeping them pretty busy, but things hadn't exactly moved along the way Shige had imagined they might. They hadn't really gone to the next, next level. He knew something was holding Koyama back but he hadn't been able to figure out what. It certainly wasn't helping his self-confidence.

Yes it was nice to snuggle on the sofa in front of the tv but they were a long way from consummating this new relationship. In fact, Shige figured they hadn't really gone past 'first base'. He had no real complaints about that, of itself. After all, he had a certain fascination with Koyama's talented mouth. But it never seemed to lead to anything more.

Was Koyama having second thoughts? Was he not comfortable with being more intimate? Maybe he just found that Shige didn't turn him on? Maybe he thought it would happen once they got closer, but maybe it hadn't. After all, apart from that very first night when they confessed their desire for each other, Shige couldn't remember Koyama saying that he loved him. He didn't even say it in response when Shige said it in their last phone conversation a couple of nights earlier.

Shige definitely wasn't having second thoughts, in fact his thoughts were fairly well occupied. His libido and his imagination were both working overtime most of the time. He had just hoped that he would have had a chance to put both of them to work on Koyama by now. He was definitely running out of patience, and if he was totally honest with himself, hope. They needed to discuss what was, or wasn't, going on.

Even now, as he looked up again, as someone else entered the restaurant his imagination kicked in. He could see Koyama striding through the door looking manly and determined and gorgeous. His gaze would be fixed intently on Shige as he navigated his way across the room. And with barely time to murmur “sorry I'm late” he'd sweep Shige up into his arms for a fiery and body tingling kiss that would put an end to any speculation about who Shige would be going home with.

With a wry chuckle that he seemed to be channeling his inner schoolgirl, Shige's attention turned back to the table to discover the conversation had turned to their next destination for the evening. It seemed like some planning had gone into the evening and more drinking in less polite company was next on the agenda so Shige allowed himself to be steered out to the street and into the back of a taxi.

While dinner had been at a place Shige knew, he was totally unfamiliar with the crowded basement bar that lurked down a dark set of stairs. It seemed a couple of his friends were regular patrons as they waved and greeted various people as the group pushed their way towards the bar. Fortunately though it seemed they were expected and with only a nod to the staff behind the bar, they group made their way to a small private area.

It seemed a few more people had joined the group and Shige recognized everyone by face if not by name. They all seemed to be in a good mood as the drinks started flowing with another toast to the birthday boy.

“So, where's your boyfriend?” one of the newcomers asked.

Shige stopped himself as he drew breath to answer automatically.

“Eh, none of that talk tonight!” said someone else.

“Yeah,” joked another, “It's not like they're joined at the dick.”

Shige didn't know whether to laugh or cringe at that statement, but when the snorting and laughing died down, he turned to the first speaker.

“Were you asking about Koyama?”

“He's out of town on a location shoot,” added one of Shige's close friends, “It came up on short notice, otherwise he'd definitely be here.”

Someone threw an arm around Shige's shoulders, “And I think our birthday boy should not worry about that and just get ready for his birthday surprise.”


“Yup and I know Koyama is kicking himself that he's not here either.”

“So where is this surprise?”

“Don't worry, we're heading there soon …” the arm around his shoulders tightened, “And you're gonna love it! And so are we!!”

Another round of cheers erupted from the table. Shige had a bad feeling about this.

“Last drinks then!” someone called, “And then we're off!”

Shige realised that he probably wasn't drunk enough for whatever they had in store, and he was absolutely sure that that the surprise they had planned wasn't on his wish list. How could it be?

He suddenly needed some fresh air, so he excused himself from the group and headed back up to street level. Maybe they thought he was keen to move on, it didn't really matter. He did know that he hadn't checked his phone messages and he was sure there were plenty of birthday wishes waiting.

He smiled as he scrolled down the list of messages. It seemed Massu had managed to be the first message again, though there were a few timestamped 11:59. But it was always like a snapshot from various corners of your life reading through who had sent messages. Messages from the other members of NEWS were to be expected, it was sort of a part of their job description and something that the fans were always keen to hear about. But he knew which messages were sent by friends and which were sent with a more dutiful intent. Still it was nice to see messages from family, workmates, classmates, Johnnys, people he'd worked with on stage and tv as well as other friends. It definitely made someone feel connected to know that many people were thinking of them at the same point in time.

However, Shige wasn't stopping to read all the messages, he was scrolling in search of one name in particular. He found it in the middle of the message list, already more than half an hour old.

Happy Birthday! I know I'm late but I'm on my way home now. Have they dragged you to the strip club yet? I told T-kun that the birthday boy ought to get a lap dance. Enjoy! And I'll be there when you get home.

Shige's initial reaction was a sting of disappointment, but that was ridiculous. Koyama wasn't going to write some hearts and flowers declaration of love, not when he didn't know who would be looking over Shige's shoulder when he read it.

His next response was a little more confused. A strip club? He was supposed to go a strip club with his friends while Koyama waited at home? And Koyama knew about this plan? It didn't make a whole lot of sense. Did Koyama think it was a good idea to go to a strip club? Was he unable to suggest it was a bad idea (considering their new relationship status)? Or did it not matter to him at all?

It was not OK with Shige. Not at all. But before he could decide on the best way to cut the evening short he could hear his friends climbing the stairs to the street. He realized that he was still staring at his phone and he made to put it away as if it was what he was already doing. He probably should have sent some kind of response back to Koyama but he wasn't sure what he wanted to say. At least not in a brief text message.

He knew that he didn't want to spend the rest of the night at a strip club. He wanted to go home. He wanted to see Koyama and he wanted to sort out where they were headed. He needed to know and he didn't want to put it off till tomorrow, or even later tonight. It was time to be a man of action.

Standing on the street with a group of your close drunken friends, however, was not the time or place to make an announcement of anything like that. He knew his mind was elsewhere so he was hardly surprised to find, after a flurry of activity, that he was once again in the back of another taxi.

He looked across at the faces of the friends in the taxi with him and it was clear that he wasn't wearing the same alcoholic buzz. Alcohol was a mood enhancer after all and his mood had never risen to the appropriate level all evening. Well, unless you could call 'distracted' a mood.

As the taxi pulled up at their destination, another location Shige didn't recognise, though he could see clearly that Koyama's message had been on the money. It only firmed his resolve to cut the evening short, and his distracted state cleared long enough for him to remember that his friends hadn't actually told him where they were going. Maybe it wouldn't look so bad if he begged off now. No one would think it had anything to do with their “surprise”.

As they were leaving the taxi, Shige leaned forward and quietly asked the taxi driver to wait for a few moments. Then he turned to the nearest friend who was now standing on the street.
“This surprise,” Shige started casually, “It doesn't actually need me personally to happen does it?”

“Eh ...” His friend blinked at him in confusion.

“I mean, I'm not going to make something happen by being there. It's going to happen anyway, right?”

“Yes, um, no. Well … it needs the birthday boy.”

“But anyone could be the birthday boy, right?”

“I guess so, but it's your birthday ...”

“And since it's my birthday, I'm deputising you to stand in as the birthday boy.”


Shige, still seated in the taxi, beckoned his friend closer.

“I don't want to spoil anyone's fun so if you stand in as the birthday boy, then this surprise won't be affected. Plus I figure it's more for your entertainment than mine ...”

“What about you?”

Shige swallowed.

“There's something I need to … do. And it's important that I take care of it now.” And not go to a strip club instead, Shige added silently to himself. “So you'll do this for me?”

“Well, if you put it that way … Happy Birthday to me!” his friend chuckled. “But honestly man, if you gotta take care of some stuff then I've your back right. Always.”

- - - -

Alone in the back of the taxi Shige tried to just relax and watch the late night scenery pass by. But it was difficult to clear his mind. He just wanted to get home. All he had really wanted was to be with that one special person on his birthday, and this birthday should have been the time for that. So what was going on?

Was Koyama having second thoughts? Did he really only love Shige as a friend and was just trying to make him happy? Or was it possible that you could care deeply for someone, be physically close to them, hug them, kiss them and yet, not actually feel any sexual attraction towards them?

Did Koyama think that Shige wasn't ready? Did he think Shige wasn't interested? What did he think?

Damn it! Shige wanted more and if Koyama hadn't figured that out by now, well, he would just have to make things totally clear. And he wasn't above drawing diagrams or using hand puppets to get the message across.

He hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Still he was feeling decidedly nervous as he opened his front door and stepped into his apartment. There was something to be said for avoiding asking the question if you might not like the answer. Sometimes, though, you just had to know.

The lights were low but Shige could clearly make out Koyama's form as he dozed on the sofa. The tv was on, the volume set low. Koyama was lying along the sofa, his head resting on the armrest. He looked peaceful, relaxed and all together too enticing.

When he didn't stir on Shige's approach, Shige leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Koyama's cheek while running a hand down the length of his firmly muscled arm, lingering a moment to draw circles on his forearm until he began to wake.

Koyama stirred slowly and turned his eyes toward Shige, a soft smile spread across his face.

“Welcome home. Did you have a good night?” Koyama stretched and sat up.

“Yes and no,” Shige responded, dropping down beside him on the sofa.

“No?” Koyama turned toward him with a puzzled expression.

“Well, I missed you for one thing, you weren't there ... but ..." Shige swallowed hard. He needed to get this out but it still wasn't easy but he had to tell Koyama what he was feeling. He looked down at his hands, knowing his courage would disappear if he was watching the expressions on Koyama's face as he spoke, "But what if you had been? Would you have just sat across the table smiling at all the crude jokes? Would you have been cheering me on with the stripper? Are we just pretending to be anything other than friends? I know we haven't said anything to anyone ... is that because you're not sure? Are you having second thoughts ... because I'm not? I want to be with you in every way possible and I need to know that that's what you want too."

Shige stopped to take a deep breath. He figured Koyama was too horrified to speak so he continued, "I couldn't stop thinking about you tonight. And then ... to even consider going to some club, with my friends ... tell me you knew that I wouldn't want to do that? I couldn't. What was that all about? Is it just me? Please tell me because it's not how I see us. I don't want to pressure you into anything. I don't. I thought we were on the same page but ... I just ... Please tell me." Shige's courage had deserted him. He couldn't say the final things - that he wanted to know why they hadn't moved on to a more physical relationship, that he was afraid that Koyama didn't find him sexually attractive, that he wanted to get naked and sweaty with Koyama and it was driving him crazy just thinking about it.

He couldn't say those things because if that wasn't where Koyama was coming from and he was having second thoughts, how would their friendship be affected once that genie was out of the bottle. Shige didn't want to lose Koyama as a friend, he'd make it work no matter how much Koyama wanted to give. He couldn't imagine being without him, so if he needed to back away Shige could cope, he had to. The alternative was unthinkable.

Shige willed his breathing to even out into a calm and steady pattern as he clasped his hands together in his lap in an effort to stop them trembling. He didn't trust himself to speak further as he tried to prepare himself for whatever it was that Koyama had to say.

Even so, he wasn't quite prepared for the hand that caressed his cheek briefly and then lifted his chin so that he had no option but to look into Koyama's face. Koyama looked sad. Not angry, not upset, not horrified, not anything, just sad. However, he only had a moment to register the expression, his own heart clenching at the fact he was the cause of it, and then he was pulled into a fierce tight hug.

“Oh, Shige, I'm so sorry,” Koyama finally murmured and Shige waited for the inevitable 'but'.

“I'm so sorry,” Koyama repeated again, tightening the hug. “It's my fault ... All my fault. Let me make it right. Please.”

Shige wasn't sure to be relieved or worried but he returned the hug and held on as tight as he could until he felt Koyama's arms loosen. This time as they pulled apart it was Koyama who was avoiding eye contact.

He sighed before he spoke.

“It is all my fault. I didn't want to rush you into anything you weren't sure about and it looks like all I've done is make you doubt my feelings. I know I haven't said it enough but I love you. I love you in a way I've never loved anyone in my life and sometimes that makes me feel selfish and a little scared, you know?”

He paused and brushed his hands nervously along his thighs.

“I want you all to myself but at the same time I wonder if it's all a dream that will disappear when I try to grab hold. I absolutely want there to be no barriers between us, of any kind … but, with your birthday coming so soon … it just reminded me that you are younger than me, no matter what we say, and ... And then I got a message from one of your other friends about making plans for your birthday.

“Before I could get back to them I found out that I had to work these last few days, so I knew that I wouldn't be there, whatever was planned. I met with them anyway to discuss options and somewhere there the strip club plan was born. I thought it was more about them than you but what could I say, without sounding like your mother or your possessive boyfriend,” he chuckled wryly.

“Thing is, I know that some of your friends … it's not that they don't like me, they just don't like me taking up so much of your free time.” Koyama's voice took on a more somber tone, “So I figured that if I didn't have a different and better idea, it wasn't right for me to be telling them I was THE Shige authority and that their idea wasn't a good one. And I still had that little voice poking at me that you were going to eventually realise what you would be giving up to be with me … and I wasn't so sure.

“I'm not experimenting, or testing the waters. I want you, just you and ...” Koyama paused and raised his eyes to Shige's face.

Shige had been listening intently but he felt as though his heart wanted to break free from his chest. Koyama loved him and wanted him, and everything else was just set dressing.

As Koyama went to speak again, Shige pressed a finger to his lips. “Shhh, you don't need to explain anything. It's not your fault. I should have told you how I was feeling before now. Maybe we have to stop being quite so considerate of each other, you think?”

Shige moved his hand to run his thumb across Koyama's lips and was rewarded as he felt Koyama lean into his touch. Cupping his cheek fully, Shige drew Koyama's face towards him and sealed their lips together is a slow, soft kiss. Shige knew that they weren't in a hurry to get anywhere and right now they just needed to connect.

When they finally broke apart Shige could feel himself smiling and was totally unsurprised to look up into a matching smile on Koyama's face.

“You make a good point,” Koyama's eyes were soft and inviting and Shige couldn't help but reach for his face again.

“Well, I'm the birthday boy and I'm officially older and wiser now.”

Koyama looped his arm across Shige's shoulder and leaned them both back against the sofa, in a more comfortable, yet still intimate embrace. They kissed again and Shige snuggled into Koyama's side just enjoying the closeness and warmth of the moment.


They sat that way, each consumed by his own thoughts for some time, till Shige broke the silence. He didn't want to dwell on the earlier part of the evening anymore and he almost didn't want to break the spell of the moment, but he could sense that Koyama was waiting for him to make the next move. So he went for a different subject, one that he knew would easily draw Koyama into conversation.

“So tell me about the place you were filming? Any little old ladies who tried to pinch your backside?” It didn't get much to get Koyama talking about the people and places he encountered in his role as a newscaster. He was passionate about the challenges this new work direction provided, as he was with any work that came his way.

Shige had known the basic premise for the story they would be shooting and was always interested to hear of the surprises or difficulties they faced when they arrived on location. In some ways, he just enjoyed listening to Koyama recount his experiences.

Unlike his radio or tv voice, when it was just the two of them in a quiet space, Koyama's voice was soft and low and meant only for his ears. Shige enjoyed the way it washed over him, drawing him even closer. He unconsciously rested a hand on Koyama's upper leg, listening as he recounted his admiration for the way the people he'd interviewed were trying to get on with their lives in such challenging conditions.

Koyama was an engrossing story teller and Shige was unaware that he had started stroking along the inside of Koyama's thigh as he talked. He didn't notice that his hand movements flowed with Koyama's narrative, speeding up, slowing down, or stopping to just rub in a circular motion at times.

Koyama paused when he repeated the same sentence over, stumbling over some of the words. “Shige … if you don't stop that I won't be able to finish my story.”

“What?” Shige stilled his hand and looked down to see his knuckles resting against Koyama's crotch. He also noticed that Koyama had opened his legs a little to allow him better access.
“I can't think with you doing that.”

“Mmm ...” Shige smirked, thrilled and excited that Koyama had responded to his touch, “Seems even a newscaster has to work under challenging conditions these days.” He began to draw circles with his fingers on the inside of Koyama's thigh.

“Well,” Koyama commented, his breath hitching a little, “Not everything we shoot is suitable for public consumption.”

“Very true. Some things should only be kept for private viewing shouldn't they?”

“Yes, totally private.”

“Mmm, private is good, especially for people in our line of work ... for example, if someone was going to get a lap dance...” This time Shige moved his hand further up Koyama's leg.

Koyama sounded distracted as he answered, “Yes, private lap dance, good.”

“So you'll do it for me?”


“My birthday lap dance.”

“Here? Now?” Shige didn't miss the catch in Koyama's voice.

“Yes. Here. Now. You. Me. Are you up to the challenge?”

Koyama paused for a moment as if considering his options, “I'm not a professional you know.”

“I'm prepared to take my chances.”

“You are?”

“Yes. I believe that enthusiasm can make up for a lot of things.” Shige knew he wasn't just referring to Koyama's participation.

“OK, then. What do we need?”

“Oh, I'm sure you've got all the equipment,” Shige snickered, “But I guess some music would help.”

“We'll see won't we. So you pick some music and I'll get … um ... ready.”

Shige definitely liked the sound of that. He wandered over to his stereo and picked up his iPod. He took a minute or two to shuffle through the tracks before deciding on one and setting the iPod in the speaker dock. He was, though a little disappointed when he turned back around to find Koyama, still wearing his jeans and a buttoned up shirt, though standing next to a chair from his dining table.

“Are you ready?” Shige knew he sounded a little skeptical.

“Sit … please,” Koyama beckoned Shige over to take a seat. Once he had he leaned in close to Shige's ear, “And no touching, until you're invited to.”

Shige felt his pulse quicken and he just nodded.

“Good,” Koyama added, before he turned Shige's head, tilting it back and kissing him hard, “Because it's not polite to unwrap your presents before it's time.”

Koyama moved across the room, keeping his back to Shige, and pressed play. He stayed that way as the music started, beginning to move his hips and shoulders in time with the beat of the song.
Shige was already liking the show and it hadn't even really started.

Suddenly, Koyama spun around to face him and Shige found himself caught in a penetrating and passionate stare. There was no doubt left at all as to whether or not there was sexual attraction between them. Shige felt like he was about to be consumed whole and he couldn't think of a better way to go.

He swallowed as Koyama began moving towards him. His hips still moving as his hands went to the buttons on his shirt undoing them one by one until he came to stand almost brushing Shige's knees with his shirt now hanging open loosely.

Now only inches from his face Shige could clearly see how finely muscled Koyama's upper body was. Not bulky but firm and defined, inviting further exploration of all that silky skin.
Koyama was all together too good at moving his hips in that seductive way. Shige couldn't help himself as he reached out to feel the play of those muscles under skin as Koyama rolled his hips once more.

“No touching,” he admonished, sweeping away Shige's hand only moments after he'd made contact with warm flesh. “Like what you see?”

Shige swallowed, hard. Like was an understatement. He wanted to feel and taste every inch of Koyama's exposed skin, and grunted as he returned his hands to his sides.

As if Koyama was trying to test him further, Shige then felt his knees nudged apart as Koyama came even further into his personal space, gyrating into his face as his shirt flapped around Shige's head. Koyama let his shirt fall to the floor then turned with his back to Shige and straddled one of his legs, continuing to grind and thrust.

Shige balled his hands into tight fists. But before he had a chance to fully process that move Koyama was on his feet again and moving behind Shige. He felt hot breath on his neck and his earlobe was sucked into a warm hot mouth. He was unable to prevent the moan that escaped his lips.

All too soon that also was over. And then Koyama reappeared in front of him. Somehow, while he'd been out of sight, he'd discarded his jeans and was now only clad in a pair of snug fitting boxer briefs. Shige was now drawing ragged breaths as he was able to admire the full length of Koyama's form as he moved with more abandon, every erotic move seeming to increase the room temperature.

This time he made more of a show of dancing close into Shige's face, then turning and straddling his other leg, all the while grinding his hips and thrusting.

Without warning he suddenly laid all his weight back against Shige, bringing them into full contact waist to shoulder, never stopping his movements. But again quickly changing positions, getting back to his feet and leaning forward to grab his own ankles, present his cloth covered ass even more directly into Shige's face.

Shige was horrified to think that the whimpering sound he'd just heard had come from his own mouth. Koyama was certainly good at this for an amateur.

Never ceasing his movements, Koyama again turned to face Shige, and captured his eyes, holding them with his heated gaze. Lost in those eyes he only barely registered when Koyama reached down to grab at the hem of his t-shirt, and he lifted his arms almost automatically as it was pulled over his head and cast aside.

He did register when a warm hand moved across his chest and fingernails dragged across a nipple. He felt as if his senses were turned up to a hypersensitive level and he almost bucked them both out of the chair when Koyama finally came to settle straddling across his lap and bringing their groins into contact.

“Touching now is good,” Koyama growled at him, taking Shige's face between his hands and devouring his mouth as he pressed their bodies even closer together

Shige's hands settled at the waistband of Koyama's briefs before moving to explore the warm flesh now on offer. However, distracted by the intensity of Koyama's kiss, his hands quickly made their way into Koyama's hair as they kissed until lack of oxygen forced them to come up for air.

Shige moved his hands across Koyama's back as he began planting kisses across his chest. Koyama's mouth had moved to Shige's neck and he was also aware of Koyama's hands at the waistband of his jeans. He moved one hand down and inside Koyama's briefs, squeezing a fleshy orb, then taking one of his nipples into his mouth and lavishing it with attention.

Koyama jerked against him and Shige moved his other hand to join the first, his hold on Koyama's ass allowing him to hold him in place as they continued to rub against each other. He knew they were both getting close to the edge. With a hand still inside Koyama's briefs Shige experimentally traced a finger between his ass cheeks and was rewarded by Koyama bucking harder against him, moaning and biting down on his shoulder. The hands at Shige's jeans became more frantic and eventually he felt Koyama's hand graze against his cloth covered cock as he wrestled the zipper down.

Koyama was humping against him in earnest now, murmuring things that Shige couldn't quite make out, but they were making him more turned on anyway. He knew he couldn't last much longer. And when Koyama's hand finally freed his straining cock from his underwear and then began to stroke him he had no restraint left. The last of his control deserted him and after a few thrusts he felt as if the world was exploding and he was the centre of the universe.

Koyama followed only moments later, collapsing against him and pinning him to the chair with his full weight. Shige wondered if his inner schoolgirl had returned, when instead of pushing Koyama off and complaining that his legs had gone to sleep, he reached around and embraced him, relishing in their shared body heat. He was in no hurry to move at all.

Shige had ceased to be aware of the music in the background until he realised that as he held Koyama now, the previous song had finished. He couldn't recall what it was, only that it wasn't the original track he'd selected. But the soft quiet moment was not to last as the next song on shuffle started up, startling them both as the cheery sounds of “Happy Birthday” filled the room. They both immediately started giggling.

"You do you realize how epic this is in every way?" Shige asked through fits of laughter, holding Koyama tighter for fear that their giggling would knock him out of his lap and onto the floor.

"Shi-Shi-ge-ge," Koyama gurgled, almost impossible to understand between his giggles, "Y-you d-do r-realize we won't ever be able to sing this song without thinking of this moment!" He giggled even harder before being able to draw breath and continue, "And Oh God! This is definitely our song now. We have a song, Shige! How egotistical is that! Our song is one of our own songs! We sound like Tegoshi."

The giggling turned into full blown laughter and Koyama was moving about so much that Shige's effort to keep hold of him only resulted in both of them rolling onto the floor and flat on their backs. That only caused another round of laughter and it took several minutes before either of them regained their composure, leaving the room with only the sound of their erratic breathing and the chorus from “Happy Birthday.”

"You know," Koyama said rolling over and moulding himself to Shige's side, again bringing them into skin to skin contact, "These lyrics have it right."

When Shige turned his head towards Koyama, he leaned in closer lightly kissing Shige's lips. "I do thank God for you. Happy Birthday Shige."

Shige reached up and pulled Koyama's head down for a deep and soul searing kiss, neither of them noticing the iPod had moved to the next song and “Forever” had begun to play in the background.

r: nc17, c: koyama, c: shige, p: koyama/shige

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