Myojo 2007-12 Shige: A grown up love story?

Oct 21, 2007 21:53

This had me staring in disbelief at the screen at first. *laughs* I just had to translate it!

Written by Katô Shigeaki - a grown up love story?

"A sweet smell"

I can hear the sound of the water as my girlfriend is taking her shower. I'm lying on my back on the bed and slowly close my eyes. Until now, we have played with each other hundreds of times, and in my mind, I see my girlfriend's face and body. Her round black pupils, her small and firm body. And her hair which looks black, but turns brown when the sun is streaming through it...

After a while, my girlfriends steps out of the bath, a towel wrapped around her. I hurry to turn my attention back to the present, and turning to her I start to talk.

"Come here, sit down. ... no, that's not an order. I just want you to sit close to me."

Instead of an answer, my girlfriend sits down on the bed next to mine with a smile, letting the towel soak up the water from her skin. The sweet smell from her shampoo softly tickles my nose which is sensitive to smells more than anyone else's.

"Whenever we come here, you become even more beautiful than before."

When I throw the words over my shoulder as I let the dryer blow my hair, she turns her nude body as if she were embarrassed.

Two years have passed since the two of us became lovers. Everything was favourable for our relationship, but the source of our sorrow is that we cannot go out and meet freely. Basically, we meet once a day when we go out to the park, but I think it would be so great if we could spend more time the way we would like to.

"You also look great. Recently, when we met at the park, your hair had such a shine to it that I barely recognized you."

Saying this, my girlfriend excitedly circles me. It rather appears that she wants to go to the toilet. Speaking of that, when we first met, it was when I was about to take a pee. When I tell that to my girlfriend, an unexpected reply comes back.

"Yes yes! And actually, at that time I had also thought I'd take a pee at that place. That's when I felt that it was fate."

Just at that time, my owner called my name. My girlfriend's owner also fastens the collar around her neck.

With this, the fur trimming is over and the two of us left the beauty salon and returned to our respective homes.


♔ other: translations - DO NOT USE

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