Say Hello!

Mar 27, 2007 19:24

hello hello hello! first time poster here but im so in love with this community. everytime i open my fpage to see entries from this comm flooding it, it makes me squee. xD

anyway, i have a point, really. :D;;

one of the first NewS songs i fell in love with was "Say Hello" and i was furiously searching for lyrics but found none, to my dismay...until i stumbled upon THIS

the nice person who put up the performance at SC was kind enough to also translate the lyrics in the info part. (after you press "more") :DDD

so yeah...everyone should totally check it out (even if you've already seen it!) because the boys in white suits dancing with top hats and canes is just too ridiculously cute. and the lyrics to the song are just ADORABLE. it rivals tegomass' chocolate lyrics in cuteness. ♥

okay, i'll stop fangirling now. xD;; and if something like this has been posted already and i'm just apparently blind, then tell me and i'll delete the post. xD;;

♔ media: video - DO NOT USE

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