Laura is perfect. She knows exactly what she wants. I don't.
I am having the identity crisis of the century.
More later.
I've decided I can pass for a reformed Southerner, and Virginia seceded from the Union after a lot of other states.
American Cities That Best Fit You:
75% Atlanta
65% Washington, DC
60% Philadelphia
55% Chicago
55% Miami
Which American Cities Best Fit You? Gross! I didn't know I was THIS Southern! And I speak 10% Dixie! I feel like such a Southerner!
"Hang in there, sis. IBs are like IVs, it hurts when it starts but then you get used to it, then they stop and they pull it out of you and you're like "!!!"...But then you're all better and you don't need an IV/IB anymore."
-Sunny (my brother)
"I just want you to know how special you are. You doubt yourself too much."
Sometimes, I love people SO MUCH!