LiveJournal Major Notes: Super-search, spam counter-attack, and other cool stuff!

Oct 22, 2009 17:14

News and Noteworthy: 10.22.09

We're in the process of giving the LiveJournal newsletter a slow, full-body massage. We’ll still keep you posted on key product developments, but from now on we’ll turn more of our attention to you. In the upcoming weeks, we'll expand our focus on original user content, including Writer’s Block responses, photos, and more. If you have fresh ideas about what you'd like to see here, we'd love to hear from you! Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress. For those who crave technical detail, you can join lj_releases to stay in the loop. We look forward to seeing you more often.

After months of research, we're proud to announce a beta release of a state-of-the-art search engine on LiveJournal, powered by the Russian search engine leader, Yandex. When you run a keyword search using our beta search tool at the above URL, it will comb through ALL public areas of LiveJournal pages, including journals, communities, comments, and friend pages, to help you find specific info and other users around the world who share your interests. Rest assured that LiveJournal respects user privacy settings and will only display public content. Just so you know, this is a soft launch. You will still see the old search box on the LiveJournal homepage until we've had an opportunity to work out all the kinks with the new search tool. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Email verifications battle spam
To cut down the amount of spam cluttering your comment pages, inboxes, and friends pages, LiveJournal now requires validated email addresses for all accounts. If you do not have a validated email address, you will not be able to engage in any activity beyond setting up your profile and account settings. In other words, you will NOT be able to send private messages, add friends, post journal entries, community entries, or comments. This is just one of the proactive measures we're employing to reduce spam on LiveJournal. We appreciate your continued patience and support. Together we can can spam!

We've got your trick or treat!
We've added more Halloween vgifts. You can check them out here!

Conquer Writer's Block
Nothing sparks debate like posing a provocative question to the eclectic LiveJournal community. That's why we update Writer's Block daily. You can flex your creative muscles, comment on other responses, or kick back and be entertained. It's also a great way to connect with old and new friends. Now you can add Writer's Block to your friends page or set up a notification to get your daily Writer's Block question on the LiveJournal homepage. Check out excerpts from last week's most popular question!What is your biggest fear? Have you tried to overcome it?
  1. Clowns. And of course not, clowns are gross and scary.
  2. Spiders. Those creepy crawlers just freaked me out.
  3. Bees. The flying fluff balls with stingers on their butts. Don't like them, don't like the sound they make, don't like that they kind of slither and hop when they land like they should be swarming ...
  4. My biggest fear is 2012. I'm terrified of the end of the world ...
  5. I have a fear of being buried alive, speaking in public, spiders, snakes, and sharks.
  6. My biggest fear is to live anonymously and die anonymously. I don't think I can overcome this.
  7. My biggest fear is height. And how do I overcome it? By not looking down.
  8. Not living up to my own expectations.
  9. Being buried alive with rabid, radioactive armadillos.
  10. My biggest fear is that I'll run out of popcorn while I watch LJ discussions unfold.
Spotlight community of the week
For those who think Halloween is a nice day for a black wedding, you'll find tips, photos, and support to help you celebrate your eternal love in wickedelic style.


Introducing photo of the week

Submitted by amyty.

We want to see your stuff! We're working on a formal submission process. In the meantime, if you'd like us to consider your original photo for an upcoming newsletter or homepage spotlight, please post it to LiveJournal and send us a public link using the comments section below.

Hey, thanks for tuning in. We'll see you next week with more product news and community highlights from the wonderful world of LiveJournal!

spam, new search, writer's block notifications, photo of the day, yandex, vgifts, halloween, email verification

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