And that entry took 45 minutes to write.

Sep 28, 2008 10:59

Okay, I need to do a massive link-dump. Let's get started!

  • There's been a link on the CNN front page for the past couple of days about how Sarah Palin says we "shouldn't second-guess Israel and its actions." Which, augh. Just makes me go no, stupid, good allies, any good allies, tell each other when they're fucking up! Which is why I was totally delighted to see Sarah Silverman, who I usually don't really care for, make a totally necessary counterpoint.
  • I'm addicted to read dKos comment threads. I've been staying up way too late this week going through them; one of the best has been this one about creationism and ID and other bullshit ways of trying to force religion into classrooms (or at least science out of them). Among the gems: the evolution of clocks and Jesus loves even T-rexes.
  • Won't it be nice to have a First Couple that loves and respects each other as equals? Just -- look at this photo, via birdseyeview: they love each other. Oh my heart, Barack and Michelle. I ship it!

  • Matt Damon made the brilliant point that Sarah Palin is like a bad Disney movie. Someone took him up on the comparison.
  • Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on the state of national politics right now. As you might expect, it's amazing.
  • This one just made me so sick. It's about racism, and it's responding to a NYTimes op-ed about the insidiousness of things we are seeing the GOP's language this year. Small town values, my ass.

    Okay, that's about all I can take of that on a Sunday morning.

  • Lots of interviews with Misha Collins this week -- huzzah! All of the following are despoilered: a fairly superficial one from CW Connect, mostly about why he likes playing Castiel; another from TV Guide; and a more detailed one from Buddy TV, with a lot of discussion about the process of making the character and the show. He continues to impress me -- and I still need to write the requisite TWW crossover.
  • Apparently Season 4 is bringing out the Wrong in people in a big way, and I'm loving it. Last week it was exploding heads; this week, it's breaking seals. Spoilers (ish) for 4.02.

    I saw the fields beyond the fields by tigriswolf
    DA/SPN. Someone wrote Jess as an X5. Which, holy crap, I am so in love with this concept. Like, I want to write it now.
    Ben lowers his head. “You tracked me down to kill me, didn’t you, Jessie?”
    She cannot lie to him. “Yes. But, please… come with me. Let me take you to him. Trust me that long.”

    Offsides by july_july_july
    I actually can't tell you anything about this without ruining the payoff. But the more I think about it, the more I like it.
    And being good at soccer might get you a blue ribbon or two, but it didn’t keep your Dad from coming home during last night’s M*A*S*H re-run looking like he’d been worked over by a fucking biker gang. It didn’t keep your Dad from breaking promises about mixing garage work with work work. It didn’t keep you from having to hold your Dad’s scalp shut while it got stitched up. It didn’t keep you from getting sent to school and soccer practice like there was absolutely nothing wrong at home like your Dad was passed out on the sofa from blood loss and Percoset.

    with apples by regala_electra
    Dean/OFC, NC-17. I'm sorry (or, well, not!), I just love the porn this lady writes. It's not just that it's, wow, porn, but it's sex with characterization and plot and consequences, and that's just the best. There's an emotional suckerpunch to it that means it's not just fucking. I don't read a lot of it, but I'm always pleased to find some that makes me understand Dean a little more. (Does that sound naive? It totally does.)

    Things Hoped For by oxoniensis
    Holy cow, guys, S4 fic is starting! A coda to "Lazarus Rising," Sam POV. Gorgeous.
    Sam's standing in Dean's space. He can see them both out of the corner of his eye, in the hotel mirror. They look like strangers.

    Under the Carpet by fated_addiction [jo. sam. (jo/ofc, jo/dean, jo/sam-ish). general spoilers.]
    Jo and the end of days. Beautiful, spare prose -- and I have thinky thoughts about this: there's a certain style of the really wonderful online fanfic that I'm not sure would fly in print: the short impressionism of the paragraphs, the many breaks. Anyway. This is an incredible piece.
    It’s one of those things that you buy out of the city limits, where the sky is still waving behind the truck and a dollar is just a dollar.

    You Know Who You Are by trollprincess
    This is being thrilled to see trollprincess write more SPN fic! 4.02 asks us to think about the meatsuits the demons wear; this one beat it to the punch.
    You had no pets, no friends. The neighbors gossiped, but not about you.

    A Race Around the Earth by peganix
    I am really excited to see more Ruby fic out there now. This one is just brutal and cruel. She may be helping, but she's still a demon.
    "So, nine deaths in Indiana."
    "They were already dead," Sam starts towards the road, leaving behind the mangled wreck of the car she'd stolen.
    "You sure?" Ruby says. "Because people have lived through demonic possessions before, you know. Remember? You used to save them?"
    "They were dead," Sam says, and keeps walking.

    Trackers by phoenixchilde, for heroes_bigboom
    ...okay, so phoenixchilde has been threatening to do a Heroes/SPN crossover forever. And then she did it, and it was fucking incredible. It's this fantastic take on Mohinder's list, and I cannot begin to tell you how beautifully -- or, well, terrifyingly, in some cases -- how freaking well she writes these voices: Ellen and Sylar and Mohinder and oh man. It combines the intricacies of Heroes with all the mythos and characters of SPN and she pulls no punches and the creepy is just exquisite. Also, snaps to her pacing: the escalations are organic and heart-thumping. So, do yourselves the favor and read it.
    She shrugs; he frowns and thanks her for her time. And Mohinder may be a scientist, but he is also an idealist, and so when he moves on, it's to the next neighbor rather than the next name. From there it's to newspapers and more maps, peppered with hearsay and vague eyewitness reports from motel staff, convenience store managers, and rest stop employees. Stitched together, the pieces form a sketch of a route -- a route that has an irritating, frustrating tendency to dead end without warning as it circles and weaves around itself like a drunkard stumbling across the country.

    He'd say that it does so with no purpose, but that's before he looks over his notes while hunched up in a motel and realizes that it runs through almost every city he's marked out with a dot of yellow highlighter. (The pins and string, with no wall to match, were the first of his research methods to go.) The coincidence makes him wonder, in brief flashes while lingering in gas station lines or grocery stores, until it's superseded by another realization that this line doubles back on one place in particular with nearly four times the frequency as any of the others.

    He supposes that's as close to permanent as he'll get.

    And on a final note -- oh Jensen. You often have hilarious hair. I LOVE YOU LOTS, JENNYBEAN.

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  • dark angel, peer pressure was real (spn), fic rec, political, barack'n'roll, celebrity boyfriends, supernatural: season 4

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