October News

Oct 11, 2007 16:54

Trick or Treat: New V-Gifts
Your LJ trick or treaters will love our new V-Gifts. Because, really, who wants candy when he could have a black cat, a spooky ghost, an eyeball in a jar, a voodoo doll, a flying bat or a tombstone? We've also brought back the pre-nibbled candy corn and the flaming bag of poo (because it's not Halloween without a few tricks).

Our treat to Paid Members: A $1 coupon to use on a V-Gift for a friend. We've also implemented a much-requested new feature for Paid Members. You can now filter your journals by security levels. All the details are in paidmembers . Enjoy!

Bewitching New Themes
Based on your feedback from the new themes poll, we created 33 new themes - a few of them quite spooktacular.

Plus Members may use Bookworm, Scraps, Talking Heads and Oddities, while Paid Members have access to all of those, as well as Space, Art Deco, Reading, Spider and janinedog's personal favorite, Scribble Dog Fudge. janinedog is an engineer at LJ and her adorable dog, Fudge (pictured below with Janine), was the canine inspiration behind our new Scribble Dog Fudge theme.

Back in Black
Look what the cat dragged in: The LiveJournal Spreadshirt store now has black shirts!

Community Policy Update
We know many of you are still patiently waiting for a clarification on our community policies and we wanted to let you know that we are working tirelessly to get you the information you want and deserve. Thank you for understanding that this is a complicated matter that deserves serious thought and attention. We hope to be able to update you soon.

Blog Action Day

This Monday, October 15th, is Blog Action Day, an initiative for bloggers to unite and put a single important issue on people's minds. This year's issue: The Environment. Participating is simple: Just write in your journal as your normally would, but with the environment theme in mind. Find out more ways to get involved with this experiment at the Blog Action Day website.

Donors Choose & The Blogger Challenge
Two weeks ago, we invited you to request gift certificates to apply to DonorsChoose.org, the non-profit organization where you can choose classroom projects in need of funding. As we mentioned last week in lj_biz, your response was amazing.

DonorsChoose.org reports that nationwide, participants raised $130,000 during the first six days of The Blogger Challenge. The money raised thus far will provide nearly 10,000 students from low-income families with books, art supplies, technology, and other much-needed educational resources.

On behalf of the students who stand to benefit, we cannot thank you enough. If you created a challenge, the comments are a great place to link to it directly so other LJ users can check it out and contribute. And don't forget, Six Apart is giving awards to the bloggers in the challenge who reach the most number of students. The winners will be announced at the end of the month.

spreadshirt, blog action day, themes, v-gifts, donorschoose

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