I watched "Replacements" last night for the first time in... two and a half months? I worry sometimes about watching BoB too much and having it lose its impact. As it turns out, two and a half months is enough time for me to spend the entire episode shrieking with delight and clutching my comforter during the battle sequences. Johnny Martin! Hashey! HOOBLER. WEBSTER. SECOND PLATOON. BULL. (Obligatory digression: Michael Cudlitz is an incredible actor and does absolutely amazing things with silences.) Even though I know exactly what's going to happen, I was shaking watching it. Good grief, that is a fantastic show. And given that "Crossroads" and "Bastogne" are coming up next, and those two send me into apoplexies of -- well -- I don't think "delight" is quite the right word, but I love them terribly, and that's an awesome thing to look forward to.
It's amazing to see how stories dominate my friendslist from day to day. Yesterday it was Bea Arthur; today it's
swine flu pandemic! I'm also enjoying
some Bill Maher schadenfreude, a great piece on
Dolly Parton, and the fact that it's 69 degrees outside and feels like spring -- God, I love the heat and have missed it. (Yes, I am one of those people who shudder with horror at anyone who declares winter more pleasant because "you can always put on more layers": winter lasts seven damn months in Chicago, and it can go screw itself.)
Also, as you may have guessed from the header, I recently saw the SGA episode "Sunday," which was amazing but which also had me utterly burbling with tears.
The move is nearly complete. I didn't do anything with it yesterday, which was beyond glorious. Now I have a suitcase, into which I plan to stuff all the random stuff that's still left, and some cleaning ahead of me (including the stovetop, which is going to be a pain, but oh well). I spent yesterday ambling around the new neighborhood, and I am loving it so, so much. It reminds me a lot of New York and Pittsburgh, with healthy doses of Hyde Park, and given that it's spring and the flowering trees are coming out and it's finally alive in Chicago again, I'm pretty much on Cloud Nine.