"...Silent-film clips handsomely enhance the transitions between vignettes, and after a brief pause we enter the world of Lupe Vélez, a film actress whose work was overshadowed by her dynamic love life and grim death (which Andy Warhol would eventually make a movie about). Monessa Esquivel nails the part of the “Mexican Spitfire” with proud body language and a great accent. More importanly, we are as convinced as she is that Harald Maresch is going to marry her after she and Johnny Weissmuller (Olympic swimmer and Tarzan portrayer; played here by the wonderfully funny Navid Afshar) are divorced.
Altogether, I can’t speak highly enough of this performance. The sound design was impressive, the costumes ideal, and the direction astute. If Mr. Houston is looking on from somewhere - as his face, delicately shaded into the stage’s moon is - he must be very proud."
By Ashley Lindstrom