Show 41: Smart in Either Sex - now up at

Jan 26, 2008 17:41

Show 41: Smart in Either Sex  - now up at

Tonight's topics include:
Explaining what a word is, The finest drink known to man, Not real pee, A bit behind about the stocks, Higher than my feet, Weight distribution below the waist, Ologies and Ostics, Syllable snobbery, Two sided spheres, Faulty physics in luminous clocks, Your martyrical editor, When does it stop being "laundry"?, Smart in either sex, Notes about an exclamation, Ignoring gravity, There's no tomorrow, Commuting from the post office, Environmentally friendly urination, How to use this programme, Using extra brain cells, Lord Alfred Tenysson's mess up, Acting on lack of impulse, Unable to present Dilbert, Beeville to Burmese, The A:B divide, Reading about books, The obsceneties of Baptise Vincent Something, Drawing Pontius Pilot as a witch, Two inaccurate "Bowling Greens", Gaffers at the forefront, Contingency plan for cat songs, Therapy in the bathroom, Stairs symmetry isn't fun, Drinking water for the hell of it, A fact about fiction, Listener input in my kitchen, Fake interaction with a dishwasher, Slow porn users.

Doctress Joanne O'Carroll has another fine lecture for the Into Your Head Adult Learning Programme, including a revolutionary new piano-based concept for road design, and Bowsy  brings us his first ever no holds barred audio column, channelled through Joanne.

Listen online at or (preferred) search for “Into Your Head” in the i-Tunes store,  then hit “subscribe”, to get the pod cast. Automatically to your i-tunes or i-pod.

irish, athy, online, funny, silly, ireland, humour, netcast, talk, radio, kildare, nonsense, comedy, drivel, monologue, podcast, audio

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