Breathe, read on...

Oct 13, 2007 09:42

I sort of feel like I ought to make an update just to stop myself from randomly checking my friendslist over and over, and instead impel myself to go freaking eat something, which will then render me unhungry enough to go to the grocery store and not buy every mildly tasty-looking thing in sight.

I've been up since 8 -- Gollum knows why -- and found myself reading a lot of Islandplot threads. It made me miss renevatio; it also made me wonder how I can get the canon wrapped up (two years after the plot went down) in a big finale and exit post so's I can retire him.

I also found an interesting old post of mine about collage and creativity. I own this woman's book, Russia and Soul, and I keep meaning to read it, but it's very demanding reading, and I've been in the mood for entertainment over enlightenment lately.

Although, speaking of which, I took down The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson the other day, with thoughts of researching a bit for my NaNo novel. The premise is this guy who grew up in the 50's and had that weird, pseudo-idyllic childhood of the era is back in the U.S. after living in England for many years, and he's on the search for the perfect small town. It starts off around the Mississippi River; Iowa and downstate Illinois and Missouri and points south. It's supposed to be witty and incisive, but I actually had to throw the book across the room because it pissed me off so much. "Condescending," "judgmental," and "snide" are not accurate synonyms for "insightful" or "charming." It was the first time I ever really experienced the mythical European disdain for Americans, especially poor middle Americans, and Christ, did it infuriate me. Not to mention that if this guy keeps finding nothing to do and nothing to see in town after town after town, wouldn't that indicate that gee, maybe he's just uncurious and looking for the wrong thing? It's one thing to comment on a dying town with people who don't leave it; it's another to do so without even trying to find any redeeming features, or reasons why that might happen.

I have some fic recs for you! (Though lindensphinx, this is not entirely the post you are looking for. There will be others.)
  • Apt Pupils - Six times the Winchesters taught each other something that apparently had nothing to do with hunting, but it turned out it actually did.
  • The Great Pumpkin Respects Sincerity - Of course Sam is a believer. Of course Dean is pissed off about having to spend Halloween in some crappy apartment while everyone else gets candy. Of course John is off a hunt while Sam decides to take matters into his own hands. Of course!
  • Minus One Day - Five days, five days, five days. It pounds in Sam's ears like his own heartbeat. Spoilers through the end of Season 2.
  • Before You Come In Here With Some Kinda Attitude, You Better Read the House Rules - The title is so great, do you even really need a summary?
  • Spoils to the Victor - Read this this morning. John is middle-aged, and Dean is still growing. Oh. Lovely and mortal.
  • Breathe On, Sister - What constitutes ordinary and extraordinary for the Winchesters is a little bit skewed.
  • book thoughts, rambling, peer pressure was real (spn), milliways, fic rec, black-eyed blues

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