Jeffrey Foucault2)
Feist -- just ignore her rambling at the beginning, I promise it becomes amazing
Tea being healthier than water4)
Jim Beaver4a)
“I remember when Jensen was doing the scene where he’s talking to Sam’s dead body, he kinda wanted some quiet time and we respected that." OH JENSEN.
4b) Jim's descriptions of the boys. JENSEN'S A SWEET GUY. <33333333
5) SPN
being in the RedEye today!
5a) Me writing to Curt Wagner (which will never stop being funny) and thanking him for the mention, and hearing back from him!
6) Having a bunch of political links that are important, but forcing myself not to post because I am just too damn unreasonably happy at the moment.
7) Being about, oh, seventy hours away from the SPN premiere. I WILL NOT HYPERVENTILATE AND DIE FIRST.
What's made you all happy today, friendslist? ♥