The only thing that has consistently given me nightmares since I was six years old has been the image of the human mummy. But when
a perfectly preserved, 10,000-year old baby mammoth is found in Siberia, I can't stop staring. How amazing is that? They want to clone it, it's so perfectly preserved. I, for one, would be immensely for that. Screw ethics or whatever -- I mean, OMG, mammoth!
Things I need to be writing:
apocalyptothonfutureisoursshakes_that_ficdragstormaroundfantasy_studio ...uh. Dang. Not to mention the XA-TWW fic, the HDM/TWW fic, and numerous other projects.
What should you be writing?
Things for Unlined! Still Water Runs is going to stay open for submissions until the end of the month now (June 27, to be exact), and I appreciate beyond words any and all word of mouth you guys can help with.
Read and pimp the issues! Get writing/drawing/photographing/painting/photomanipping/collaging/creating and show us the worlds you've got in you.
Don't forget to friend
unlinedstories to keep track of the
blog -- which has been updated with something both amusing and provocative just now!