I'm having this very petulant evening going on where I want to do things but I just don't want to, you know?
I tried the front roll with this foam thing I bought at Sally's Beauty Supply. (It's for making chignons, but I cut it down to rat-ish size.) Turns out I've figured the best place to pin it in, but it still wants to sit pretty high on my forehead and it looks less like bangs and more like I'm wearing a tube in my hair.
I still really, really like this cartoon. I'm getting pretty excited thinking about
yuletide. I'm trying to come up with
a list of fandoms to nominate, but really, I want Boomtown, and lots of people are listing Southland, and... hmm. What else would I want? Big Fish, Pleasantville, Bloom County, they're solid bets from past years (though I keep requesting the first two and never see them come Christmas). Anyway, decisions, decisions. I'm looking at my bookshelf: Amelie? Lucifer? Invisible Cities? The Secret History of Moscow? Carnivale? I feel very boring and not terribly obscure. (When it comes to requests, I try very hard to choose fandoms I wouldn't write anyway, so no BoB for me. Though if anyone ever wants to write me BoB fic or fic of any variety, really, you know I'll love you forever.)
Man, I should just find myself something to eat.