Threading the Needle - Sam had never thought of sewing as women's work. Boom. (Also? I has a Season 1 on DVD for twenty bucks at Target! Even though I do not have a way of watching it. Dammit.)
2) Okay, guys, I am self-pimping. Batya and I poured many hours into this venture, and dang, it came out good.
See these threads? I am immensely pleased with these. These two.
3) So you know how
notboundnow is Jon Spencer? And Jon Spencer is Heavy Trash? And Heavy Trash is beginning a tour in support of
their new, magnificent album?
That's right, folks. You, yes I'm talkin' about you, could see Prometheus up close and very, very personal.
Check it out. (New Yorkers? Heavy Trash is doing a free show at the
Howl Festival this Saturday at 2 PM. THIS LOOK I AM GIVING YOU, IT IS NON-NEGOTIABLE. You will have no excuses!)
Seriously, friendslist. This is going to be amazing. And tickets are cheap! Detroit. Pittsburgh. Washington. Philly. Boston. If... I was possessed of more money, I would follow them to Columbus next weekend. It would be so fine.
If you do go? Get pictures. And most especially? Groping. Please. I entreat you. Tell me how it will be for me. And let me know about character bleed.
Just. Just. Oo, mama, shudder'n'shake! Yeah.