Gift fic for go_chan2011

Sep 12, 2011 07:27

Gift fic for: go_chan2011
From: newsficcon

Title: Come To Me (Brownies)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: RyoPi, (Ryopin) Friendship
Warning: A little smut on the side.
Summary: Pi broke up with his girlfriend and he’s devastated, Ryo and Jin try to cheer him up by throwing a party in their apartment.
Notes: This is for the newsficcon exchange.

Ryo and Jin were planning to throw a party for Yamapi-he was devastated when his girl broke up with him. So they went grocery shopping for the party, placed the groceries in the kitchen, and tried to convince Yamapi to help them prepare.

“Pi, come on get up, we need an extra hand here,” Jin said while taking Yamapi’s blanket.

“Yeah, this will be fun,” Ryo said holding Yamapi hands, trying to drag him out of bed.

“I don’t feel like having a party,” Pi replied, pulling his body down back onto the bed and burying his face into a pillow.

“Oh, come on, it’s been a week since you broke up with that silly girl and you don’t party with us anymore,” Jin said and sat down on the bed shaking Yamapi.

It hurt Ryo to see Yamapi in this state, since he loves him so much. He cursed the girl who did this to him. How could she say that she didn’t love Yamapi anymore?

“You don’t want to get up? Then I will punish you,” Ryo said and tickled Yamapi. Yamapi just tried to ignore Ryo’s attack, but the older one was persistent and knew just where to tickle Yamapi.

“Stop! Stop! Okay you win. Just stop tickling me,” Yamapi said and tried to remove Ryo’s hand away from his body. But Ryo still didn’t stop tickling him, so then he pressed his lips to Ryo’s. Ryo was taken by surprise and stopped tickling him immediately. Jin was also surprised at what he’s just witnessed.

“There … come on I’ll help you with the food.” Yamapi got up and walked out of his room.

Ryo was blushing and Jin stood up.

“Ryo, come on, your prince is waiting for us,” Jin teased him.

“Shut up!” Ryo got up and followed Jin out of the room; he could still feel Yamapi’s soft lips on his.

Yamapi was puzzled with himself, with what he just did. He was just going to tease Ryo about kissing him, but he slipped and actually kissed him. He was unaware of what he had been doing; he shook his head so that the memory of kissing Ryo would vanish from his mind.

“What are we cooking?” Yamapi asked while surveying the groceries.

“We will have some pica - pica that I will make myself. You and Ryo can take care of the decorations,” Jin said smiling.

“Oh... okay.” Yamapi sat on the couch and looked through the box of decorations.

“What are you trying to do Jin?” Ryo whispered.

“I’m just helping you. You looked cute together back there,” Jin said teasing Ryo.

“Hey, it was a mistake, he didn’t mean it,” Ryo replied while blushing.

“Yah, I know he could love you. You’re such a baka,” Jin said with a serious face.

“Yah you see … hey I’m not a baka! Bakanishi!” Ryo said angrily at Jin.

“Oh, come on Ryo! It’s high time you make your move. He’s brokenhearted right now, and it’s your chance to let him know that you like him,” Jin said while making some brownies.

“What if he gets angry at me? I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” Ryo replied.

“I think he likes you, too. I saw the way you two kissed,” Jin said in a dreamy tone.

“I don’t know… what are you making? Brownies? You know I hate brownies,” Ryo said pouting.

“I know that, silly. This is not for you, it’s for Yamapi,” Jin said while putting the brownies in the oven.

“Go! Leave me alone before Yamapi decides to go back to bed again.” Jin said pushing Ryo into the living room.


Ryo and Yamapi decorated the living room in silence, the kiss still lingering fresh in their minds.

“Hey guys! Time for some snacks,” Jin set down the brownies on the table.

“Wow! My favorite!” Yamapi said grabbing one and eating it.

“I have to go to the grocery store-we forgot the beer,” Jin said. As he passed by Ryo he whispered, “This is your chance.”

“Huh! What chance?” Ryo replied whispering too.

“Just trust me. Pi, I’ll be back soon!” Jin said.

“Okay,” Yamapi said while eating the brownies that Jin made.


Ryo went to the kitchen to grab a drink; Jin really is a baka to have forgotten some juice to go with the brownies. When he returned to the living room, Yamapi had almost finished the whole plate of brownies. He immediately handed the juice to the other man, but Yamapi just pulled him close and pressed his lips onto his.

Ryo was shocked, but couldn’t think straight as he was overwhelmed by the arousing feelings he was getting from Yamapi’s kiss. Yamapi prodded Ryo’s lips with his tongue trying to seek access; Ryo opened his mouth giving access to Yamapi.

Their lips were meshed together, and Ryo could feel the other’s hand touching his whole body, and feeling each and every firm muscle. Ryo couldn’t help but moan at his touch. Yamapi started undressing him, kissing him, and then touching him, brushing his palms over Ryo’s bare body.

The boys were now naked and touching each other. Yamapi continuously kissed and caressed Ryo body. Yamapi then began to kiss, caress, and nibble Ryo’s nipples. His hands started to grope Ryo’s abs and then slowly wandered lower until he reached Ryo’s hard member, slowly caressing it and moving his hands up and down.

Yamapi hands moved to Ryo’s ass, he started caressing it and put his index finger in the tiny hole, helping prepare Ryo for his advances. He pushed his finger in and out of Ryo’s hole and when he felt that Ryo was ready he positioned himself and finally pushed his hardness inside.

“Oh… you’re so tight,” Yamapi moaned at the pleasure. Ryo moaned as well as Yamapi moved faster until they reach their climax.


Ryo woke up before Yamapi; he slowly put his clothes on trying not to make noise and walked outside of the apartment. He then saw Jin coming back from the grocery store, carrying some bottles of beer.

“Where are you going?” Jin said, trying to carry the large amount of beer bottles.

“I…Did you put something in those brownies?” Ryo asked.

“What do you mean?” Jin asked puzzled.

“Well, Yamapi and I …. We had sex while you were gone”, Ryo said blushing.

“Whoa! That was great!” Jin grinned, teasing Ryo.

“You didn’t put anything in the food right?” Ryo asked. He was not convinced that Jin hadn’t put anything in the brownies to make Yamapi act that way.

“Of course not!” Jin replied and he saw Yamapi rushing towards them wearing only his boxers.

“You should ask him about what happened. I’ll go out again, I forgot the chips,” Jin said giving Ryo the beer.

“And Pi, please put some clothes on before leaving the apartment. Someone might get killed by you know who,” Jin said the two give him an angry look.

“Ryo, I know this is sudden but I’ve just realized this. I do love you, that’s why my girlfriend broke up with me. She said there’s something missing in our relationship and now I know,” Yamapi said and hugged him.

“It’s not because Jin put something on the brownies?” Ryo asked

“Of course, not! What did Jin put something on the brownies?” Yamapi replies to him.

“I love you, too. And Pi, could you help me with this bag? It’s heavy,” Ryo said and handed the other bag to him as they laughed.

r: pg13, p: ryo/yamapi, c: other

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