Dear Chankapaana !
As some of you might already know, Zopp san, talented NEWS and Tegomasu songs writer, just released his first book: 「1 + 1 = Namida」. I would be really interested in buying it, but my japanese level is still too low. I asked Zopp san on twitter if he was thinking about translating his book in english and here is his awnser : ''there is no plan to release English version. However, if there are many request ,,, it may be....''
So I would want to know who would be willing to buy and read his book if it was to be translated in english !
1. Sign this ONLY if you are willing to buy the english version of 「1 + 1 = Namida」.
2. If you know people who would be interested in reading and buying the english version of this book, please share the link of this petition.
3. Even if we get a lot of signs, the english version ISNT assured ! The final decidion will go to Zopp san and the publisher.
4. DONT vote more than one time. We want real results !
CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PETITION : Zopp san wrote lyricks for many songs of the Johnny's entertainment's goups like : テゴマス, NEWS, Kis-My-Ft2, 山下智久, Sexy zone, etc. For the complete listing, I invite you to consult his official blog : Here is the trailer of the book : I think that having a english version of his book might be easier to get because he speak english. If THIS can work we could create a petition for Shige's books too !!!!! I just thought about the one of Zopp's book because it got released this week !!
Dont forget to share this links to all your friends that might be interested to read this book !!! ( And not only in NEWS fandom !!! )