My love, I am the speed of sound

Apr 10, 2009 10:35

Well... I am. Slow news day, and I'm anticipating another exciting day of twiddling my thumbs waiting for pieces to come in for editing. Therefore... a world with no ellipses...'s drabble request time.

Hit me up with a fandom you know I know (BoB/RPF, SPN, HDM, S60, TWW, &c), give me a character (or more), an object, a setting, a crossover, whatever, and I will attempt to write a short gen drabblet in the comments. Note: Sometimes I can't come up with something. It's not you, it's me. If you're one of the ones who never got one back in February, I apologize, and hope this round will be better? I expect to be here through about 3 PM Central, and again this evening, so I will do my best to respond as soon as I can.

9:53 ETA: Whoa! 2655 words later and we're closed. Thank you so much, all! <33333

we few we happy few, crossovers are the spice of life, drabble request, the west wing, dark angel, peer pressure was real (spn), one day this will get me shot

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