Memealicious Monday? I should just quit while I'm behind.

Oct 19, 2009 07:27

A nerd's take on the future of news media - Really interesting diagnosis of two key factors (of many) that are really, really wrong with the Fourth Estate these days, namely trust and curation. "Trust is the new black," says the writer, and he's really onto something.

How was I unaware of Daily Puppy? There goes my workday. PUPPY.

Southland may be close to getting a new home! Fingers crossed several times over.

A very spiffy meme from the very spiffy yeats! Ask me about a missing scene, alternate, new, or future ending, prologue, or scene from another characters point of view in any of the fics I've ever written. I'll write it! Briefly. (Archive or short list)

meme, michael cudlitz style (southland), link-mongering, writing

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