Sep 12, 2006 23:26
I don't tend to post quizzes anymore. But thought this was good. Especially for new people on my list.
about you]
are you mature? [for your age] - I'd say so, compared to some people anyway
do you like yourself? [personality and looks?] - In a way, I wouldn't honestly change anything about myself, even if I don't like it.
do you dye your hair? why? - Have done, don't like my natural colour
do you wear a lot of make up/change your looks a lot? why? - Not really
why do you dress the way you dress? - Cos I like it.
are you a confident strong person? - Nah
what are your worst personality traits? -I can be clingy (Yes, I'm being truthfu)
do you have any phobias? - Spiders
any illnesses, mental or otherwise? - Yes
are you a giving person? -Can be, but like things in return, y'know tit for tat
are you a clean person? shower every day? - Clean, and usually shower everyday
are you materialistic? - Nah
are you creative? - I have short bursts
logical/practical? - Can be
do you care what people think of you? - Everyone does in way.
why? - Don't know really, don't want to be hated and lonely, then become depressed/insane from lonliness then kill myself.
do you do things because your friends do? - No, but it can encourage you to try things you wouldn't normally (not meaning anything illegal, I mean in a good way)
have you given in to peer pressure? - At some point, everyone has.
are your ideas original or other peoples? - Well, sometimes aye sometimes no
have you smoked/drank/done drugs? - yeah, yeah, no
[your friends]
do any of your friends annoy you? - Everyone annoys everyone at some point.
do you fight with your friends? - Not really
do you have any grudges against any of them? - Nah,
do they have any with you? - Don't think so
have you ever lied to them? - yes
have friendships that ended? - Yes, of course. Who hasn't??
do any of your friends immiate you/copy your ideas/clothes etc? - I was accused of that once because I wore a clasp in my hair the day after someone else did =S
if so does it annoy you when they do? - That time did, yes.
[habits etc]
do you eat a lot of junk food? Yes
fast food? Not really
do you eat fruits and vegies? - Yeah
are you healthy or overweight/underweight? At the moment, probably healthy, but need to lose fat
do you exercise? I walk to and from college (about 20mins away)
do you bite you nails? Nope
any bad habbits? I crack my knuckles
drink/drug/smoke in excess? - Nope
do destructive things? No
cut/harm yourself? No
are you an attention whore? No
or a loner? Yeah
do you brag a lot? No
like to show off? Nah
does it annoy you when other people do? Sometimes
do you crack you knuckles or other parts? Knuckles, can do ankles sometimes
do you love porn? - Nope
are you a sports fanatic? - no
are you obsessive? Not really
are you a shopaholic? Nope, have to be in the mood to shop
do you keep up with trends? - Nah not really
herbavore, omnivore, or carnivore? herbivore
cat or dog person?Dog
[last questions]
do you plan on going to college? Am doing so
if not will you be happy making minimum wage? ...
do you have any regrets? No