- It was announced on Feb. 26th that a third installment of “Otasuke Japan” will be airing on March 21st at 9pm. Koyama who has been the MC along with Nakamaru Yuichi (KAT-TUN) in the previous installments, will be continuing that role and additionally went on location with Massu to the Amazon in Ecuador.
Together with a famous chef of Japanese cuisine, they traveled for 40 hours one way to the Amazon, where the Quechua people live. There they will use Japanese cooking techniques to make a meal for the children there using local ingredients.
Apparently, after seeing Massu’s trip to the Amazon in the previous installment, Koyama requested to go on location as well. Koyama is quoted as saying, “Sleeping in the Amazon was tough. There was a huge tarantula in my bed, and cockroaches bigger than those you see in Japan, climbed on my shoulders 3 times. Strangely, after 3 days it didn’t bother me anymore. I hate bugs, but it’s not the type of environment where you can continue like that, I was surprised at how I adapted to it.”
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- Shigeaki no Cloud (Feb 27)
- Shige posted the 3rd part of his Worldista liner notes covering the songs Ribbon ~ Ending INTER. At the end Shige said that he put a lot of effort to write these but that he didn’t write them alone and thanked the staff who were involved with making the album for their contributions. He also thanked everyone for reading and said that he’d do his best to do the solo portion too since he’s sure everyone is looking forward to it, but that the theme of this album is imagination so he’s not sure if he should.
- KEIICHIRO (Feb 27)
- Koyama posted a selfie that he took during this week’s Kchan NEWS of him wearing a new jersey he bought in Mexico.
- NEWSRING (Feb 27)
- It was Shige’s turn to update
- He asked if everyone had read his liner notes, saying that they were worth writing if they helped those who read it discover new things about it and enjoy the album a bit more.
He also mentioned how the 5th installment of Miacis Symphony is in this month’s anan. He mentioned how Massu’ was on this month’s cover and joked that it wasn’t coincidence, he tried to write on a schedule to make it happen.
He talked about how the tour is 10 days away from starting, so he’s pouring all his strength into making something good and enjoyable.
- WORLDISTA topped the Billboard Japan chart, selling 110,955 copies in the first week. ( Source)
- WORLDISTA also topped the Oricon weekly chart, marking their 11th consecutive chart topping album. This makes them the group with the most consecutive chart topping albums since their first one. ( Source)
- air:man tweeted congratulating them on their new record of most consecutive top albums. ( Source)
- her0ism also tweeted a link to the Oricon article commenting in English, “Big congrats to NEWS!!!! So honored and happy to be a small part of their historic 11th No.1 in a row.” ( Source)
- her0ism also tweeted talking about how he was trying to free up space on his phone since the memory was getting full by getting rid of song notes he made in the voice memos. He found the moment that he created “Ikiro”, he sang for close to 30 minutes and it gradually turned into “Ikiro”. It was an emotional moment and it made him cry again listening to it. He decided he couldn’t erase it and kept it on his phone. ( Source)
- Aoki ana quote tweeted her0ism’s tweet saying that he had respect for her0ism’s talent and hard work and was grateful to him for creating “Ikiro”. He would love to cover this "moment" some day and put his thoughts into words. He said that he’ll never forget how moved he was when he saw “Ikiro” performed on a music program for the first time and how the song makes you feel the “invisible connections” between the NEWS members, fans, in his life, friends, and various things. ( Source)
- her0ism responded by quote tweeting Aoki ana’s tweet thanking him and said he would look forward to that day (that Aoki ana could report on it). ( Source)
- To keep up to date on NEWS’ activities don’t forget to check out the NEWS Schedule at the top of the sidebar!