All right! My feelings are inflamed! Like ringin' a bell.

Oct 28, 2007 10:03

Do you ever do the thing where you wake up at 8 on a weekend and think to yourself that it's profoundly unfair that you can't manage to sleep in anymore, so you go back to sleep on principle and then have weird-as-fuck dreams about hitching rides on double-decker tour buses and being offered slabs of jerky and somehow not being finished with your Fundies exam and being given boxes of live mussels as a free gift with purchase and finding yourself competing in some sort of beauty pageant where you have to dress in front of the audience, listen to all the other contestants bitch around you, and in the end you can't even get your shoes on so you just walk back and forth half-in these too-small shoes a couple of times and hope no one remembers you?

(Aw honey, don't be so literary!)

Brain, I don't understand. Body, I don't understand. We used to love sleeping in! We could do it at the drop of a hat! What is this bullshit?

Anyway, last night I redid the layout for dragstormaround. I am ridiculously pleased with it, and cannot wait to start NaNo.

Hey, who wants a "Why the hell hasn't this been written yet, except OMG it's so good this time around!" fic rec? Supernatural - Hard Rain's Gonna Fall by erinrua. She wrote Sam and Dean going to Gettysburg and dealing with a ghost haunting Civil War reenactors. It's awesome. I grew up on pretty much the other side of the mountains from Gettysburg, but the landscape and the season are very familiar -- the peaches, just, yes. Add on that I was a Civil War obsessive in fifth grade (for two straight spring breaks in a row I made my parents drive around Northern Virginia so we could visit all the battlefields), and this fic just makes me very, very happy. (As usual, spoiler warnings through Season 3. This show is one worth not being spoiled for, folks!)

(To segue from SPN to Milliways, bodldops has had the most fantastic one-shot plot idea. I don't know who to throw in, especially considering two of my pups are animals anyway, but if the Winchesters get involved? In my head, Sam is totally a Great Dane and Dean is that scrappy mutt with half-floppy ears and a constant grin -- you know you know what I mean. You can see it in his face sometimes, when he's got just a bit of stubble. Ha, oh man -- where is the anthropomorfic in that fandom? Beyond all the werewolf stories, I mean. Like, actually getting turned into furry characters. I say this as a lifelong Redwall fan -- that would be so many kinds of awesome and great.)

Also, pumpkin wine, it should be noted, is strong. That is all.

i never stopped loving this, peer pressure was real (spn), milliways, fic rec, black-eyed blues, nano, dreams

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