Well, it's been fun while it lasted, but I think now would be a good time to bow out for me. I've just lost interest in the roleplay, I suppose, and the game's been on and off activity wise. But yeah, I'll miss it. I'm a little sad my other characters didn't get any more time to shine, but playing Roxas especially was really fun. :D
Anyway, dropping:
Roxas (
Maya (
Balthier (
Toph (
Tidus (
Giselle (
Please defriend the journals, just in case I decide to use them again. Thanks!
And if you want to stay in contact, I'm sure you all know how to reach me by now. If not, my messengers are on my profile. It should be noted that I have a new AIM name, Candescently, and my old one is no longer in use.