Yesterdays, tomorrow, today.

Oct 27, 2006 21:31

Yesterday (Thursday)
Had to get up early because I had college. I was texting Dave, as usual. My first class was First Aid. I had to go and sit on my own (well beside people other than my friends, someone I don't talk to) which I wasn't really bothered about y'know, but Sam came in anyway, so at least I had someone to put a head bandage on =S Anyway. I had to go home at lunch because of lack of money at the moment. When I got back, and was in Biology, Robyn told me she had plenty of money and I coulda just asked her, I don't really like doing that though. We had a good discussion before Peter, our tutor came in (the class is supposed to start at 1:15, but he moved it to half past because he has to get a train, he didn't arrive until ten to two!) it was just about pregnancy and contraception. I shared my experience of thinking I was pregnant last week. Robyn, Gemma and not sure about anyone else have all felt the same. They've taken a test though. It was a really good chat though, one that kinda reassures you in a way. I actually had a biology test. I'm not sure how I done, it was kinda easy but I'm still not sure.

I left college in a good mood. But... then something happened with Dave really. Erm... not going to go into it, but everythings ok now. It was about two things, one small and the other, well we'll just see how that goes. Never mind.

Work was ok. Tried to do some revision for the tests I had today. The revision didn't go to well. Someone from my class came in last night as well! Erm... had some rude customers (one just basically threw the money at me... I was tempted to throw his change back at him... but I'm more calm than that!

Up early again! I sent Dave his morning text, with a picture as well. I had HIV first, we had an assesment. It went quite good, you need 100% to pass, but it was pretty easy. The questions were
1. Name two ways HIV is passed sexually
2. Name four ways HIV is passed through blood
3. Name three ways HIV is passed mother to baby.
Pretty easy really. Most is common knowledge really (the sex one being easiest, I'd say) We then had another assesment after our break, but it was open book (I don't really understand open book assesments myself... but hey I ain't complaining. I would love to pass HIV, I just really like that class!) We had someone come in and talk to us, what raised me concern was, that when we go to do english and maths, its set at Int. 2 level... well I've already got an A (band 1 (the highest you can get) in maths, and a C in higher english... surely I shouldn't be doing them at a level I've passed both. I should be doing them at higher.... so I'll see my course tutor about that. I also went to see about my EMA money (at last!) but... the woman wasn't in. My course tutor thought that was a bit odd too!

Break was good, had a good talk to Amanda about self harm and wanting to commit suicide. She showed me her scars (she doesn't have many) and just talked really. I've never done it myself; the only time I think I would of done it, I couldn't find anything to do it with!)

I went home at lunch again. Bloody money. It ended up pissing down on my way back! My jeans were soaking! Had an assesment which I'm sure I failed. Though, after the assesment, we could just go. Sam and Robyn waited for me =D That might sound stupid, but I'm used to people just leaving me! Anyway, during that break. Michelle mentioned she had a heart murmer, I said I had one too. I have mine because of the hole in my heart. Robyn said "Lucky you" =S Hmm... anyway yeah. It's just a tiny hole and a little murmer, but you can still tell I've got it. When I went for an ECG, or is it an EEG (I dunno I got both done, ones for the brain, the other the heart...) well when I was getting the test on my heart, the nurse got worried incase I didn't know about it, but my mum explained. The brain one was annoying because I had a cough, so every time I coughed the machine went bananas!

After college, well its been pretty boring really. Washed my hair... thats all really. Woo.

better, waited for, dave, long entry, work, self harm, ema, money, comment, problems, college friends, college, good chats, texts, feeling crap, suicide, bored, feeling better, happy, 'pregnant', sex, hiv

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