Started a blog

Feb 20, 2011 21:29

So, I've been thinking about my LJ for a while. I like the community on LJ, but because I get paranoid, I end up locking everything. I've decided to keep my LJ for personal things (my brother, my job, rants, and so on) and an external blog for anything general related to reading, books, industry, and academia. I don't foresee a lot of traffic for it, more as a place to house my thoughts.

I also used to short book reviews on LJ well, but I've migrated those more to Goodreads. My paranoia is rampant there too, so I've made that private. With the blog, I'm planning to post at least once a week with a book I want to share, so I only blog about positive things and save my not-so-positive ones for private forums. I also moved all my reading lists there.

It is here if you want to take a peek!:

Edit:  smilie117 made an RSS feed! newsboyhat_uk
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