Mar 22, 2009 12:40
Okay, when I had insurance in college, that prescription was $10.
Today? $62.45. NOT ON.
1) Clear out the health hazard that is my kitchen sink full of dishes.
2) Acquire employment and health insurance.
3) Fix the freaking American health care system. Lame.
we are so screwed
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Is that for the pill? We have compulsory health insurance over here, but birth control is not included (only if you're under 18 or if it's for health reasons). I paid roughly that amount for three months worth when I was still on it. Or maybe you're talking about something else entirely, then please ignore me :)
It is! But I'd get coverage in Germany, because it is for health reasons. And this was for one month.
There was a push in 1994 for universal health coverage -- that was Hillary Clinton's big thing as first lady when Bill first got into office -- but that turned into... I don't even know. But it failed, and people still talk about how badly that bombed. Obama's talking about it as a central pillar of economic reform, so hopefully something productive will happen soon.
The pediatrician I followed around last year had a great way of dealing with the paperwork. He used to have me start one patient's interview and exam while he finished up the paperwork on the previous patient. It was great--he got all that annoying stuff done and I got to practice actual patient-interaction skills. Then he'd come in and ask all the questions I forgot and fix any mess I might have started. It was great, and the patients still got good care. And, um, that's my story.
So I tell lies :b
I have nearly punched the Oberlin CVS pharmacy worker SEVERAL TIMES.
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