NaNoWriMo: Over Halfway There
There are only 11 days left until the end of
NaNoWriMo 2007. What's your word count? Will you make it to 50,000 by November 30th? Are you struggling with intricate plot points and complicated characters, or finding the words are just flying onto the page?
Whatever your progress, we hope you're finding the
NaNoWriMo communities, journals, themes and v-gifts on LJ inspiring and motivational. Having a bit of difficulty sitting down and churning out pages? Adding one of the latest
writing themes may help get that keyboard clicking. Or, let us know in the comments about your NaNoWriMo novel and perhaps you'll get an encouraging visit from the V-Gift Fairy.
(From L to R: Typekeys, Typewriter, Inked and Writer's Block.)
Don't forget you can also send your friends one of our
writing-themed V-Gifts to show your support. Choose from one of the four ribbon V-Gifts and we'll send 50% of the net proceeds to the
NaNoWriMo Young Writer's Program.
Got All the Answers?
Enter the Creative Writing Challenge.
Knowing how much the LJ community loves writing, contests, and prizes, when we heard that launched its third
Creative Writing Challenge today, we just had to tell you about it. Use your creative genius to feature ten pre-determined words in an original poem, story, or essay, and win a $100 gift certificate to, as well as a place in the Hall of Fame. Finally, fame and fortune could be yours!
Think you can find a creative way to use words like
ataraxia and
sapid? All you have to do is create an original written expression (any form you want, 750 words max), link the pre-determined words or phrases to the corresponding entry and post your masterpiece on your LJ. Then
fill out the entry form for your chance to win!
This is a great way to learn some new words (or visit with old favorites) and get more traffic to your LJ... As well as win $100 to spend at! Read all the rules and enter to win at
How Are You Getting Your Write-On?
November has un-officially turned into the month intended to inspire writers of all kinds. Whether you're an aspiring Novelist (NaNoWriMo), an avid blogger (NaBloPoMo), or a determined playwright (NaPlWriMo), there's a challenge geared towards helping you create.
Poll November Writing PollPut the Turkey in the Oven... And on Your LJ
Thanksgiving is just a few days away. Why not send a friend our charitable
Give Thanks Turkey V-Gift? All of the proceeds from the turkey go to
Heifer International, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending world hunger. Thus far, you've raised $235.82. That's almost two sheep, or four gifts of trees!
Finally, to those of you who are celebrating it: HAPPY THANKSGIVING. And whatever your November writing project, may the powers of creativity, inspiration, encouragement, and excessive amounts of caffeine help you reach your goals.