How to deal with a $2.5 million dollar hospital bill.

Apr 02, 2007 13:54

So there's been a lot of talk about the broken healthcare system lately, and these folks are a prime example of how things can go very, very wrong. I'm not typically one for online petitions, because my cynical side says, "most legislators don't give a raggedy pooh-bear about these petitions - they just don't seem credible." But to a marketer, petitions like this actually make a difference, and so I think this might actually have some effect.

I want to see these people on Extreme Makeover Home Edition because I'd hope that this would give the current focus on our healthcare syatem a much more personal face, because that's the sort of thing that actually tends to influence people. It's the difference between, "X,000 children are abducted from their homes every year.", and, "OMGElizabethSmarttWTF!!11!!!"

I don't expect something like this to make a drastic change, I think it will only nudge the focus a little bit in the direction I think it should go, but I think that nudge is well worth the time it took me to write this, and the time it took me to sign the petition.

I know too many people who are in healthcare limbo not to make an effort. I've been one of those people myself, and I'm a small bout of bad luck from being there again. For anyone else who thinks this sort of thing is important, I'd encourage you to click and sign the petition.

Up with the Joneses

edit: Forgot to credit lakilika with pointing me to the issue. She actually worked with these folks, and I recall her frequently noting how wonderful they were to her. These really are good people, and they deserve any help that they can get.

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